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Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Swedish police lose control amid refugee crisis as number of 'no-go zones' rises to 55

The inflow of asylum seekers in Sweden, a country with one of the most liberal laws towards refugees, is putting an increasing strain on the country's police. There are now reportedly 55 areas in the country, where the law is not fully upheld.

Clinton to Resettle One Million Muslim Migrants During First Term Alone

Dubbed “no-go zones” in some media reports, there are now 55 areas in Swedish cities, where the police have significant problems in tackling crime. They are divided into three categories depending on how significant the risk to officers working there is.

The number has risen from 50 in February, when the police last gave a comprehensive report on the issue, and last week, when the law enforcement agency gave an update. According to media reports, the service is facing a major crisis of self-confidence, with as many as three officers on average asking to resign on a daily basis. Internal polls say four officers out of five have been considering a change of profession lately.

“We have a major crisis. Many colleagues are choosing to quit,” police officer Peter Larsson told the Norwegian broadcaster NRK. “A drastically worsened working environment means many colleagues are now looking for other work.”

If officers go into a no-go zone, they risk being verbally attacked or pelted with stones. Patrol cars may be set ablaze or stolen.

Crime rates in the blacklisted areas are on the rise, the police report said. The offenses range from vandalism to drug crimes to sex assaults and gun violence.

One particular example is Malmo, Sweden's third-largest city, where more than 70 cars were set on fire by arsonists over several days. The police managed to arrest only one suspect while...

Here's To All Of Us Deplorables...

 Let's Roll!

Donald Trump Kills It with Massive Florida Rally: ‘We Have One Magnificent Chance’

Donald Trump scored with a massive rally Tuesday night in Melbourne, Florida before more than 10,000 enthusiastic fans.

Defying cable news pundits who are still going on about his supposed stalemate in Monday’s debate against Hillary Clinton, Trump delivered arguably his greatest speech ever. He made clear exactly what is at stake on November 8th.

“We have 41 days to make our country great again,” Trump said. “You have one magnificent chance and in our opinion our last chance.”

Trump railed against the special interests propping up this country — the ones who all go to the same restaurants and conferences — and vowed that we will once again have a government of, by, and for the people.

“Have you ever seen a greater embarrassment to our country? The people getting rich off the rigged system, and they don’t want it to change, are throwing money at Hillary Clinton,” he said. “She’s an insider fighting only for her donors.”

“They nod along when Hillary slanders you and calls you deplorable and irredeemable. What she doesn’t understand is you’re the greatest people on Earth…You’re smart, you’re sharp. You really want one thing. You want to Make America Great Again.”

Trump took a sideways shot at debate moderator Lester Holt, whom he called...

Figures. Hillary Touts Ex-Miss Universe at Debate… Who Later Became Porn Actress and Accomplice to Murder

On Monday night Hillary Clinton accused Donald Trump of being an insensitive boor for “fat-shaming” Miss Universe Alicia Machado while she was Miss Universe in 1996.

Machado was representing the Miss Universe pageant at the time – which Trump owned.

Machado claimed that she felt humiliated when she was photographed exercising at a gym with Trump watching. He said Tuesday that ‘she gained a massive amount of weight’. (Daily Mail)

In 1998 Alicia Machado was accused of driving her boyfriend from the scene of a murder attempt – at a woman’s funeral.

She was also a porn actress.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Girls With Guns

Remember When Hillary Gave Nuclear Weapons To Muslims?

13 Hours....

Hillary Clinton AGAIN Calls Benghazi Victim’s Mom A Liar

Morons Will Be Morons...

How To Get Away With Money Laundering...

Why Love One But Eat The Other?

Actually We Love Both.
Well... Everyone except Muslims...

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Reince Priebus: ‘Trump Won Tonight’s Debate’

Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus has declared Donald Trump the winner of Monday night’s debate.
“While Donald Trump won tonight’s debate by being the candidate of true change in Washington, Hillary Clinton spent the night championing a broken system which has let the American people down time and again,” Priebus said in a statement following the debate. The statement went on:
Living up to her reputation as dishonest and untrustworthy, she revealed just how willing she is to put her own ambition above being truthful with the American people.
Whether it was evading her flip-flops on TPP, misleading about an uptick in crime, or refusing to answer for her multiple botched foreign policy decisions, Hillary Clinton could not shed her trademark dishonesty and level with the public. 
Donald Trump showed he is the only candidate in this race with the ideas to stimulate our economy, defeat radical Islamic terrorism, and...