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Monday, June 24, 2019

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Sunday, June 23, 2019

Deported Illegal Alien Arrested for Allegedly Raping Tennessee Woman

An illegal alien who was already deported from the United States has been arrested on rape charges after returning to Knoxville, Tennessee.

Javier Morales, an illegal alien, allegedly raped a woman in January, pinning her to a wall and sexually assaulting her, according to local police. Before being prosecuted for the rape, the illegal alien was deported back to his native country.

Local officials placed warrants on Morales in the event that he returned to Knoxville. This week, Morales was arrested and charged for the rape after he arrived back in Knoxville after being deported, according to WVLT.

Currently, the illegal alien is being held at the Knoxville County Jail.

The rape case is the latest incident in Tennessee in which American citizens have been reportedly victimized by illegal aliens. 22-year-old Piece Corcoran was killed last year in a crash caused by an illegal alien who has yet to be prosecuted for his death.

Similarly, in April, Debbie Burgess was allegedly killed in Knoxville by an illegal alien driver. That same month, in Shelby County, Tennesee, a five-time deported illegal alien was charged with murdering a four-month-old baby by kicking the child to death. In Dyersburg, Tennessee in January, a pair of illegal aliens were charged with gang-raping a...

Girls With Guns

Hate Speech Is Defined As......

Supercaliforniafragile now isn't it?

We see a once great state dismantling itself with the mental illness of progressivism.

California was once Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.....

Banning Guns Is Just The Beginning Of The Slippery Slope To Complete Madness...

Leftist Media Agitprop...

How Political Correctness Hijacked Trump Inauguration Protesters’ Brains

The Weaponization of Wikipedia

The egregious vandalism and misuse of my biography page by Wikipedia agenda editors continues.

I understand that cases like this matter little except to those who are slandered. However, I would argue that they are important to the extent they represent what’s going on across the increasingly-troubled Wikipedia platform.

Wikipedia has been “weaponized.”

Anonymous political and special interests control pages on behalf of paid clients. Devoted ideologues use their authority on Wikipedia to censor and controversialize ideas with which they disagree. There are attacks, slander, biases, false information and censorship.

In my instance, the Wikipedia editors have violated multiple Wikipedia policies over the years governing matters such as neutrality, slander and attribution.

And there’s nothing anybody can do about it.

The well-meaning Wikipedia editors– and there are many– are simply outwitted and overpowered by the bad guys.

As I have reported and discussed these matters publicly, anonymous Wikipedia agenda editors controlling my biographical page have mounted a campaign to attack me beyond my Wikipedia page.

“To put it bluntly, this is unacceptable behavior,” wrote a Wikipedia agenda editor in discussing my public objections to the false information and slander on my Wikipedia biographical page. “…some action needs to be taken.” (Toa Nidhiki05 01:52, 9 June 2019 (UTC))

Wikipedia editors have long been known to track down, troll and attack those who criticize them.

As I reported in my Full Measure investigation, some Wikipedia editors have even gotten together and tracked down personal details about someone they don’t like, figuring out where they travel, what they do in their spare time, and where they work– even calling their boss on the phone to try to get them in trouble. No kidding.

Not long after the “something must be done” threat against me by the Wikipedia editor, additional false and biased information was edited onto my Wikipedia biographical page, an attack blog was published against me, and Wikipedia interests came after me on Twitter.

The Twitter attackers included a Wikipedia editor @wikigamaliel who calls himself “Gamaliel@ALA” on Twitter.

@Wikigamaliel proceeded to state that he knows “how I feel” and “what I think” about certain topics based on my Twitter followers, whom he called “nutty.” (He received a “like” from @Wikimedia UK regarding his “nutty” comment about my followers. These are Wikipedia’s supposedly neutral arbiters of information.)

When some Twitter users then flagged extensive hate, profanity and bias in @Wikigamaliel’s recent Tweets on many subjects, he deleted some of the Tweets and blocked the users.

But he’s still editing away on my Wikipedia biographical page and, presumably, many others.

The Talk Pages

Wikipedia’s “talk” pages are arcane, to be sure, but they can provide a window into the bias, twisted justifications, and mangled logic used by Wikipedia agenda editors to make sure false and biased information stays on a page… and fair, truthful information is censored.

This is where matters of controversy are supposedly arbitrated and settled. Instead, it’s the place where the agenda editors band together and play games to beat back attempts to...

Sorbo On Illegal Alien Murders...

Kevin Sorbo On "Feminist Hypocrisy"

Google Chrome has become surveillance software. It’s time to switch.

Our latest privacy experiment found Chrome ushered more than 11,000 tracker cookies into our browser — in a single week. Here’s why Firefox is better.

You open your browser to look at the web. Do you know who is looking back at you?

Over a recent week of web surfing, I peered under the hood of Google Chrome and found it brought along a few thousand friends. Shopping, news and even government sites quietly tagged my browser to let ad and data companies ride shotgun while I clicked around the web.

This was made possible by the web’s biggest snoop of all: Google. Seen from the inside, its Chrome browser looks a lot like surveillance software.

Lately I’ve been investigating the secret life of my data, running experiments to see what technology really is up to under the cover of privacy policies that nobody reads. It turns out, having the world’s biggest advertising company make the most-popular web browser was about as smart as letting kids run a candy shop.

It made me decide to ditch Chrome for a new version of nonprofit Mozilla’s Firefox, which has default privacy protections. Switching involved less inconvenience than you might imagine.

My tests of Chrome versus Firefox unearthed a personal data caper of absurd proportions. In a week of web surfing on my desktop, I discovered 11,189 requests for tracker “cookies” that Chrome would have ushered right onto my computer, but were automatically blocked by Firefox. These little files are the hooks that data firms, including Google itself, use to follow what websites you visit so they can build profiles of your interests, income and personality.

Chrome welcomed trackers even at websites you’d think would be private. I watched Aetna and the Federal Student Aid website set cookies for Facebook and Google. They surreptitiously told the data giants every time I pulled up the insurance and loan service’s log-in pages.

And that’s not the half of it.

Look in the upper right corner of your Chrome browser. See a picture or a name in the circle? If so, you’re logged in to the browser, and Google might be tapping into your web activity to...

Democrats Hate A Great Economy...Trump's Great Economy....

44 MORE ARRESTED: “HISTORICAL child sex grooming” in unending Muslim child rape/sex trafficking horrors

The BBC reports, “Detectives investigating claims of historical child sex grooming have arrested 44 people.” These latest arrests center around the time the victims were children in the Dewsbury and Batley areas of Kirklees.
Here is what is never addressed; the underlying belief is the same: non-Muslim women exist for the pleasure of Muslim men. It’s in the Quran: Muslims can take “captives of the right hand” and use them for sex (4:3, 4:24, 23:1-6, 33:50, 70:30).
Four women complained of being abused between 1995 and 2005 when they were aged between 12 and 16.

During the course of an investigation police said they had arrested dozens of people across Bradford, Leeds, Kirklees and other areas of the country.

Those arrested within the past two weeks include 36 men and three women. Five other men were arrested earlier.

West Yorkshire Police, who are dealing with the allegations, said those arrested ranged in age from 39 to 81.

All of the 44 people questioned have been released under investigation.

In a statement police said the allegations of sexual abuse centred around the time the women were children in the Dewsbury and Batley areas of Kirklees.
Det Insp Seth Robinson said: "We hope that these recent arrests reassure our local communities that we are wholly committed to tackling child sexual exploitation in Kirklees, both current and non-recent.

"Child sexual abuse and exploitation is an abhorrent and heinous crime and one which affects some of the most vulnerable people in our society.

"We would urge anyone who has been a victim of sexual abuse, whether recent or historical, to report it to...