90 Miles From Tyranny : The Daily Gator Lists The 25 Blogs To Follow Right Now Because:

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Sunday, November 10, 2013

The Daily Gator Lists The 25 Blogs To Follow Right Now Because:

This is my list of the 25 most important blogs to follow right now, right now meaning in these times. These blogs are leading the charge against Obamacare, runaway government power grabs, entrenched politicians who care nothing about the Constitution, those who would take our guns, those who would impoverish us all in the name of fighting climate change, radical race baiters, and radical Feminists, and yes, the Islamization movement that would have us bow to Sharia Law. In short these are the 25 best blogs to read if you love America, our Constitution, and liberty!

No, I did not include this blog, although I think it is right up there with those I did list.

As an aside, ALL the blogs on my blogroll rock, and deserve special mention for fighting for our founding principles, so no offense at all is intended to those not listed here. WE appreciate all they do

Click the links to check out what these blogs are covering
Check Out The List HERE

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