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Thursday, November 14, 2019

Federal judge blocks Trump administration from allowing publication of digital blueprints for 3D-printed guns

A federal judge in Washington has blocked the Trump administration from allowing a small Texas gun-technology company to publish its digital blueprints for 3D-printed firearms online.

U.S. District Court Judge Robert Lasnick in his ruling issued Tuesday said the government violated federal law when the State Department in July 2018 agreed to allow blueprints for 3D-printed guns to be made available on the internet, The Detroit News reported. The agency under former President Obama had previously contended that export laws banning the foreign distribution of firearms should prevent the publication of the blueprints.

The State Department last summer though, reached a settlement with Cody Wilson, who is the owner of Defense Distributed. In 2013, Wilson claimed to have created the first working 3D-printed pistol – called the “Liberator” – and has been fighting for the right to share it online ever since.

Defense Distributed in a lawsuit argued that banning the blueprints was a violation of free speech.

Despite the 2018 legal victory, Wilson faced more push back than ever. Washington D.C., Washington state and 18 other states sued in wake of the settlement, prompting Lasnick to issue a an injunction against the Trump administration and the digital blue prints.

The judge in his 25-page ruling on Tuesday rejected the settlement as “arbitrary and capricious” as well as a violation of the federal Administrative Procedure Act and the Constitution. He additionally noted the U.S. State Department ignored several procedural steps, including giving Congress advanced notice, in overturning the ban.

What’s more, he said the Trump Administration did not “offer a reasoned explanation” for its reversal.

“Given the agency’s prior position regarding the need to regulate 3D-printed firearms and the CAD files used to manufacture them, it must do more than simply announce a...

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Girls With Guns

Which Sign Do You Prefer?

The Little Soda Jerk...


This Is The Right Question To Ask!

Cuban Business Owner Who Fled Communist Cuba Launches GOP Congressional Bid, Dominates GOP Primary Field In Fundraising

Business owner Irina Vilariño, an immigrant who fled communist Cuba with her family as a young girl, has launched a Republican bid for the U.S. House of Representatives in Florida’s 26th District, saying that she was inspired to run after seeing that “the same policies that wrecked my world in Cuba were beginning to take hold in the Democrat Party.”

In an exclusive interview with The Daily Wire, Vilariño highlighted the issues that she cares about the most and what she sees in the Democrat Party that reminds her of communist Cuba.

Vilariño, 43, is the co-owner of Las Vegas Cuban Cuisine restaurants, the first of which “opened in 1984 in Hollywood after her family fled Cuba, and at least a dozen locations are now spread around South Florida,” The Miami Herald reported.

Members of Vilariño’s family, including her father, were locked up as political prisoners in communist Cuba and, at just 4-years-old, Vilariño and her family arrived in Florida during the Mariel Boatlift, an event where a large number of...

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Deval Patrick Fired State Officials To Protect Rapist Ex-Brother-In-Law From Registering As Sex Offender

The Democratic presidential primary’s freshest face, former Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick fired leaders of the Massachusetts Sex Offender Registry in 2014 for trying to register Patrick’s brother in-law for a 1993 California rape conviction.

Earlier this year, Bernard Sigh, Patrick’s ex-brother in-law was sentenced to eight years in prison for raping his ex-wife in a 2017 attack, three years after the head of the Massachusetts Sex Offender Registry Board rose the issue of registering Sigh as a sex offender to Patrick for a prior spousal rape conviction in California. In response, Patrick sacked the official in an effort to avoid having a family member register as a sex offender, calling it a “family matter,” and therefore “marital” rape, according to Stanford Professor Michele Dauber.

Patrick became the latest candidate to officially enter the 2020 Democratic presidential contest this week with less than three months away from...

Don't Be Like Bill....

Leading Migrant Trafficking Agency Urges Catholic Bishops to Push Gun Control at Annual Conference

Their agenda is total war on the Constitution.

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), one of the leading migrant trafficking agencies in the country, is pushing gun control during their annual event this week in Baltimore, MD.

Bishop Frank Dewayne of Venice, FL, who serves as the USCCB’s Committee Chairman on Domestic Justice and Human Development, gave a 20-minute speech at the conference urging bishops to convince their flocks to subvert the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution.

During his presentation, he listed the following “gun policies supported by the USCCB,” which include:
  • assault weapon ban
  • universal background checks
  • limit large capacity magazines
  • federal law to criminalized gun trafficking
  • improved access to mental health care
  • limitations on handguns
  • gun locks and safe storage
  • assessment of violence in media
“Such regulations are helpful, but they will not ban gun violence completely,” Dewayne said. “For that to happen, we need new ways of thinking. At the heart of the epidemic is a shooter. That shooter somehow in some way turns inward on pain or isolation or illusions that it becomes possible to become desensitized to others, that he loses all empathy.”

The USCCB has a long history of supporting gun control. They issued a March 2018 document titled “Backgrounder on a Mercy and Peacebuilding Approach to Gun Violence,” featuring the same talking points. They also exploited the Aug. 4 mass shooting in Dayton, OH to agitate for gun control.

“The USCCB continues to urge a total ban on assault weapons, which we supported when the ban passed in 1994 and when Congress failed to...

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