90 Miles From Tyranny : WATCH: Man Drives Slowly Through BLM Mob Blocking Gas Station, Gets Out And Buys Gas

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Tuesday, August 25, 2020

WATCH: Man Drives Slowly Through BLM Mob Blocking Gas Station, Gets Out And Buys Gas

A Louisiana man was filmed driving at a snail's pace through a mob of Black Lives Matter agitators blocking a gas station in Lafayette and then casually getting gas as the mob screamed "racist" and other garbage in his face.

The incident appears to have happened on Sunday:

The angry mob could be seen jumping on the back of his truck and screaming that he's a "domestic terrorist.":

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Woodsterman (Odie) said...

You know I want to say it, you KNOW I want to say it! But it did go rather well for all involved.

Justin_O_Guy said...

I keep seeing that Some People view Constitutional conservative, gun owners as bloodthirsty, hateful people just lookin for a reason to shoot people..

If that were true,, the streets would look a lot different ..
And if that old dude was actually a domestic terrorist,, there would be body bags being used today,,
When lefties talk I can Hear the film clacking thru the sprockets of their Projector..
They accuse others of what they are guilty of,and can pass a polygraph, Im sure// I am just certain they actually believe the nonsense they spout.

Cederq said...

I would have spent $200 of gas and a Bic... flame on dudes.

Unsolicited opinion. said...

I was thinking the same thing, just spray them all with gas and dig out a lighter...