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Saturday, November 19, 2016

#BoycottHamilton Trends After ‘Hamilton’ Cast Members Harass Mike Pence

The hashtag #BoycottHamilton became a top trend on social media Saturday after cast members from the popular Broadway show Hamilton lectured Vice President-elect Mike Pence from the stage on Friday night.

Pence was apparently booed as he took his seat. As the performance concluded and Pence exited the theater, actor Brandon Victor Dixon lectured him about how a “diverse America” is “alarmed and anxious” about the incoming Trump administration.

“We, sir — we — are the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights,” Dixon said as Pence exited the...

Six Things Every American Should Know About Sen. Jeff Sessions

1: The First U.S. Senator to Endorse Donald Trump for President

Sessions was already familiar with Trump when the developer came to Capitol Hill to testify about proposed renovations to the U.N. headquarters in 2005. Trump argued that the proposed $1.5 billion cost was outrageous estimating that the actual cost could be done with $700 million.

Sessions called Trump’s testimony “a breath of fresh air” and thanked him for showing Congress how to save money.

In September 2015, Trump traveled to Washington D.C. to attend a rally against the Iran deal. He met with Sessions afterward, prompting speculation that the veteran senator was open to endorsing Trump.

In February 2016, Sessions appeared at a rally with Trump in Mobile, Alabama and endorsed him for president, a blow for his senate colleague Ted Cruz who was also running for president.

“I told Donald Trump this isn’t a campaign, this is a movement,” Sessions said. “Look at what’s happening. The American people are not happy with their government.”

In August 2016, Sessions wore a ‘Make Mexico Great Again Also’ hat while Trump outlined his tough positions on illegal immigration.

2: Leading opponent of amnesty:

Sen. Jeff Sessions is undoubtedly the biggest opponent of amnesty for illegal immigrants.

Sessions repeatedly denounced establishment members of both parties who worked hand in hand with top members of the business community as “Masters of the Universe” who worked behind closed doors to plot the legalization for...

Media schizophrenia: You Are Being Lied To...

Every quantum leap in mass communications also made possible a vast improvement in propaganda techniques. Nazi and Soviet propaganda looks as crude to us as a Babbage calculating machine. Virtual reality isn’t something that’s coming. It’s here. It’s been here for a while. The potent combination of media budgets and crowdsourced social media distribution has allowed for a previously unparalleled level of propaganda that creates and inhabits its own virtual reality.

There’s a name for that sort of thing. Schizophrenia.

What happens when the schizophrenic media reality collapses when it comes into too sharp of a conflict with reality is the same behavior that schizophrenics exhibit when their perceptions of the world conflict with the real world.

Propaganda is a very effective tool for managing a population

The people venting and rioting and screaming were living in a cozy reality. Everyone in that progressive reality understood that history was on their side, that the majority was with them and that the right was a decaying mass of racists and corporations soon to be swept away by the tide of change.

But this wasn’t reality. It was a carefully constructed narrative that fooled even the people who were building it. It was a virtual world overlaid over the real world. Its narratives were so integrated with the real world that it seemed as if it were real. There were stories and polls. Everyone in their social media bubble, except a few crazy uncles agreed with...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Crusty Trump...


More Fabulous Vines:

"Because You'd Be In Jail.."

Evil Stuck On "ON"

Hillary Tries To Say Make America Great Again Without Actually Saying Make America Great Again...

To CNN, Burning Down The White Suburbs Is A Call For Peace: War Is Peace, Freedom Is Slavery, Ignorance Is Strength

Watch What He Does With This Vacuum Cleaner Nozzle...

Walmart Fireworks Display: INSIDE WALMART!!

The Cheese Of Truth...

Social Justice Warriors Are Pathetic... #Trigglypuff

Nature Shows Us That Safe Spaces Are An Artificial Construct...

SkateBoard Win..

Dog Terrified Of Tuba Sound...

Late Night Creepy...

Friday, November 18, 2016

Girls With Guns

Collateral Damage - The Left's War On Coal

While I applaud MRC for making this documentary, I cannot help but wonder why this film was released 9 days after the election, rather than 9 days before it... 

Unmitigated Joy And Celebration!

I truly believe that Barack Obama hates this country. He may give it some lip service to preserve his credibility on this but his actions speak for themselves..

The destruction he has already caused may only be matched by what he does in his last few days....

God help us.

Want To Be Free?

Trump’s Amazing Victory Against a Stacked Deck

While the media and the Democrats are in disarray over last week’s elections, it looks like President-elect Donald Trump’s honeymoon is over before it even began. While there may have been a few reports in the past week that were simply factual about Trump’s transition team and process, virtually all of the reports in the mainstream media have been negative and even hostile towards Trump, his transition team and his supporters.

The media meltdown that accompanied Trump’s victory last week has been a sight to behold. How could they have completely missed this outcome?, they wondered. Most of the articles—such as those by The Washington Post(sampling, weighting and voter estimation), The New York Times(misunderstanding major swaths of our country), and Pew Research(underestimating Trump’s support and “non-response bias”)—attempted to explain away their acknowledged failure. Hillary Clinton and her campaign manager John Podesta are blaming the media, and FBI Director James Comey for his public comments on the ongoing investigation into Hillary’s mishandling of classified information.

But this misses the larger point. In spite of a thoroughly biased and corrupt news media and popular culture that worked their collective hearts out to rid the country and the world of what they viewed as an uncouth, dangerous egotistical businessman and reality TV star, a significant majority, as measured through our Constitutional system of the Electoral College, chose Trump over...

BREAKING: Trump Offers Attorney General Position to Sen. Jeff Sessions

There has been a great deal of talk about who would be President-elect Donald Trump’s Attorney General. Rumor had it that Ted Cruz was being considered, but a source within the Trump team recently confirmed that it is not Cruz who will be offered the position.

Jeff Sessions, Senator fro Alabama, will be offered the position of U.S. Attorney General, CBS News is reporting.

The choice does involve....