90 Miles From Tyranny

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Sunday, June 25, 2017

Maxine Waters bars Trump supporters from town hall meeting

Supporters of President Trump were hoping to be a part of Maxine Waters’ town hall meeting in Gardena on Saturday, but they were barred from entering the building.

The Trump supporters received tickets for the event, but were treated as “second class citizens” because they supposedly did not live in her district.

Video from outside the venue shows about 50 Trump supporters waving American flags and Trump banners and chanting, “Let us in!” as they noted that Waters doesn’t live in her own district, either. Police blocked the doors and prevented them from entering.
 The non-constituents were identified with yellow wrist bands.

 “The yellow wrist band means that you are branded that you cannot go in the building,” one woman said. “You are forced to sit outside, even though we registered,” she added. As the Trump supporters tried in vain to...

Morning Mistress

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. McDonald's Canceling McRib Sandwich. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Bill Warner, PhD: Sacred Deception -- Taqiyya

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Girls With Guns

Navy Identifies The 7 Sailor Who Died In USS Fitzgerald Collision..

Meanwhile In England

Oh Wait, Knives Are Illegal In England...

And Then This Happens:

Let's Ban More Things:

It Is Time To Ban Solid Food...

MSNBC's Rachel Maddow Reaches A New Level Of Propaganda With Election Hacking Lies

We Are Not Serfs, We Are Not Slaves...

If government attempts to make people equal, they take away the fruits of the individuals labor.
If an individual is no longer rewarded for working hard, working smart and creating quality output, they will cease to do so.
Everyone will simply show up, productivity will decline, wealth will decline, everyone will be equal in starvation. This is called Socialism.


America is a divided nation and supports two distinct narratives - the narrative of survivors and the narrative of victims.

The survivor mentality created America and is defined by its core values of independence, equality, and freedom. It is supported by institutions promoting growth, independence, sovereignty, and the common denominator of American nationalism. The survivor narrative is the narrative of President Donald Trump.

The victim mentality was created to deconstruct America and is defined by its core values of dependence, inequality, and escape from freedom. It is supported by institutions promoting regression, dependence, internationalism, and the common denominator of globalism. The victim mentality is the narrative of the Left and Liberalism - America’s newest religion. Nationalists and Globalists have irreconcilable differences because their fundamental premises are diametrically opposed to one another. Americans must choose between them.

Liberalism disingenuously presents itself as tolerant because it crosses all racial, ethnic, gender, religious, and socio-economic boundaries. But Liberalism only tolerates those who look differently - Liberalism is completely intolerant of anyone who thinks differently. Liberalism, like any orthodoxy, is tyrannical in its demand for conformity. Its adherents pursue Liberalism’s tenets of political correctness, moral relativism, and historical revisionism with religious zeal and narrow-mindedness.

Liberalism’s intolerance explains its inability to debate or discuss opposing ideas - Liberalism demands censorship and...

This Is A Real Article: Beyond Pro-Choice: The Solution to White Supremacy is White Abortion

Wouldn't it be faster to march white people into ovens?

In a progressive society, it is often white families that stand in the way of equality and justice. Systemic white supremacy depends, first and foremost, on the white family unit. When white conquerors forcefully penetrated the indigenous, egalitarian homeland of the Native peoples of America, they were quick to replicate their white societies, initiating their parasitism by establishing white plantations, headed by white fathers, submissive white mothers, and, most critically, white children, with full dominion over the enslaved and oppressed people of color that were forced to uphold these micro-fiefdoms.

It is no surprise, then, that America’s fascination with the white family unit has gone hand-in-hand with the historical proliferation of white supremacy. After Bacon’s Rebellion, white micro-fieftans thought it necessary to expand the definition of white family to encompass the entirety of white society, so as to coerce the working class to fight amongst itself based on racial lines. Whites are embedded from birth with the sense of common white identity, and this identity conditions them to replicate the white family unit, thus furthering the cycle of white supremacy in America. That is why the white family unit must be destroyed.

In 1973, the Supreme Court, consisting entirely of men, eight of whom were white, ruled that the termination of pregnancy was constitutional up until the third trimester. For decades, progressives have championed this decision as a victory for the cause of women’s rights. However, it is time we challenge this problematic notion.

First of all, it is critical to understand that the appeal to abortions being “Constitutional” reinforces white supremacy. There is no way around it. The Constitution was drafted and signed by white men, for white men. Slavery was Constitutional. The “right” to terrorize citizens through the bearing of arms is Constitutional. So-called “due process,” in which white juries condone the murder of innocent black men, is a Constitutional process. Being Constitutional does not make something progressive or innately valuable. In fact...