90 Miles From Tyranny

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Saturday, July 20, 2019

Twice-Deported Illegal Alien Charged With Three Murders — Two Were Children

An illegal immigrant from Guatemala, who has twice been deported, was arrested Tuesday in connection to the murders of an Iowa woman and her two children.

Marvin Oswaldo Escobar-Orellana, 31, was arrested after he allegedly shot the family with which he lived in Des Moines, Iowa, and called 911 on himself. Orellana is the suspect in the murder of 29-year-old Rossibeth Flores-Rodriguez and her two children, Grecia Daniela Alvarado-Flores, 11, and Ever Jose Mejia-Flores, 5, according an Associated Press report.

Orellana was deported in both 2010 and 2011, and convicted of illegal entry. He crossed the border around Laredo, Texas, was sentenced to 15 days in jail and ordered not to return — a command by which he did not abide, ICE spokesman Shawn Neudauer confirmed with AP.

Orellana allegedly killed the family after an argument ensued in their shared home, according to the Polk County Sheriff’s Office. He then dialed 911 and allegedly fabricated a story about Rodriguez killing the two children, saying he had to kill her in self-defense, the AP reports.

Investigators are uncertain about why the murders occurred, but they did not buy Orellana’s story.

“That’s probably one of the harder parts for the families and sometimes the first responders is, everybody wants to know why. The community wants to know why this happened, particularly the two precious little kids and the sad part is we...

In The Year 2036, 2036...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #688

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Friday, July 19, 2019

Journalist Travels to Ilhan Omar’s Homeland to Prove Somalia is Beautiful, Gets Killed by Terrorists

Tragedy of cultural relativism strikes again.

A journalist traveled to Ilhan Omar’s homeland of Somalia to challenge stereotypes and prove the country was “beautiful,” only to end up being killed by terrorists.

Before President Trump’s tweetstorm in which he encouraged Omar to go back and fix her own country, Somali-Canadian journalist Hodan Nalayeh was trying to do precisely that.

Nalayeh returned to the country of her birth to tell “uplifting” stories about Somalia, according to the Washington Post.

The journalist became well known for her relentlessly positive tweets about Somalia. Just one week ago, she lauded the “beauty” of the place.

One respondent praised her for “countering the doom narrative propagated by many about Somalia”.

Back to enjoying tea!
Never knew each region has its own tea. This tea is strong 😂
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Your are doing amazing work in countering the doom narrative propagated by many about Somalia, one tweet at a time
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Another Somali writer praised her portraying an image of the country radically different from the stereotype of “victims trapped in a vicious circle of conflicts”.

During a video tour on her YouTube channel of the town of Kismayo, Nalayeh said she was hopeful the area could be rebuilt and revived, “Because this place is beautiful!”

On Friday last week, Nalayeh was killed in that very same town when al-Shabab militants stormed the Asasey Hotel in Kismayo.

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Time Magazine Calls For Migration Brainwashing Courses in Schools

Re-education for the nation.

An article in Time Magazine calls for special courses to be introduced in schools to teach kids that mass migration is a positive thing in order to combat the “extremist” view that it isn’t.

The outlet published an article written by two members of an extremism monitoring group called ISD, which is funded by numerous globalist organizations which all support mass immigration (imagine my shock).

Those funders include the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Google, Facebook, the European Commission and Open Society Foundations (George Soros).

The article frets about how, “Popular support for politicians who build their campaigns around anti-migrant and anti-Muslim themes have surged across the Western world” and “theories such as the “great replacement” and “white genocide” have effectively made their ways into societal and political discourse”.

“We need to proactively expose the one-sided, ill-informed and historically myopic nature of the far-right’s assessment of migration. This could also be done through the introduction of migration-focused courses in schools, alongside digital literacy skills, so that students can brace themselves from the distortion and manipulation tactics employed by extremists,” states the piece.

It’s a fascinating disconnect how the mainstream media can relentlessly report on the demographic decline of white voters (as Axios did today) and that’s OK, so long as it’s framed as a good thing.

But when anyone suggests that such a decline might not be entirely positive, they are immediately smeared as extremists and...