90 Miles From Tyranny : 100 Years Of Socialism/Communism 100 Million Killed...

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Sunday, March 8, 2020

100 Years Of Socialism/Communism 100 Million Killed...


Doom said...

I counted to 120 million, using conservative estimates, back when. I suspect closer to 160 to 200 million, in truth. That excludes muslim stuff (if islam is actually just an officially codified as religious form of socialism/communism). It also doesn't include abortion, but very well could. The US socialists have helped murder 60 to 80 million babies, as one small example. It does include portions of war dead, were it was a socialist/communist nation attacking a free nation or using it's puppet government to attack a foreign people.

Jesse in DC said...

Left out the National Socialists.

Edward Teach said...

You stole my post!

Kye said...

They are being very specific here and just identifying communist victims. If you guys want to include socialist, national socialist and moslem atrocities that's okay but they are just doing communists. I think it should be broadened to include socialists and national (democratic) socialists too.