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I had Dr appt today. A new thing is a 4 page survey asking about my mental state, do I engage in risky behaviors, drink heavily or what street drugs I use.
I asked doc about that. He said the feds are pushing this on all patients.
Really quite invasive. But the way the questions are worded, it is as if assumed a patient is at risk of depression and using alcohol and/or drugs to self medicate.
Oh, and the gals at the front desk said I won't see the Dr until after I completed the survey.
Rick it is time to get a new Doctor if they will not see you if you will not complete the form.
I haven't been to an allopath for decades. The AMA went along with the CDC on vaxes, masking, shutdowns, social distancing and boosters. Allopaths "graduate" from medical school with virtually zero time learning nutrition but years learning pharmacology.
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