Three Videos For Your Viewing Pleasure:
- Usually Short.
- Usually Timely.
- Usually Scraped, Gleaned And Pilfered From Social Media.
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Guess I'll scratch the Amazon off my go-to list
That Best Of was the best collection of Steve's FAFO videos I've ever seen.
#5: My wife's from Mexico. I'm white. We were trying to get our son into the "gifted" program in the Miami school district. He took the test and we were told that he scored two points too low for a white person to get into "gifted." "Two points too low for a WHITE person," I asked. I was told "Yes. There's a lower score needed for black or Hispanic kids to get into "gifted." "Why?" I asked. I was told it was because black and Hispanic families put a lower priority on education than whites, so the scores needed to be weighted in their favor. "So their skewed priorities mean my kid has to score higher than they do?" "Yes," I was told. I changed my son's ethnicity to Hispanic on the student info form and he slid right in with a score MUCH higher than needed for a black or Hispanic kid to get in... This is the reverse-racist society we white folk live in now... They won't be happy until we're picking their cotton for free...
Pete, that puts you in the position as plaintiff in a discrimination suit. There are lawyer groups salivating for plaintiffs like you.
This stuff continues until forced to stop.
I grew up in a poor white family. I was last by 6 years and by the time we were out of the house we were lower middle class. We were originally from AZ but I was born in CA in the late 50s.
As we finished HS we were shown the door to find a life. I had worked from the time I was 4 in the summers in AZ with my Grandpa doing landscaping. Once I got past 13 I did it in CA working on lawns and then in restaurants.
When I graduated HS I went to work for the phone company to pay for living and college. I worked on a multiracial crew in the Black slums of South Central LA, which was very dangerous. We all were attacked, there were daily shootings, and weekly killings. I worked there between 75-79 until I finished college and moved. I found the Blacks hurt each other more, then would go after other races.
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