90 Miles From Tyranny : Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #2287

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Monday, February 3, 2025

Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #2287

Yeah we're runnin' a little hot tonight...
I can barely see the canal from the heat comin' off of it...
I reach down...between my legs....
...ease the canal back..

Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #2286


SiGraybeard said...

LOTS of good news in these!

Rob said...

I have to wonder if the 51 intelligence agents actually planned the public lie to prevent a sitting President from being reelected was a crime of some sort, wouldn't that make it a "conspiracy" ?
Conspiring to break the law is big thing itself.
Martha Stewart didn't go to prison for insider trading, she went to prison for not telling the FBI the same thing every time she was asked.

Dr Galt said...

I think that's why the Bondi and Patel nominations are being held up - the Ds and RINOs are afraid a their pals will be lawfared.

Rick said...

Bob, I reckon RICO (conspiracy) and election interference would apply. Exactly how and what all, I don't know.

Rick said...

DOJ would be lead agency, but other agencies, plus maybe UCMJ would get involved. Civil rights violations and done under color of authority too.

Rick said...

Oops. Sorry, Rob. Rob, not Bob.