90 Miles From Tyranny : The Most Ridiculous Thing I've Seen So Far Today #5

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Wednesday, February 23, 2022

The Most Ridiculous Thing I've Seen So Far Today #5


The Most Ridiculous Thing I've Seen So Far Today #4


Bigus Macus said...

Stephen King fell down the liberal rabbit hole long ago. I think he might be having some of Slo Joes issues.

Scott said...

Indeed he is.

If he were dealing with Trump, NONE of this shit-show would be happening, and I'd still be paying 2 bucks for gas.

WHEN do we "step off the porch" and go AFTER these ass-wipes?

Formerlib said...

Scariest thing he's ever written.

Doom said...

It is amazing how correct they are, and how wrong they are in it? Incredible. To see the truth and not understand a thing about it must be absolutely infuriating. I can see why they hate so much. I just can't quite grasp, fully, why they see as they do. They can't be that stupid, so it almost has to be evil. Which then leads them to a sort of blindness. I'd like to call it crazy, but it isn't. It's a choice.

Ogrrre said...

Stevie should stick to writing his twisted stories, because he is an abject failure as a comedian.

Rick said...

I drove nearly 500 miles today. The too many a-hole drivers was a given. I noticed on the road and literally everywhere I stopped, the people seemed to be in some kind of a trance. It was like how in a Bond movie Dr Evil sprays a gas which immobilizes everyone or renders them stupid.

Friend, I can't say how many times I was ready to start exterminating. Mind you for the common good. On some level they had to know the hell they were in.

Re: This video. How does anyone think to give airtime to this twit is in shape or form a good idea? Who is the audience? The word salad of this half illiterate sounds manic and barely cohesive in thought, lacking intelligence. I submit the FCC should yank the license of the station for presenting this rude insult to all good people.

Stewart said...


Plumber said...

Putin didn't miscalculate anything. He knew exactly who he's dealing with. A mental midget with dementia.

MMinWA said...

Hard to imagine but there was a time long ago and far away when I looked forward to reading one of his books.

Just can't see a rational person making such an ass of himself by saying something like that in public.

ruralcounsel said...

The effects of brain damage from his accident, no doubt. Or maybe horror writers are always attracted to the worst possible scenario and reject the obvious best response.

tsquared said...

More fiction from Stephen King.