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Friday, September 30, 2016

Hillary Thinks Democrats Are Dumb....She;s Right...

FBI notes prove Hillary crony Mills lied about server, and investigators knew it

Kim Strassel’s always-excellent Potomac Watch column is especially good in today’s Wall Street Journal, as it breaks down and exposes clearly how the FBI caught Hillary crony Cheryl Mills in a gigantic lie - and then let her completely off the hook for it.

Mills told FBI investigators that she never even heard of Hillary’s schlock, homebrew e-mail server until after both she and Hillary had left the State Department, and that in fact during the time she worked at State she wasn’t even sure she knew what a server was.

If that sounds like a whopper, well, you know darn well that it is. And so did the FBI, as Jason Chaffetz demonstrated undeniably during his questioning yesterday of FBI Director James Comey. As Strassel explains:
The FBI has deliberately chosen to accept this lie. The notes of its interview with Ms. Mills credulously states: “Mills did not learn Clinton was using a private email server until after Clinton’s tenure” at State. It added: “Mills stated she was not even sure she knew what a server was at the time.”

Which brings us to the hearing’s second revealing moment. Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R., Utah) pointed out that the FBI’s notes from its interview with Clinton IT staffer Bryan Pagliano expose this lie. In late 2009 or early 2010, Mr. Pagliano told investigators, he approached Ms. Mills to relay State Department concerns that the private server might pose a “federal records retention issue.” According to Mr. Pagliano, Ms. Mills told him not to worry about it, because...

Catholic Organization Warns Members About Tim Kaine’s Radical Roots

Hillary Clinton’s running mate Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine believes the Catholic Church will one day accept same sex marriage and women should have unlimited access to abortion, but some Catholic leaders are telling him his views have no place in the church.

Brian Burch of Catholic Vote sent a memo out to its 500,000 person organization and about 1,000 Catholic leaders nationwide describing Kaine’s embrace of liberation theology during his 1980 trip to Honduras on a supposedly “faith-inspired mission to assist Jesuit missionaries serving peasant farmers.”

Burch also discusses Kaine’s reported bus trip to northern Nicaragua to meet Fr. James Carney, an American-born priest who is known for liberation theology and was exiled from Honduras in 1979 for his radical activities and promotion of Marxist ideology.

“I invite all Christians who read this to get rid of any unfair and un-Christian prejudices you have against armed rebellion, socialism, Marxism and...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Girls With Guns

Just A Reminder Fellow Deplorables...

American Values... Restored!

I Believe Her...

Bill Is SAFE.

She's Not Coughing, She's Punking Bill...

MUST SEE VIDEO=> Dirty Liberal Electrocuted Trying to Steal Trump Sign #MAGA

A Trump supporter got tired of having his Trump sign stolen in his yard so he booby-trapped his sign and set up cameras.

See The Video HERE

Crooked Hillary Pay To Play...Still Crooked After All These Years...