90 Miles From Tyranny

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Monday, October 29, 2018

Outrage in France after migrant youth stages mock execution of teacher

PARIS-The teenager, who cannot be named for legal reasons, appeared before a youth judge in France this weekend following the disturbing incident filmed and circulated on social media.

The mock execution happened at Branly High School in Creteil, a migrant-populated suburb south east of Paris.

He insisted that the pistol was a fake, and his mock execution of his teacher was a “joke”. But the teacher did not find his antics very funny. She said the intent was to harm her, and she has made a complaint of “violent threats with a weapon”, which is punishable by up to five years in prison.

Even if his weapon was a fake, a legal source close to the case explained, the teenager’s actions were unlawful.

After public outrage, President Emmanuel Macron urged taking “all measures to ensure that what happened is punished, and that this type of behaviour is permanently banned from schools,” the Daily Mail reported. Macron made sure not to mention “racism” in his remarks.

This week, the European Union Parliament passed a motion to demand member-states ban “neo-fascist” parties and called on intelligence agencies to fully co-operate with “anti-racism” NGOs.

The motion also calls for “the protection of community groups and civil society organisations that fight against fascism, racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance”.

The motion was passed by a vote of 355 MEPs, but many MEPs were not present in the 751-seat chamber for the vote. The resolution cited the murder of Labour MP Jo Cox in 2016, as well as the rampage of Norwegian extremist Anders Brevik as reasons for the ban.

The authors also included the French branch of the Identitarian movement Generation Identitaire, because some of its members had been taken to court and convicted of “hate speech”.

It also recommended that anti-hate crime units be set up in police forces across the EU, Breitbart reported.

British independent MEP Janice Atkinson, vice-president of the Europe for Nations and Freedom (ENF) parliamentary group, called it “a very disturbing example of the growing tendency of shutting down free speech under the guise of claiming that the European Parliament is concerned about the growing acceptance of fascism, racism, and...

The Left Goes Full Open Borders

It wasn’t long ago that both sides of the aisle believed America’s border laws should be enforced.

As President Donald Trump pointed out on Twitter, even former President Barack Obama, at least rhetorically, said that illegal immigrants couldn’t be let into the country en masse and without restrictions. (He said that as a senator.)
“We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked and circumventing the line of people who are waiting patiently, diligently, and lawfully to become immigrants into this country,” Obama said.

This dynamic has dramatically shifted, as the American left now increasingly sees any level of border enforcement as beyond the pale.

The migrant caravans originating in Honduras and heading north to the U.S. border are testing just how far the left will go in embracing this new narrative.

The position Obama held just over a decade ago is now considered offensive in some circles. Some are even demanding that the U.S. let the caravan into the United States.

“Every one of these people are coming from a real fear. These are refugees,” Cambridge, Massachusetts Mayor Marc McGovern said, according to the Boston Herald. “These are people who really are facing real problems and we have to let them through.”

The left is sending a message that concern over unchecked immigration is illegitimate.

Yet this is out of step with the American people in general.

Americans are clearly divided when it comes to the issue of immigration. Some want more high-skilled immigrants, others don’t. Some think a wall is necessary for border security, others don’t.

But one thing that Americans tend to agree on, strongly, is the idea that we have a right to control our border and determine who comes into the country. This belief flows from the concept that...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #424

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

The Implications of Immigration

“So Sick Of White People Bullshit And Systemic White Supremacy In USA”-White Girl To Ex-USSR Citizen

Sunday, October 28, 2018


Girls With Guns

This Squirrel Knows How To Find A Nut!

They Be Tryin' ,They Be Failin'

I'm Hatin'.
Keeping It Real Yo.

Disclaimer: The above lingo is simulated lingo and does not reflect the lingo that I linguate in. Cultural appropriation was attempted, however anyone to calls me on it is a little bitch; A whiney little pussy-whipped npc bitch. No socialists were harmed in this mockery of the idiocy of ignorant socialists.