90 Miles From Tyranny

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Wednesday, June 12, 2019

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #650

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Fresh Protests in Chemnitz after another Muslim migrant stabs another German...

The attack in which an 18-year-old Syrian stabbed a 41-year-old German man with a knife has ignited fresh protests in Chemnitz.

A fight had broken out during a Muslim community street festival on June 8, after a local group, Pro Chemnitz, held a BBQ event nearby, according to local daily Freie Presse.

Hundreds of anti-immigration protesters took to the streets of the city in eastern Germany to protest against the violence.

Police said they were investigating charges of dangerous assault in which a German man sustained a hand injury after a stabbing.

The argument between four men in Chemnitz escalated on Saturday, and the 41-year-old was injured in the hand, the police confirmed on Sunday. There had been a verbal confrontation in the city center between the two groups.

According to police, an 18-year-old Syrian then pulled a knife and stabbed the 41-year-old German. The injured man was taken to hospital and an investigation on suspicion of dangerous bodily injury was launched by law enforcement.

After a report about the stabbing had spread in social media, two rallies took place in the center of Chemnitz on Sunday afternoon. According to police, some 110 people participated in it. There were no crimes reported, the authorities said.

On Saturday in the city center, during an “Interkulturelles Zuckerfest”, some 400 participants had called “for the closure of all slaughterhouses”. At the same time, a rally called “Pork – Pro Chemnitz” was held, were participants grilled whole animals as well as animal heads.

There is however no direct connection between the incident on Saturday evening and the previous meetings, the police said on Sunday, as no offenses had been registered.

During a festival celebrating the city’s founding in 2018, a fight broke out resulting in the death of a Cuban-German man and serious injuries to two other people. Two Kurdish immigrants, one Iraqi, and one Syrian were detained as suspects. The death ignited tensions surrounding immigration to Germany, which had been ongoing since...

Girls With Guns

This Is Why Leftists Want To Silence The Right...

Fight Against Social Media Censorship From The Left...

POTUS Trump gets good news in Pennsylvania: Swing voters are sticking with HIM in 2020

Whether the Democrats eventually nominate former VP Joe Biden or someone else, it’s beginning to look like that candidate can mark Pennsylvania off their list of states to pick up.

That’s because, according to a new focus group finding, swing voters in the state who backed the criminal Obama in 2012 but voted for POTUS Donald Trump in 2016 are lining up to stick with him next year, Axios reported Tuesday.

“Their loyalty is a wakeup call to all 2020 Democrats, but especially Joe Biden, since he’s banking heavily on his ability to win the state,” the site noted.

Biden, Sanders Lead Trump In Battleground State Michigan Poll

“Pennsylvania was crucial to Trump’s victory in 2016, and it’s a key state Democrats are hoping to win back in 2020. These swing voters show the importance of Democratic candidates breaking through in rural areas like Erie if they want to replace Trump,” Axios noted further, adding:

What they’re saying:

Do The Math....

Trump Says Biggest Part of Mexico Deal Yet to Be Revealed

President Donald Trump on Tuesday said part of the migrant deal with Mexico announced over the weekend had yet to be made public, despite denials by top Mexican officials.

“Biggest part of deal with Mexico has not yet been revealed!” Trump tweeted without giving further details. Representatives for the White House could not be immediately reached for comment on Trump’s remarks.

Maria, Dagan, Steve, Stuart V - When you are the big “piggy bank” that other countries have been ripping off for years (to a level that is not to be believed), Tariffs are a great negotiating tool, a great revenue producers and, most importantly, a powerful way to get......
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...Companies to come to the U.S.A and to get companies that have left us for other lands to come back home. We stupidly lost 30% of our auto business to Mexico. If the Tariffs went on at the higher level, they would all come back, and pass. But very happy with the deal I made,...
6,218 people are talking about this
....If Mexico produces (which I think they will). Biggest part of deal with Mexico has not yet been revealed! China is similar, except they devalue currency and subsidize companies to lessen effect of 25% Tariff. So far, little effect to consumer. Companies will relocate to U.S.
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Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard said on Monday that measures agreed with the United States last week to stem the flow of U.S.-bound migrants entering Mexico from Central America will be evaluated after 45 days.

Speaking at a regular government news conference alongside President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, Ebrard said if Mexico managed to reduce the number of people entering the country, it would show steps taken by the Mexican government are working.

On Friday, the United States and Mexico struck a deal to avert a tariff war, with Mexico agreeing to rapidly expand an asylum program and deploy security forces to curb...

The Left Wing Media Keeps Diminishing Itself...

Muslim gunmen slaughter close to 100 innocents in attack on village in Mali

Gunmen killed nearly 100 people in an overnight massacre in Mali, local officials have said, amid a wave of violence in the Sahel region linked to Islamist extremists.

The attackers entered a traditional Dogon village in central Mali under cover of darkness and started “shooting, pillaging and burning”, local media quoted officials as saying. The attackers are believed to belong to the Fulani ethnic group.

Violence between Dogon hunters and Fulani herders has resulted in hundreds of deaths since January. In March, gunmen killed more than 150 Fulani, one of the worst acts of bloodshed in Mali’s recent history.

Sunday’s raid took place in the Sangha district. Ali Dolo, the mayor, told Reuters that 95 charred bodies had been found so far, and the death toll was likely to rise as much of the village was still burning. “He said only 50 of the village’s 300 inhabitants had responded to a roll call.

The violence between Fulani and rival communities has exacerbated an already poor security situation in Mali’s semi-arid and desert regions, which are used as a base by Islamist extremist groups with ties to al-Qaida and Islamic State.

Militants have exploited ethnic rivalries in Mali and its neighbours Burkina Faso and Niger in recent years to win recruits and extend their influence over swaths of territory.

On Monday, there were reports of a fresh attack in...

Socialism, Where Everybody Is Enslaved...