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Thursday, October 27, 2016

Iran Takes More Hostages: What Did the US Expect?

  • Another question raised is that while the State Department has long warned American citizens against traveling to Iran, why do some dual nationals, primarily Iranian-Americans, continue to travel to Iran for business or other reasons?
  • The Iranian government has learned that arresting dual nationals and Iranian-Americans not only can lead to the flow of billions of dollars to Iran, but also can ratchet up Iran's political leverage against the US and Western allies.
  • President Obama is dangerously encouraging the Iranian leaders' detaining and arresting dual nationals to extort money and play hardball.

Iran is not only detaining and arresting more Iranian-Americans, but also boasting about it and publicly asking for more money to release them.

Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) pointed out recently: "We should wait and see, the U.S. will offer ... many billions of dollars to release" two particular Iranian-American businessman, Siamak Namazi and his father Baquer Namazi.

According to Alex Shirazi's nuanced profile, Siamak Namazi was one of the intellectual architects of the National Iranian American Council (NIAC), which has been accused of lobbying for the Iranian regime and pursuing policies that benefit themselves and the Iranian regime. Accordingly, the organization was founded "as a way to continuously lobby for the removal of sanctions against Iran and to promote Iran's foreign policy, while combating the pro-Israel sentiment in America, according to documents from a Cyprus convention that featured the two men."

Mr. Namazi worked for Iran's Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning from 1994 to 1996. He also joined a company in...

More Politicized Justice to Protect Hillary

A recently revealed connection between Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, a local Virginia politician and the FBI exposes, at the very least, another deceptive conflict of interest that was likely intended to help protect the viability of Hillary Clinton’s presidential ambitions. These politicians believe they can get away with such actions because they trust that they can count on a complicit mainstream media to cover for their corruption.

A case in point is the funding McAuliffe arranged for Dr. Jill McCabe, the wife of the future deputy director of the FBI, Andrew McCabe. McAuliffe steered nearly $500,000 from his political action committee, Common Good VA, and another approximately $200,000 from the Virginia Democratic Party to Mrs. McCabe for her state senate campaign in 2015. Her campaign had a total budget of $1.8 million, and according to The Washington Post, in 2015 the state allowed candidates to use campaign funds for personal expenses so long as...

Report: Federal Officials Ignore Evidence About Location of Hillary Clinton’s 33,000 Emails

FBI documents show that Hillary Clinton’s missing 33,000 personal emails were copied and stored in at least four previously unknown extra locations, but federal officials are refusing to search those locations, says Paul Sperry, an investigative journalist and author.
For months now, we’ve been told that Hillary Clinton’s 33,000 missing emails were permanently erased and destroyed beyond recovery. But newly released FBI notes strongly suggest they still exist in several locations — and they could be recovered, if only someone would impanel a grand jury and seize them.

The emails were created during Clinton’s use of a home-built and largely unprotected email system for her personal and government emails, and also for her management of the scandal-wracked, foreign-funded foundation while she was working as Secretary of State.

Clinton insists she’s handed over all of the government emails — which actually belong to the taxpayer — and insists she didn’t break the law by...

Italian Villagers Barricade Road To Stop Refugees From Entering Their Town

Residents in an Italian village barricaded the road and refused to let a small group of refugees enter the town Monday night.

The town of Gorino, home to around 500 people, was asked to relocate 12 women and eight children by regional authorities. Almost half the town’s population showed up for a protest ahead of the migrants’ arrival, as they blocked the road with planks of wood and iron bins.

The locals shouted “we don’t want them here” as the bus approached the village, which forced the migrants to leave the town and get resettled in...

Rigging the Election - Video IV: $20K Wire Transfer From Belize Returned

See Part 1 HERE
See Part 2 HERE

See Part 3 HERE

FBI Coverup Entails Half Million to FBI Agent Investigating Clinton

Morning Mistress

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Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Girls With Guns