90 Miles From Tyranny

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Thursday, March 30, 2017

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

YouTube Demonetization Of Conservative Sites..

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Girls With Guns

The Best Way To Hold A Burger...

How To Walk Like A Ninja..

LUNACY: Noam Chomsky Thinks President Trump Might Stage A Terror Attack

Monday the far left site AlterNet published an interview with academic and author Noam Chomsky in which Chomsky warned that President Trump might stage a terror attack on the United States to rally support for his administration. Here’s Chomsky from AlterNet:
I think that sooner or later the white working-class constituency will recognize, and in fact, much of the rural population will come to recognize, that the promises are built on sand. There is nothing there.
And then what happens becomes significant. In order to maintain his popularity, the Trump administration will have to try to find some means of rallying the support and changing the discourse from the policies that they are carrying out, which are basically a wrecking ball to something else. Maybe scapegoating, saying, “Well, I’m sorry, I can’t bring your jobs back because these bad people are preventing it.” And the typical scapegoating goes to vulnerable people: immigrants, terrorists, Muslims and elitists, whoever it may be. And that can turn out to be very ugly.
I think that we shouldn’t put aside the possibility that there would be some kind of staged or alleged terrorist act, which can change the country instantly.

Far left academics like Chomsky say ridiculous things on a daily basis. What makes Chomsky’s comments particularly dangerous is that his comments are accorded more weight by many on the left.

There have been numerous terror attacks on the U.S. in the past few years, including the Boston marathon bombing, the San Bernardino attack, the...

Ninja's And Urinal Etiquette...

Rule #243 of the Urinal

The Taliban Think They Look Like This...

A Really BAD Idea..

You Can Fool The People Some Of The Time...

President Trump Rolling Back Record Number Of Regulations

Donald Trump has made history – again.

The President signed four massive regulatory rollbacks on Monday – courtesy of the Congressional Review Act (CRA) – bringing the total number of rollbacks to seven, or six more than all of his predecessors put together.

The obscure CRA gives Congress 60 days to reverse any new regulation added to the Federal Register by a sitting President. It’s only been used one time before – in March 2001 when President George W. Bush eliminated a rule requiring employers to prevent “ergonomic injuries” in the workplace.

The GOP-controlled Congress passed five such CRA measures under Barack Obama’s administration, but he vetoed each one.

However, President Trump now has seven CRA signatures under his belt, and as Reason Magazine points out, and there are more on the way.

Next up is the “Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces Rule” which bans companies from receiving federal contracts if they ...

The Ultimate Nuclear War Bunker...

More Prepping:

Courthouses Are Safe Spaces for Illegal Alien Felons, ICE Are “Stalkers” Says CA Chief Justice

Courthouses are not places to enforce the law against illegal alien criminals and instituting travel bans against terror nations is a violation of the law, so says a California justice.

One justice – among many – is demanding courthouses and their nearby surroundings be declared sanctuaries.
California chief justice, Tani Cantil-Sakauye, is redefining “the rule of law” to mean there must be no arrests of illegal alien felons in courthouses or their surroundings, calling enforcement a “violation”.

Courthouses are where laws are intended to be interpreted and enforced but she missed that in law school apparently.

The Washington Post article about this woman presented her unlawful opinion as if it were a legitimate complaint against the President.

The author writes: