90 Miles From Tyranny : Growing Calls for Moving or Boycotting the Beijing Olympics

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Sunday, April 25, 2021

Growing Calls for Moving or Boycotting the Beijing Olympics

A growing number of Western lawmakers and human rights groups are calling for a boycott of the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, in response to burgeoning evidence of human rights abuses against Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang, a remote autonomous region in northwestern China. Human rights experts say that at least one million Muslims are being detained in hundreds of internment camps. Pictured: Senior officials of the organizing committee of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics raise a toast at an event held for international media on April 12, 2021 in Beijing, China. (Photo by Kevin Frayer/Getty Images)

  • "We're dealing with a government of intolerance, dictatorial, brooks no dissent, arrests people at a drop of a hat. I think there's a very strong case to be made that China should not be rewarded for its astonishingly bad behavior." — British MP Sir Ian Duncan Smith, Co-chair, Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China.
  • "We therefore call on governments to boycott the Beijing 2022 Games — anything less will be seen as an endorsement of the Chinese Communist Party's authoritarian rule and blatant disregard for civil and human rights." — A coalition of more than 180 human rights groups, in a letter to the International Olympic Committee.
  • "The IOC's failure to publicly confront Beijing's serious human rights violations makes a mockery of its own commitments and claims that the Olympics are a 'force for good.'" — Sophie Richardson, China director at Human Rights Watch.
  • "We must boycott the 2022 Winter Olympics in China. It would be a terrible loss for our athletes, but that must be weighed against the genocide occurring in China and the prospect that empowering China will lead to even greater horrors down the road." — Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley.
  • "To be clear, I do not support a boycott. Boycotting these games will only hurt athletes who have spent their lives training to represent their country on the international stage. Instead, it should be the position of all democratic nations that the IOC can and should move the 2022 Games to a nation that respects human rights." — U.S. Senator Rick Scott, in a letter to German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
  • "This is not about 'opposing views' between countries. There is no room for a middle ground. Either you make yourself an accomplice by closing your eyes, or you stand up for the values ​​that are close to your heart — such as freedom and democracy." — Glacier Kwong, a human rights activist from Hong Kong who is currently residing in Germany.

A growing number of Western lawmakers and human rights groups are calling for a boycott of the next Winter Olympics, set to take place in Beijing in February 2022.

The calls for a boycott have come in response to burgeoning evidence of human rights abuses against Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang, a remote autonomous region in northwestern China. Human rights experts say that at least one million Muslims are being detained in hundreds of internment camps, where they are subject to torture, mass rapes, forced labor and sterilizations.

Anger is also simmering over China's political repression in Hong Kong, Tibet and Inner Mongolia; its increased intimidation of Taiwan; its threats to its other neighbors; as well as its continued lack of transparency over the origins of the Coronavirus pandemic, which has resulted in the deaths of more than three million people around the world, according Johns Hopkins University.

Boycott options include: 1) moving the Winter Olympics to another country; 2) an athletic boycott — prohibiting athletes from participating in the Games; 3) a diplomatic boycott — barring senior political representatives from travelling to Beijing to attend the opening ceremony; 4) an economic boycott — pressuring multinational corporations to cancel multi-million dollar Olympic sponsorship deals; or 5) a media boycott — limiting television coverage of the Games, thus depriving China of an important propaganda tool in the West.

Regardless of what transpires, China's human rights record is sure to be the focus of increased scrutiny during the months leading...

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Doom said...

Communists suppressing islasmists? We should give them an award (while arming the muslims). An enemy of my enemy, in some cases, is just another enemy. If we went after China for what they do to Christians, that would be another thing. I don't care if they eliminate muslims. There is no saving the damned.

boron said...

as long as we're about it, I can think of quite a few other governments' activities I wouldn't mind boycotting as well, including a few here at home

clayusmcret said...

Careful. The ChiComs already have their next created virus in the barrel awaiting release on the world. Bet on it.