90 Miles From Tyranny

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Wednesday, August 9, 2017


NYC, NY (The New York Post) – A violent illegal immigrant who repeatedly sneaked into the US has now been linked to a slew of rapes in the Bronx and Westchester County — but there’s nothing authorities can do about it.

That’s because the statutes of limitations on the rapes expired by the time the suspect’s DNA was tested, likely thanks to a backlog in cases, law enforcement sources told The Post.

“We can’t go back and charge him — it’s screwed up,” a frustrated source said.

Adding to the mess, the victims “might never, ever know his identity’’ because the cases are now considered closed, the source added.

The saga of criminal Ronald Clare Greenland, 54, began when he first sneaked into the US from Jamaica in the 1980s, sources said. He eventually committed crimes from auto theft to arson and even assaulted a cop, spending several stints in prison.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement said it tossed him out of the country in 2009 by putting him on a plane back to Jamaica.

But he somehow stole back into the US and had more run-ins with the law.

In 2015, ICE booted him again.

And again, Greenland sneaked back in.

Then in November, Westchester cops spotted him allegedly...

Investigate Hillary!


Irrefutable Proof That Russia Helped Hillary Lose The Election....

If You Are Cold, They Are Cold Too...

Warm And Tasty!

Triggering The Mentally Challenged Vegans:

I hope you choke on a vegan pizza while crying over a lady gaga song.....

Vegetarian Thanksgiving

Nut Job Vegans Make Website And Threaten Ex-Vegans Tempted By The Fruit Of Another Piece Of Bacon

I hope you choke on a vegan pizza while crying over a lady gaga song.....

Please do not View this Post unless you are a Vegan

Anne Hathaway's Descent Into Madness

Study: Vegetarians Less Healthy, Lower Quality Of Life Than Meat-Eaters

Don't Make A Missedsteak...

Australian City Council Halts Construction Of Synagogue Over Fears That ISIS Could Target It

People living in the West have given up a lot to satisfy their government’s concerns over terrorism. Here in the US for instance, our right to privacy in our homes, on our persons, and especially in our communications, has essentially died since 9/11. Everything we say on our phones or search on the internet is catalogued by the NSA without a warrant, we can’t fly on an airplane without being groped and prodded by TSA agents, it’s now fairly common to be forced through police checkpoints many miles away from any border.

The US isn’t alone in this regard. Across the board, every Western nation has sacrificed essential freedoms in the name of combating terrorism. The only difference is that unlike in the US, most Western nations have sacrificed more speech related freedoms rather than privacy (though all Westerners have lost both rights to some degree). This is especially true in Europe and Canada, where expressing right wing opinions or criticizing Islam is now considered a hate crime, and is believed to be an invitation for more....

Sheep Much?

Fight Big Government...

Sex, Leftist Politics, Meth and Death in West Hollywood

The Los Angeles County Coroner has reported the death of Gemmel Moore, 26, of an accidental meth overdose at 7:22 p.m. on July 27 at the West Hollywood home of high-profile Democratic Party donor and political activist, Ed Buck. The youth’s death reportedly occurred just hours after he left his family in Texas in order to join Buck.

While a case detail report filed by the medical examiner lists the manner of Gemmel Moore’s death as an “accident” and its cause as “methamphetamine use,” the deceased man’s mother told the WeHo Times that something more nefarious may have occurred in the short hours between when her son hopped on a plane using a ticket she says was purchased by the well connected Buck, and the moment he took his final breath.

“I called one of my son’s friends and was like, ‘who the hell is Edward Buck?'” LaTisha Nixon said, speaking from her home in Spring Texas during a phone interview. “And my son’s friend was like, ‘oh my God, that’s that white guy, that wealthy white politician guy… he was like ‘oh my God…’”

“When he calmed down, he told me that Ed Buck was one of my son’s clients and that Ed Buck was one of his clients as well,”
Nixon said. “[Buck] would have my son to go out to… Santa Monica Boulevard looking for young gay black guys so he could inject them with drugs, see their reaction and how [they] would react and take pictures of them.”

Nixon says a detective from the West Hollywood Station of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department who called her following her son’s death said...