90 Miles From Tyranny

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Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Record For Climate Disaster Predictions Is: 0-41

Leftist Narrative Destruction Picture Of The Day #13

Leftist Narrative Destruction Picture Of The Day #12
Leftist Narrative Destruction Picture Of The Day #11
Leftist Narrative Destruction Picture Of The Day #10
Leftist Narrative Destruction Picture Of The Day #9

Some Phrases Mean Different Things In Different Cultures...

ICE: Illegal immigrant released under "sanctuary" laws murdered teen girl

Another day, another story about an illegal immigrant committing a violent crime.

This time it occurred in Durham, North Carolina, according to Breitbart News. Of course Durham County is a so-called “sanctuary county”, another word for a safe haven for law breaking illegal aliens to take up residence.

In this case it was Jose Bryan Guzman from El Salvador, accused of murdering 19-year-old Marlene Yamileth Portillo-Posada on August 24. Police say Portillo-Posada was strangled to death because Guzman believed she was cheating on him.

Guzman left North Carolina and went to Louisiana in September, where investigators from the Durham Police Department and St. Landry’s Parish Sheriff’s office were able to find and arrest him.

According to law enforcement sources, Guzman is an illegal immigrant who came to the US in September, 2015, most likely under the “DREAM Act”. The DREAM Act of course was designed to allow “children” of illegal aliens to remain in the US, and is a current point of contention with the Trump Administration. More on that later.

Guzman arrived as an Unaccompanied Alien Child and was released into the interior of the country. Guzman remains in...

Bird Eaters Are Often Lazy...

"Fruit Of The Poisonous Tree" - FISA Alterations Could Pose Significant Trouble For FBI

Key Points
  • FBI officials concerned that FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith’s tampered and altered documents to obtain Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Warrant will put into question all the evidence gathered to obtain the warrant.
  • Horowitz referred Clinesmith to DOJ Prosecutor John Durham appointed by Attorney General William Barr for further investigation.
  • Other FBI officials will be wrapped up into Clinesmith’s warrant tampering. Who approved the warrants?
  • Criminal Defense Attorney David Schoen says FBI failed to make immediate correction of any materially false statement or any material omission. “Clearly no such correcting submission was made here.”
  • FBI Lawyer Kevin Clinesmith led the interview on George Papadopolous in February, 2017.
  • Clinesmith was anti-Trump and removed from the Russia investigation.

Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s anticipated report will reveal that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Application warrant was tampered with but the significance of that cannot be understated. It means that Horowitz’s discovery will discredit the bureau’s handling of its investigation into President Donald Trump’s campaign and Russia during the 2016 presidential election and it could make any information discovered during the course of seeking approval for the FISA and after ‘fruit of the poisonous tree',” according to numerous sources who spoke to SaraACarter.com.
“Based on what we know, Clinesmith’s tampering of documents appears to have been significant enough to have played a role in the FISA courts decision to grant a warrant to spy on an American, maybe more than one American,” said a U.S. official, who spoke on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the matter.

“There is concern among the FBI that all the evidence will come into question, as it should – particularly the case of the ‘fruit of the poisonous tree’ that the evidence itself is tainted – if that’s true than anything gained from that evidence might also be tainted. This could be a problem for anyone who approved the FISA as well.”
What we now know is that FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith, allegedly altered an email that FBI officials used to prepare to seek court approval to renew the wiretaps on former Trump campaign advisor Carter Page, as first reported by the New York Times and verified by SaraACarter.com. The extent of the alterations in the FISA application is still unknown but it was significant enough for Horowitz to refer Clinesmith to Connecticut Federal Prosecutor John Durham, who was appointed by Attorney General William Barr to investigate the origins of the FBI’s handling of the probe. Durham’s probe has also expanded to the CIA, of which he has interviewed numerous officers and the Pentagon’s Office of Net Assessment, which paid FBI confidential informant Stephan Halper to collect information on several Trump campaign advisors, as first reported by...

Draining The Swamp Will Have To Overcome Entrenched Resistance...

Closer Look: Why Dr. Fiona Hill Smeared Critics of George Soros

Question: How many Clinton cronies does it take to screw in a lightbulb.

Answer: None — we have to do it because they prefer the cover of darkness.

There may be no fingerprints from Clinton and her cronies on that lightbulb, but their grubby prints are all over the Steele “dossier” and election interference that came from (yes) Ukraine. As mentioned in Friday’s newsletter, “inquiry” witness and passionate George Soros defender Dr. Fiona Hill is well acquainted with some of them.

But were you aware she even got an “advance” copy of the dossier, the day before it was published by Buzzfeed? She got to see it courtesy of Strobe Talbott, who ran the Brookings Institution at the time she was there. And how did he get it? Chuck Ross at the Daily Caller reported on this back in late December 2018.

Dan Bongino, in his podcast Friday, picked up on the same strange testimony from Dr. Hill that we did. Looking at the clip again, it certainly seems that Dr. Hill was prepared for the leading question on anti-Semitism as it relates to criticism of Soros. With no hesitation, she was ready to stand up for him and make that stern little speech about The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, agreeing that everyone who criticizes him must be motivated by at least “a tinge” of anti-Semitism. (Give me a break.) So why would Dr. Hill suddenly be asked a question out of left field (pun intended) about anti-Semitism and Soros? In case we need reminding, Bongino makes the point that nothing Democrats do is unplanned. They surely had a strategy behind this and every other question they asked.

Bongino says this digression during the hearing has to do with Marie Yovanovich and the “do-not-prosecute” list — yes, it exists — sent from George Kent (the one in the bow tie during testimony) to a Ukrainian prosecutor kindly suggesting that they not go down certain roads, including prosecution of a group called AntAC, which is Soros-funded. As John Solomon reported in The Hill, there’s also a link between the FBI and AntAC — as then-FBI official Karen Greenaway, one of the lead investigators in the Paul Manafort case in Ukraine, attended numerous AntAC functions (“as part of her investigative functions,” the FBI later explained), working alongside its executive director and Marie Yovanovich at one event in 2016. Former Ukrainian prosecutor Lutsenko was also in attendance.

Well, was Greenaway there on behalf of the FBI to investigate the Soros organization or to support it? The latter seems more likely, as she actually ended up retiring from the FBI and joining the executive board of AntAC.

Bongino takes a deep dive into the connections between Soros-funded companies and the Obama-era State Department and DOJ, reading from several articles by John Solomon, who has been all over this since long before Dr. Hill took the witness chair last week. (I highly recommend Bongino’s daily podcasts.) The DOJ even opened a case against Ukrainian oligarch Dmitry Firtash, Soros’ business rival in Ukraine, which appears to have cleared the way for Soros to invest $1 billion in...

Imagine If A Republican Tried To Pull Something Like This:

The Media Would Actually Do Their Job!

Placater in Chief? Pope Francis Cites Work of Fiction to Argue Christianity Is Just as Violent as Islam

Ever the apologist, critics say Pope Francis has now gone off the deep end after he cited a work of fiction to argue that Christianity is as violent as Islam.

Jihad Watch reports that Francis quoted from The Song of Roland, an 11th-century fictitious poem, to prove Christians have tried to convert Muslims by the sword just like Muslims have done to Christians for centuries.

"A scene from The Song of Roland comes to me as a symbol, when the Christians defeat the Muslims and line them up in front of the baptismal font, with one holding a sword," the pope recently told an Argentinean inter-religious dialogue group, a Vatican document shows.

"And the Muslims had to choose between baptism or the sword. That is what we Christians did," he declared.

What Francis failed to mention is that Islam explicitly calls for aggression, and its followers are called by religious texts to conquer the world and force the Muslim faith on unbelievers. Anyone who chooses to leave the faith is killed, and that's been the case from the beginning of Islam.

Nowhere in the New Testament or words of Jesus Christ can such a commandment to conquer be found. But this Islamic law has been followed for the past 1,400 years.

Jihad Watch notes Christians also defended themselves against expansionary Islamic marauders from the 7th Century onward as the latter rampaged through the Middle East and Africa, murdering far more Christians than Christians killed Muslims in all the Crusades combined.

And the killing of Christians continues. Christians are being targeted and killed to this day by Muslims in the Middle East and Africa. Most of the world ignores this genocide, including Francis, who insists "it's not fair to identify Islam with violence."

This is only the latest example of the pope's ongoing pattern of defending Islam. He's advanced theological reforms in Catholic schools to promote peace with Islam. He's ignored human rights violations against Christians and others by...

Impeachment Circus, Paid For By YOU!

Paris: Feminists Attack Other Protesters For Highlighting Study Showing 52% of Male Rapists Are Migrants

Women called “fascists,” forced to leave demonstration.

A group of young women highlighting a government study which showed 52 per cent of Parisian rape suspects were foreign nationals were attacked and labeled “fascists” by feminists during a protest in Paris.

Two of the young women’s signs read, “52% of the rapists are foreigners” and “Cologne, Rotherham soon Panam (French slang for Paris).”

The feminists assaulted the women, stole their signs, ripped them up and then chanted, “Feminists, not fascists” and “fascists out,” as the young women were physically intimidated and forced to leave.

"Reminder: we came to this demonstration to denounce the violence against women, and to say aloud what everyone thinks on the profile of the usual attackers … but #NousToutes do not accept all women,” declared Nemesis Nemesis, the group behind the protest.

The signs were in reference to a 2016 study conducted by France’s National Observatory on Crime and Criminal Justice Responses (ONDRP) that found 52 per cent of rape suspects in Paris were “foreign nationals,” a fact acknowledged by left-wing VICE.

The incident served as a reminder of what happened in Cologne after the mass molestation and rape of around 1200 women on New Year’s Eve 2015, predominantly by men of “Arab or North African appearance,” which feminists responded to by subsequently visiting the local migrant center and handing out flowers to migrants while apologizing for...