Ninety miles from the South Eastern tip of the United States, Liberty has no stead. In order for Liberty to exist and thrive, Tyranny must be identified, recognized, confronted and extinguished.
I listened to a limp-wrist libtard program on NPR today detailing a foreign student with a 9-year-old student visa who got confronted by ICE because she was a leader of a pro-Palestinian and anti-Isreal protest in Columbia U. She ended up running to Canada to avoid being deported. The media was incensed that an "innocent student" would be threatened like that.
When you Google Search student visas, you see that they are for a maximum of 4 years. And a student can petition for an additional two years for a graduate program. That is a max of 7 years... not 9 years. WTF???
Was that before or after Amber Rose endorsed 47 at the RNC? I also kinda remember her in a vote-DJT-baby song video with some tatted redneck gangster wannabe
I listened to a limp-wrist libtard program on NPR today detailing a foreign student with a 9-year-old student visa who got confronted by ICE because she was a leader of a pro-Palestinian and anti-Isreal protest in Columbia U. She ended up running to Canada to avoid being deported. The media was incensed that an "innocent student" would be threatened like that.
When you Google Search student visas, you see that they are for a maximum of 4 years. And a student can petition for an additional two years for a graduate program. That is a max of 7 years... not 9 years. WTF???
Are the celebrities are ranked by IQ?
Was that before or after Amber Rose endorsed 47 at the RNC? I also kinda remember her in a vote-DJT-baby song video with some tatted redneck gangster wannabe
That's a trick question! Everyone knows Hollywood celebrities all have the IQ of a rock......
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