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Thursday, August 31, 2017

4 Ways to Change Our Tax Code to Boost Economic Growth

In a national speech on Wednesday, President Donald Trump framed the tax reform debate that will continue to unfold when Congress returns next week.

The president’s vision focused on letting Americans keep more of their own money. Done rightly, this vision can unleash robust economic growth that will benefit all Americans.

America is suffering under the current tax code. It features high rates and endless complexity for most Americans while providing untold opportunities for a privileged few.

The rich can afford accountants and lawyers to navigate the code’s bureaucratic morass while every other American merely files their taxes and hopes for the best.

The president’s vision for a simpler tax code that allows the economy to grow can be realized through four key reforms.

1. Allow full expensing.

The United States has an outdated and overly complex system that makes it near impossible for businesses to deduct the full cost of investments. This current system artificially raises the cost of investing by denying the full deduction, resulting in slower wage growth and less job creation.

Full expensing would allow businesses to deduct all investment expenses from their taxable income immediately, such as the cost of new office space needed to hire additional workers. This simple change could grow the economy by more than 5 percent over 10 years by removing the current tax bias against investment.

It would also greatly simplify tax paying, as businesses would no longer have to track investments over many years for tax purposes—a requirement that costs businesses over $23 billion annually.

The benefits of expensing are not just for large corporations. They are accessible to all businesses, big and small. Expensing must be a primary component of any tax reform plan that emphasizes economic growth and job expansion.

2. Lower the corporate income tax rate.

The United States has the highest corporate tax rate in the developed world, with an average combined federal and state rate of almost 40 percent. Compared to China’s 25 percent or Ireland’s 12.5 percent, the U.S. offers one of the least attractive tax business environments in the world.

Lowering the corporate tax rate to the president’s previously proposed 15 percent and no longer taxing profits earned overseas would largely even the playing field, allowing U.S. firms to compete with foreign firms.

Though it may seem counterintuitive, the burden of the corporate income tax falls almost entirely on workers in the form of lower wages.

Businesses invest money in their workplace so that their employees can be more productive. Part of this investment involves paying higher wages to employees who are able to become more productive. But high corporate taxes discourage this kind of investment in the workplace, thus killing the potential for workers to earn higher wages.

On the flip side of the coin, American households would share in the benefits of a corporate rate cut through higher wages. A corporate tax cut helps all Americans.

3. Lower tax rates for individuals.

To allow Americans to keep more of their own money, tax reform must lower tax rates for individuals. In addition to...

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Florida Election Official Makes Jaw Dropping Admission About Illegals Voting

Voter fraud is real, and Democrats support it because they want to steal elections. Everyone knows it deep down, and now one Florida Democrat has admitted the first half of that truth, if not the second.

The Daily Signal reports that Broward County Elections Supervisor Brenda Snipes has admitted that, per the South Florida Sun-Sentinel’s characterization of her comments, “processes her office [has] been using aren’t perfect and that some noncitizens and felons have voted despite not being eligible—especially right before major elections, when groups are actively registering new voters.”

That admission came over the course of a lawsuit from the conservative American Civil Rights Union, contending that the county’s voter rolls have more registered voters than residents eligible to vote — meaning non-citizens, felons, and other categories of ineligible voters must be voting.

As of Aug. 30, just over half of the county’s 1.18 million registered voters, 595,688, are Democrats, according to county figures. About 21.6 percent of them, 254,966, are Republicans, while 326,405 are not affiliated with a political party, and 3,891 are described as “other” […]

Broward County’s problems reportedly included voter registration lists with 130-year-old voters (or would-be voters, if they were living), felons, duplicate registrations, and commercial addresses listed as residential addresses.

“Snipes said she does not use Social Security death records to check up on extremely old voters—like age 130. She waits for a death certificate to fall in her....

What Did Democrats Do In The First 200 Days?

Feds quickly release Trump lawyer’s emails to liberal group, bury Dem records for years

The Deep State, is an imbedded, corrupt, cleptocracy. We need to drain the swamp to restore equal treatment under the law of all American citizens and the rights of the people to know what their corrupt politicians are up to.

A liberal news outlet waited just four months before a federal agency gave it more than 1,000 pages of a Republican’s emails, while conservative groups’ requests have been ignored for years, according to documents obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group.

Records show the Federal Election Commission (FEC) reviewed more than 4,400 pages of emails related to a Freedom Information Act (FOIA) request filed by Andy Kroll, a reporter with the liberal news outlet Mother Jones. Kroll sought all emails Don McGahn sent between July 2008 through September 2013 while he was an FEC commissioner.

FOIA requestors can ask for priority handling for particular newsworthy or time-sensitive documents, but Kroll did not ask for such treatment, records show. He did not receive the records in time for use in an April article and has not published any stories using information from this FOIA request, the Mother Jones Washington Bureau Chief told TheDCNF.The FEC received Kroll’s request Jan. 30, 2017, and released more than 1,000 pages of McGahn’s emails in June. McGahn became White House counsel 10 days before the request was received.

Meanwhile, the FEC hasn’t released records related to 17 FOIA requests filed more than three years ago, many of which were submitted by...

Black Serial Murderer: ‘Kill all white people’: Suspect in killings of five white men

The 22-year-old man suspected of shooting five middle-aged white men since last year — including four on south Kansas City walking trails — threatened in 2014 to shoot up a school and “kill all white people,” according to court records.

Fredrick Demond Scott, who was charged Tuesday in two killings and named as a suspect in three more, made those statements in January 2014 at Center Alternative School, as documented in a municipal citation for harassment.

Scott, who is black, has been charged with murder in the deaths of Steven Gibbons, 57, and John Palmer, 54. On Tuesday, Jackson County Prosecutor Jean Peters Baker announced those charges, also naming Scott as a suspect in the killings of...

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