90 Miles From Tyranny : Obama Administration Spying On Foreign Leaders Being Reported Without Assigning Responsibility To The Current Administration

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Friday, October 25, 2013

Obama Administration Spying On Foreign Leaders Being Reported Without Assigning Responsibility To The Current Administration

The real story here is how the American media (pronounced
propagandists or shills for short), seems to leave out any responsibility for the spying to the Obama administration. Throughout history, leftists have a very consistent record of spying to obtain their radical goals, the Obama administration  is no exception.  The key difference here is that never before has a free press volunteered to suppress information that may be harmful to their chosen one, and in fact to craft a dialog that any state run press would be envious of.

The pervasive extreme left mantra of media, entertainment and information outlets in the U.S. amounts to a tyrannical rule over information that leaves incurious Americans with a single, monolithic world view that skews radically to the left and leaves out any debate on any current political, social or informational current events.

Any political donations to combat the monolithic left media machine is useless without a concerted effort to obtain any semblance of balance in the reporting of news.  

Along with buying up news outlets, investors need to make movies, TV shows, comedies and documentaries with a non-left viewpoint.  Only then can we wholly defeat the left on the political stage.

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