90 Miles From Tyranny : Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #1803

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Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #1803


Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #1802


JG said...

This is why I knew the 2020 election was stolen. I lived in GA and stayed up all night. At the same time across the nation all counting stopped with Trump ahead in the swing states, including GA by a very large amount. Several hours later across the nation the counting started again and without enough time Biden was ahead in the swing states.

Ritchie P said...

Normalize never hiring anyone with an accent or brown skin.....Yeah, sounds racist.... But, they do it to honkeys as well....

kal said...

Dr Kawaoka, bio-weapons designer with multiple grants from Bill Gates. One of the first to identify the covid bug as an engineered bug, at the meeting in Tokyo in January 2020 along with the Dea of the Medical School of the University of Hong Kong.