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Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Girls With Guns

Thanks Hillary: Islamic State greatly expands control in Libya: U.N. report

Islamic State has greatly expanded its control over territory in Libya and the militants are claiming to be the key defense for the North African state against foreign military intervention, United Nations sanctions monitors said.

In their annual report to the U.N. Security Council, which was released on Wednesday, the monitors also said Libya has become more attractive to foreign fighters who mainly arrive through Sudan, Tunisia and Turkey.

The United States has carried out air strikes in Libya targeting Islamic State, also known as ISIL. A U.S. air strike in the eastern city of Derna in November killed Islamic State's ...

Imagine For A Moment...

The Way Things Ought To Be...

If You Call One Wolf... You Invite The Pack...

Soldiers of Odin forcefully rescued little girls from groping

Soldiers of Odin intervened and broke up an assault by two migrants on little girls in Finland today. Finnish police afterwards thanked the group for the action.

Soldiers of Odin’s Tampere branch was able to rescue little girls from the hands of migrants today. The assailants spoke very poor Finnish and according to the members of Odin had a Middle Eastern appearance, writes the Finnish newspaper, MV-Lehti.

A group of little girls were being groped and harassed by two migrants outside a local supermarket in Sääksjärvi, near the city of Tampere, in broad daylight today.

Two Soldiers of Odin, who by chance happened to be around, saw what was happening, and stopped the harassment by...

How a Suspected Murderer and Criminally Convicted Illegal Immigrant Avoided Deportation

Before Pablo A. Serrano-Vitorino became the suspect in a murder spree across two states, the man, a once-deported Mexican living in the United States illegally, was convicted of multiple crimes, across different agencies, but still free.

Serrano-Vitorino’s case involved a series of errors that kept him from being detained by federal immigration authorities, and from facing another deportation last year when he should have been removed from the country.

His case, experts say, showcases the precise communication required between local law enforcement agencies, and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), in order to keep tabs on criminally-convicted immigrants living in the country illegally — and how the slightest misstep could lead to tragedy.

“It should not be only ICE’s responsibility to make sure criminally-convicted aliens get on the path to deportation,” said Jessica Vaughan of the Center for Immigration Studies. “It is too big of a job. It sounds like there was an earlier opportunity for this guy to be in custody, and a combination of local agencies not stepping up to report him, and ICE missing the opportunity they had to deport him, gave this man the opportunity to commit these horrific...

WATCH: Trump Rusher Tommy DiMassimo’s Films Feature Torture Porn of Black People

Tommy DiMassimo—the flag-desecrating young man from Ohio whose attempt to get onstage with GOP frontrunner Donald Trump was thwarted by the Secret Service Saturday—is also a budding
filmmaker, whose work is posted on YouTube and often seems to involve images of black people being tortured.

Prior to his newly-found Trump fame, Mr. Dimassimo was a child actor, according to his IMdB resume. His page features a professional-looking headshot of DiMassimo as a youngster and credits including two appearances in 2004 on the series Reno 911 as well as a 2008 credit on the Tyler Perry series House of Payne.

Like many young thespians, Mr. DiMassimo wanted to branch out into producing and directing later in life, prior to branching into Black Lives Matter activism.

Here are couple of Mr. DiMassimo’s own efforts.

Red, Black and Blue is a short film that DiMassimo both wrote and produced in addition to portraying the role of “Killer Cop.”

The movie seems to be about black people murdering police officers after being humiliated and tortured by them. The “teaser” for the film shows a number of young black men being first tortured by police and then....

Trump Calls Out George Soros In New Ad

More Soros:

Soros's Attempt To Control News Coverage Using The FCC Has Been Put On Pause...For Now...

Soros's Attempt To Control News Coverage Using The FCC Has Been Put On Pause...For Now...

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

The CIA Heart Attack Gun...