90 Miles From Tyranny

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Saturday, September 15, 2018

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #380

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Democrats' recent accusation against Kavanaugh is EVIL.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Girls With Guns

The Empty Chair Is A Bitter Clinger...

Only You Can Prevent Socialist Liars...

I Hope That People Will Just Say I Was "Killed By Bears..."

When You Try To Make The Light But Fail Spectacularly...

More Animated Gifs:

Wrong Wire Faisel

That's Gotta Hurt...

Can You Say, Adrenaline Rush?

I Know There Is A Sun Tzu Quote In Here Somewhere..

It's A Drive Thru Now..

Roof Surfing Fail..

..and don't miss:

The Choice For Florida Governor Is An Easy Choice...

Prosperity vs. Destructive Identity Politics...

The Derangement Party...

Trump Campaign Manager Calls for Investigation into Google After Breitbart Video: ‘Threat to Republic’

Brad Parscale, the 2020 campaign manager for President Trump, recently called for an investigation into tech giant Google following a leaked video of an all-hands internal meeting posted by Breitbart News.

Brad Parscale, President Trump’s 2016 digital campaign manager and 2020 re-election campaign manager, called for an investigation into tech giant Google in a recent tweet following a leaked video published by Breitbart News showing a high level of dismay from Google executives and employees at the election of President Trump along with a number of statements such as “history is on our side” and the “moral arc of history bends towards progress.”

In his tweet, Parscale states that Google believes that they can shape users’ values via search results and online manipulation. Parscale ends his tweet by calling for Congressional hearings and a full investigation into Google and their actions surrounding elections.

Parscale added in a second tweet that Mark Zuckerberg should send Google a gift, as only Google could make Facebook “look like the good guys.”

The leaked video was reported by Breitbart News Wednesday and can be watched in full here. Breitbart News’ Allum Bokhari discusses some of the content of the video in his article, writing:

It was reported earlier this week that Google tried to boost turnout among the Latino population to help Hillary Clinton, only to be dismayed as the usually solid Democratic voting bloc switched to the GOP in record numbers. This video shows a similar level of dismay among Google’s most high-profile figures.
These individuals, who preside over a company with unrivaled influence over the flow of information, can be seen disparaging the motivations of Trump voters and plotting ways to use their vast resources to thwart the Trump agenda.
Co-founder Sergey Brin can be heard comparing Trump supporters to fascists and extremists. Brin argues that like other extremists, Trump voters were motivated by “boredom,” which he says in the past led to fascism and communism.
The Google co-founder then asks his company to consider what it can do to ensure a “better quality of governance and decision-making.”
VP for Global Affairs Kent Walker argues that supporters of populist causes like the Trump campaign are motivated by “fear, xenophobia, hatred, and a desire for answers that may or may not be there.”
Later, Walker says that Google should fight to ensure the populist movement – not just in the U.S. but around the world – is merely a “blip” and a “hiccup” in a historical arc that “bends toward progress.”

In a recent op-ed published in USA Today, Parscale discussed how the Silicon Valley tech firms could pose a real threat to democracy and online freedom. In the article, Parscale notes that as social media has become more popular, tech firms have worked to control what is considered acceptable discussion and discourse online. Parscale states that this is a direct threat to a free society and that the worst offender is...

Dear Mr. President:

Just Do It.

New Strzok Text Messages Exposes FBI Interactions With The Media

A series of text messages revealed this week have generated debate about FBI contacts with the media regarding bombshell stories about the Trump-Russia probe.

The messages, which were exchanged between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, show the embattled former FBI officials discussing the FBI’s contacts with the press regarding stories related to the bureau’s collusion investigation. President Trump and his allies say that the messages show that the FBI planted stories that were damaging to the president and members of his campaign. Trump critics, as well as Strzok’s attorney, have pushed back on that assessment.

“The President and his enablers are once again peddling unfounded conspiracy theories to mislead the American People,” Aitan Goelman, an attorney for Strzok, said in a statement on Tuesday in response to a report that Strzok sent a text message referring to a “media leak strategy.”

The latest message, reported by Fox News contributor Sara Carter, shows Strzok, the former deputy chief of counterintelligence at the FBI, discussing interactions with The New York Times regarding a bombshell report about surveillance activity against...