90 Miles From Tyranny : On Socialism In America...

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Sunday, April 7, 2019

On Socialism In America...


Kye said...

I'm offended too, Stephanie. But I'm even more offended that you're a Democrat. The very people who have spent eighty years indoctrinating American kids into socialism. Oh, who the hell are they kidding? They were indoctrinating communism not socialism. Let's talk honestly about what the democrat party has become. They left "progressive" and "socialist" a decade ago. Now they are anti American, anti white, anti Christian communists pure and simple.

Mr. Bee said...

In the Republican party she'd be preaching to the choir. When the Vietnamese were brought into this country as refugees, the shoe was on the other foot immigration wise. The Democrats made the most racist noises because the Vietnamese had actual experience with communism and tended to vote Republican. Unfortunately, there weren't enough Vietnamese to counter balance the Mexican/central American invasion after that.

capt fast said...

Mr. Bee is missing the point. democrat party started out as a racist political organization dedicated to the continuation of slavery, and taxation without representation with malice toward all. And nothing about democrats has changed since long before President Lincoln-one of the founders of the Republican Party. there is nothing progressive about democrat political thinking.
democrats do not want to improve the economic and social welfare of anyone in this country. the democrats want everyone to be in equally miserable economic and social welfare straits. democrats have called for improvements of the lot of minorities in this country since before President Kennedy. why is it minorities only gain economic and social ground when Republicans are at the helm? Why do those same gains falter and fail when democrats gain the tiller of state? something smells bad here...