90 Miles From Tyranny : How To Collapse A Civilization...

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Sunday, August 16, 2020

How To Collapse A Civilization...


Noor al Haqiqa said...

In my family covid has done many things that go against these stats. Two couples who lived together almost only due to the children married because they realize they are actually a tight unit, necessary in these times. Yesterday we were watching the children play and glorying in just what princesses the little girls were and how extremely male the little boys were. And they were all very tight together.

They are deplorably left on the scales when they talk but somehow they are supporting traditions without even realizing how ... reactionary... their behaviours are. But still, even though we were out in the sunshine I personally found the social distancing difficult to maintain but managed. I think.

But I kept it happy and optimistic convo wise. Despite knowing what I know. My ex is so laid back about it all. What can we do? Just sit back and let it be. What will be will be. I have little tolerance for such laid back an attitude. Maybe I like wallowing in my Cassandra Complex.

But man, it does not look good. ANYWHERE.

Ned Eastwood said...

Please don't let me vote Democrat after I die if you do nothing else