90 Miles From Tyranny : Search results for illegal alien

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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query illegal alien. Sort by date Show all posts

Friday, December 29, 2017

Cutting Through the Media’s Falsehoods About ‘Dreamers’

When members of Congress battled over the budget, some threatened to block funding unless Congress provided amnesty to illegal alien Dreamers who benefited from President Barack Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which President Donald Trump announced he is ending.

Conscientious members of Congress should not give in to this threat. Amnesty will encourage even more illegal immigration—just as the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act did.

That bill provided citizenship to 2.7 million illegal aliens. Yet by 1995, another 5.7 million illegal aliens were residing in the U.S. Many of them crossed the border to join their newly legalized friends and family. Others, no doubt, believed that since the U.S. provided amnesty once, it would do so again.

However Congress decides to deal with Dreamers, it should be based on the real demographics of the DACA populace, not the glamorized image typically presented by the media.

Watching television reports concerning Dreamers, one would think that the DACA program applied only to college-educated immigrants who were just a few years old when their parents brought them into the country illegally.

We are led to believe that most are so fully Americanized that they would now have trouble speaking their native language and are all but ignorant of their birth countries’ cultural norms. Thus, we are supposed to believe returning them to their native lands would be a cruel hardship.

In fact, many DACA beneficiaries came here as teenagers. All were eligible for the program as long as they entered the U.S. before their 16th birthday. By that time, there is no doubt that they spoke the language of their native countries fluently and knew their culture intimately.

DACA had no requirement of English fluency, as evidenced by the application form that had a space to list the translator used to complete the form.

The Center for Immigration Studies estimates that “perhaps 24 percent of the DACA-eligible population fall into the functionally illiterate category and another 46 percent have only ‘basic’ English ability.”

Unfortunately, many Dreamers are poorly educated. Only 49 percent of DACA beneficiaries have a high school education, even though a majority are now adults. And while military service could also qualify an illegal alien for DACA, out of the current 690,000 DACA beneficiaries, only 900 are serving in the military.

The Obama administration did not check the background of each DACA beneficiary, despite a requirement that they have no felony convictions and pose no threat to...

Friday, February 15, 2019

Democrats Hate ICE So Much, They’re Protecting Illegals Caught Trying To Buy Guns

The Democratic Party has long had their sights set on undermining the Second Amendment-protected right of law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms, and have supported a plethora of proposals that would limit or even prohibit that right to certain individuals for a variety of reasons.

Many Democrats have also recently called for the abolition of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, dead-set in opposition to President Donald Trump’s efforts to crack down on illegal immigration and secure the nation from criminal illegal aliens.

But what happens when those two issues — strict gun control versus strict immigration control — come into conflict? As it turns out, Democrats seem to prefer to side with illegal immigrants and oppose ICE over strengthening the gun control laws they themselves have proposed — laws that would alert certain authorities when an individual fails a background check for an attempted purchase of a firearm.

Republican Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz tweeted on Wednesday, “Democrats in the Judiciary Committee just voted against notifying ICE when an illegal alien fails a background check to buy a gun. They hate ICE so much that they’d keep ICE in the dark when illegals try to get guns!”
Democrats in the Judiciary Committee just voted against notifying ICE when an illegal alien fails a background check to buy a gun. They hate ICE so much that they'd keep ICE in the dark when illegals try to get guns!
11.9K people are talking about this

As evidenced by the attached document to Gaetz’s tweet, an amendment to a Democrat-sponsored gun control bill put forward by a Republican would require pertinent law enforcement agencies be notified if any individual failed a...

Monday, August 12, 2019

An Illegal Alien Shot This Man's Son Dead. Now He Hopes to Spare Other Parents His Grief.

Steve Ronnebeck with his children, including Grant at right, in an undated photo. 

An Arizona man whose son was shot and killed by an illegal

immigrant says he doesn’t want another parent to experience the loss he still feels nearly five years later.

“It’s devastating,” Steve Ronnebeck, who lives in Phoenix, says in an interview about the loss of his son Grant, who was killed at age 21 by an illegal immigrant over a pack of cigarettes.

On Jan. 22, 2015, Grant was working the overnight shift at a QuikTrip gas station in Mesa, Arizona, two hours and 56 minutes from the border city of Nogales in northern Mexico.

Ronnebeck says an illegal alien from Mexico, identified as Apolinar Altamirano, came in at 3:45 a.m., asked for cigarettes, and dumped out a jar of change on the counter.

Grant started to count the change, but apparently not fast enough, according to a police report.

Altamirano, then 29, asked why he wasn’t giving him cigarettes, and Grant replied that he had to count the change.

Altamirano then pulled a gun, and Grant offered him a pack of cigarettes “right away,” Ronnebeck says.

“This man at that point shot Grant point-blank in the face, killing him instantly,” Ronnebeck tells The Daily Signal, citing video camera footage. “He then stepped over Grant’s body, grabbed a couple more packs of cigarettes, and walked out the door.”

His son’s murder, he says, spurred him to speak out on the threat that unrestrained illegal immigration poses to America.

Today, Ronnebeck, 52, is on the advisory board of WeBuildTheWall.us, a citizens organization working to raise awareness as well as funds for a wall along the southern border.

“I definitely have learned that I need to fight, not just for him, [but] for other people. I’m not looking to be famous,” Ronnebeck tells The Daily Signal. “I just don’t want this to happen to anybody else. And he gave me that purpose in my life.”

Ronnebeck has two other children: a daughter, now 28, and a younger son, now 19. He laments that Grant’s life ended before it truly began:
He was just starting his life. He had dreams, he had plans. You don’t really realize all the things that you miss until you start missing them. Christmas, the holidays, they’re terrible.

It seems like there’s this four-month period where it starts at about Thanksgiving and then you have Christmas, and then you have...

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Flood of lawsuits to follow wave of illegal aliens?

Illegal immigrants pouring across the border could trigger a wave of lawsuits flooding the U.S. court system for years and costing taxpayers millions, according to legal experts.
The American Civil Liberties Union has already sued the federal government to ensure that each of the 60,000-plus unaccompanied children who have come across the border since November gets taxpayer-funded representation at deportation hearings. But legal advocacy groups who represent illegal immigrants could file additional suits alleging improper treatment at the hands of the government. And with the system overwhelmed, there’s little doubt corners are being cut.
“You can bet there is a phalanx of left-wing lawyers trying to line up illegal alien plaintiffs,” said Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch.
"The sky’s the limit, it could be a nightmare.”
- Jessica Vaughn, The Center for Immigration Studies
Slow asylum hearing dockets — like those that have already prompted a class action suit on behalf of 40,000 illegal immigrants — are certain to get much worse, experts say. But every interaction between the government and the illegal immigrants pouring in could potentially trigger a cause of action if lawyers can prove the letter of the law was not followed.
Jessica Vaughn, director of policy studies at the Center for Immigration Studies, said there's little the White House can do now that the children — most of whom are from Central America —are already here. Under U.S. law, kids from non-contiguous countries cannot be turned back at the border and must be granted deportation hearings.
“If we start sending these kids back to their home countries, there will be lawsuits galore,” said Vaughn. “We’re already seeing suits for...

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Spike in Illegal Immigration Overwhelms Sheriffs; Families Exposed to Gang, Drug Violence

Local law enforcement agencies nationwide are overwhelmed with criminal activity linked to a huge increase in illegal immigration and families are being exposed to violence associated with drug trafficking and transnational gangs, according to hundreds of sheriffs across the United States. In a letter to President Joe Biden, the law enforcement officials in more than two dozen states blast the administration’s “reckless and irresponsible” open border policies that are exposing innocent citizens to illegal alien violence. Titled, “Help America’s Sheriffs Keep Our Neighborhoods and Communities Safe by Halting Illegal Immigration,” the document asserts that the crisis began when Biden was vice president.

“In a myriad of ways, you and your administration are encouraging and sanctioning lawlessness and the victimization of the people of the United States of America, all in the name of mass illegal immigration,” the sheriffs write. “What is most troubling to America’s Sheriffs is that you and your administration were well aware that this crisis would happen when you ceased construction of the border wall and changed border security policies.” The law enforcement officials continue: “Sheriffs were talking with the Obama/Biden administration about these same concerns that we were experiencing at the time based on the lax policies then being implemented. In fact, America’s Sheriffs attended meetings in Washington with then-Undersecretary of Homeland Security (DHS) Alejandro Mayorkas, who is now your Secretary of Homeland Security. You and he are fully aware of what illegal immigration does to our citizens, legal residents and our communities.”

Among the letter’s signatories are sheriffs in Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Nebraska, Nevada, North Carolina, and Texas to name a few. Even sheriffs, who are typically elected to head county law enforcement agencies, in states that broadly offer illegal immigrants sanctuary signed the letter. They include several in California, Colorado, Massachusetts, Oregon, New Jersey, Illinois, Oregon, and Vermont. “You may imagine how violated America’s Sheriffs feel that you unleashed a predictable crisis upon our nation that puts those we promised to protect at risk of grave danger,” the cops write to the commander-in-chief. “America’s Sheriffs will not defy our oaths. We will not join with those who suggest that we ignore existing laws in collusion with those elected officials who arbitrarily feel that they should be excused from...

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

270K Criminal Aliens Booked into Texas Jails in 7 Years, Says State

Law enforcement officers in Texas placed more than 270,000 criminal aliens in local jails since June 1, 2011, according to state data. The mostly illegal aliens allegedly committed more than 284,000 criminal offenses including homicides, assaults, burglary, drug offenses, theft, robbery, sexual assault, and other sexual offenses.

A report recently released by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) states that between June 1, 2011, and October 31, 2018, law enforcement officers arrested more than 270,000 criminal aliens — more than 182,000 of which were identified as illegal aliens by U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The report states they allegedly committed more than 284,000 crimes. Those include:

530 homicide charges;
31,658 assault charges;
5,575 burglary charges;
35,956 drug charges;
386 kidnapping charges;
15,528 theft charges;
23,037 obstructing police charges;
1,621 robbery charges;
3,339 sexual assault charges;
2,108 sexual offense charges;
2,865 weapon charges.

DPS officials stated that those charges resulted in more than 117,000 convictions. The convictions included:

235 homicide convictions;
13,168 assault convictions; 3,083 burglary convictions;
17,413 drug convictions;
165 kidnapping convictions;
6,946 theft convictions;
11,081 obstructing police convictions;
987 robbery convictions;
1,641 sexual assault convictions;
1,124 sexual offense convictions;
1,245 weapon convictions.

Many of the alleged offenses remain under prosecution at this time.

The numbers above apply to the more than 182,000 migrants identified as illegal aliens at the time of their arrest. An additional 10,229 were identified as illegal aliens while incarcerated in Texas prisons. Those later identified as illegal aliens were charged with more than 6,000 additional crimes including:

85 homicide charges;
768 assault charges;
484 burglary charges;
1,266 drug charges;
19 kidnapping charges;
311 theft charges;
636 obstructing police charges;
261 robbery charges;
514 sexual assault charges;
221 sexual offense charges;
154 weapon charges.

These charges resulted in an additional 3,000 convictions for offenses that include:

63 homicide convictions;
462 assault convictions;
329 burglary convictions;
738 drug convictions;
8 kidnapping convictions;
178 theft convictions;
283 obstructing police convictions;
202 robbery convictions;
360 sexual assault convictions;
161 sexual offense convictions;
69 weapon convictions.

DPS officials stated the statistics reflect only arrests and convictions in Texas alleged during the June 2011 to October 2018 timeframe. They do not include criminal records from other states. The figures above only count charges and convictions for those determined to be illegally present in the U.S. Crimes by legal immigrants are not included.

State officials looked further into the criminal histories of these 270,000 criminal aliens. When looking at the migrants’ entire criminal history, the numbers reveal an even larger impact on Texas crime victims.

During their entire Texas criminal career, DPS officials said these 182,000 illegal aliens were charged with more than 452,000 criminal offenses. Those charges include:

1,000 homicide charges;
51,134 assault charges;
14,621 burglary charges;
58,333 drug charges;
678 kidnapping charges;
28,130 theft charges;
40,192 obstructing police charges;
3,432 robbery charges;
5,449 sexual assault charges;
3,335 sexual offense charges;
6,554 weapon charges.

Those charges resulted in more than 209,000 criminal convictions for charges including:

460 homicide convictions;
22,082 assault convictions;
7,572 burglary convictions;
30,288 drug convictions;
274 kidnapping convictions;
13,307 theft convictions;
20,316 obstructing police convictions;
1,892 robbery convictions;
2,873 sexual assault convictions;
1,801 sexual offense convictions;
2,931 weapon convictions.

The numbers above apply to the more than 182,000 migrants identified as illegal aliens at the time of their arrest. an additional 10,229 were identified as illegal aliens while incarcerated in Texas prisons. Those later identified as illegal aliens were charged over their lifetime criminal history with more than 47,000 additional crimes including:

1,929 homicide charges;
5,525 assault charges;
3,653 burglary charges;
6,686 drug charges;
332 kidnapping charges;
2,688 theft charges;
3,721 obstructing police charges;
2,443 robbery charges;
2,937 sexual assault charges;
1,050 sexual offense charges;
1,578 weapon charges.

These charges resulted in an additional 25,000 convictions for offenses that include:

1,136 homicide convictions;
2,777 assault convictions;
1,988 burglary convictions;
3,920 drug convictions;
141 kidnapping convictions;
1,268 theft convictions;
1,682 obstructing police convictions;
1,639 robbery convictions;
1,870 sexual assault convictions;
632 sexual offense convictions;
620 weapon convictions.

“For the purposes of this report, the term ‘criminal alien’ refers to an individual who has...

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Sanctuary City Philadelphia Is Complicit In Child Rape..

The Department of Justice is prosecuting a previously deported illegal alien from Honduras for illegal re-entry while he is in prison for raping a small child after release by the city of Philadelphia.

Illegal alien Juan Ramon Vasquez was previously deported in May 2009 and resurfaced on the radar of U.S. authorities in May 2014 after an arrest in Philadelphia. ICE agents were unable to detain Vasquez and re-deport him, however, because he was released by the city, which has a sanctuary policy for illegal aliens.

Vasquez committed the rape of the child after his release.

“The facts of this case highlight the danger posed by the City of Philadelphia’s decision to disregard ICE detainers and release previously deported aliens from local custody,” said U.S. Attorney McSwain said in a Wednesday statement, adding, “This defendant received a free pass from the City of Philadelphia and its Department of Prisons, headed straight back into our community, and committed a heinous crime he never would have had the chance to commit had the City of Philadelphia complied with...

Tuesday, July 26, 2016


The Remembrance Project’s director Maria Espinoza, speaking for the family members who lost children to illegal aliens, demanded that Democratic Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) be censured for attacking an expert witness testifying to the dangers sanctuary cities pose to Americans.

Gutierrez exploded on Center for Immigration Studies’ Jessica Vaughan after she pointed out that he called the death of Kathryn Steinle ” a little thing” during a Telemundo interview — and three mothers attending the hearing walked out in disgust. Laura Wilkerson, Sabine Durden, and Mary Ann Mendoza explicitly stated their anger and disappointment in Gutierrez in stark terms to Breitbart News. Now, these mothers, along with Espinoza, demand that Democrats in Congress censure him for his cold dismissal of Steinle’s death and his bullying of Vaughan.

Espinoza says Gutierrez must be stripped of his membership on the House Judiciary Committee and personally apologize to the families attending the hearing.

The full letter, obtained by Breitbart News, reads:

I write to you in regard to a recent extreme and deliberately insensitive tirade by a member of the United State Congress unleashed in a public hearing against a female expert witness testifying on behalf of American families whose loved ones have been killed by illegal aliens.
On July 23 of this year, in the House Judiciary Committee hearing on Sanctuary City policies, Luis Gutierrez of Illinois spoke these words to Ms. Jessica Vaughn, the expert witness who was invited guest and a surviving family member whose loved one was killed by an illegal alien. View video.
Gutierrez’s public outrage, apparently provoked by a public recitation of his very own racially and politically-motivated speech trivializing the horrific death of a young woman killed by an illegal alien felon, five times deported, has caused...

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Trump's Immigration Enforcement Big Bang

"This is a law-enforcement agency."

That's what President Trump told Department of Homeland Security staff Wednesday after he signed two executive orders on immigration enforcement.

The fact that he had to say that – and that the assembled ICE agents, Border Patrol officers, and others heartily applauded – tells you all you need to know about how badly Obama gutted immigration enforcement and torpedoed employee morale.

The two executive orders dealt with border and interior enforcement. They are substantive and far-reaching, a change from the pabulum and generalities we usually get from politicians. Some of the directives will have immediate impact, while others will require congressional action and will take time to bear fruit.

Border. The border enforcement order led off with the wall, naturally, calling for "the immediate construction of a physical wall." The definitions section allowed for some wiggle room, saying "‘Wall' shall mean a contiguous, physical wall or other similarly secure, contiguous, and impassable physical barrier."

Though the wall provisions get the press attention, more important might be the other parts of the border directive. For instance, it directs that border infiltrators be dealt with at the border, and not released into the country with a summons to appear in court, often years in the future. The order calls for the construction or contracting of more detention facilities, plus the assignment of asylum officers and immigration judges on site. This represents the termination of what the order itself calls "the practice commonly known as ‘catch and release.'" (Border Patrol union chief Brandon Judd testified last year that more than 80 percent of infiltrators apprehended by the Border Patrol are released into the U.S.)

It also calls for the "proper application" of the law governing the treatment of unaccompanied children who have been trafficked into the U.S. Obama's people used that law (the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008) as a pretext to allow the de facto permanent settlement of thousands of Central American minors who were neither unaccompanied nor trafficked (and often not even minors). Rather than being kidnapped or tricked by what we used to call white slavers seeking fresh meat for the sex trade – the intended beneficiaries of the law – Obama extended its protections to young people coming voluntarily, accompanied by smugglers who'd been paid by their illegal-alien parents in the U.S. This has been one of the main reasons for the surge in border infiltrations in south Texas.

Interior. The order on interior enforcement is also going to have real impact. The part that got the most attention was the directive to cut off funding to sanctuary cities – jurisdictions that take it upon themselves to decide whether an illegal alien's crimes are serious enough to warrant deportation, rather than leaving that judgment up to the federal immigration authorities. (We have a map of them here.)

But there's a lot more there, including restoration of the 287g program, which deputizes local authorities to start the deportation paperwork; reinstituting the successful Secure Communities program to identify immigration violators when they're booked by local cops; and a cutoff of visas for countries that refuse to take back their own citizens when we try to deport them.

Another seemingly minor goal of the executive order will have important consequences: increasing transparency of information. There are to be regular reports on the immigration status of inmates in prisons and jails and weekly reporting of crimes committed by non-citizens, including those instances when sanctuary cities released someone DHS wanted to deport. These statistics will represent an ongoing source of political pressure on sanctuary cities and the anti-borders crowd more generally. The order also specifies that DHS is to stop the Obama-era practice of pretending that the federal Privacy Act applies to illegal aliens, which it specifically does not.

Finally, the interior enforcement executive order includes a matter that genuinely seems close to the president's heart – the families of people who were killed by illegal aliens. It establishes an Office for Victims of Crimes Committed by Removable Aliens, an important change in perspective for DHS. Up to now, DHS has been told its customers are the aliens themselves, which is why Obama created the position of ICE Public Advocate and USCIS Ombudsman, both of them serving as advocates for foreigners trying to get or stay in the U.S. The new victims' services office makes clear DHS's clientele is the American people, not foreigners.

The resonance of the families' plight was clear when Trump concluded his comments to DHS staff with an extended discussion of the victim families, some half-dozen of whom were present and whom he recognized individually, naming their lost relatives in turn. Referring to anti-borders folks who complain that immigration enforcement splits families, he said "they don't talk about American families forever separated from the ones they love." Regarding their role in shining a light on our shamefully lax immigration system, President Trump told them, "I want you to know that your children will not have lost their lives for no reason."

The big thing that was missing from the interior enforcement order was any reference to worksite enforcement or E-Verify. Maybe they will be the subject of future policy directives; the outlines of several more orders have already been leaked, including one addressing visa-tracking and the arrival of people from terror-ridden nations in the Middle East. Vox has drafts of several more that seem legit, including one ending DACA (though why they didn't just suspend processing on Day One, before the order's legal details were fully nailed down, I don't know).

Of course, all this relates only to enforcing the law. Any reduction in legal immigration – which is the most important objective from a jobs or welfare or even security perspective – has to come from Congress. The good news is that Sen. Tom Cotton is apparently working on a bill to...

Tuesday, August 4, 2015


The Remembrance Project’s director Maria Espinoza, speaking for the family members who lost children to illegal aliens, demanded that Democratic Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) be censured for attacking an expert witness testifying to the dangers sanctuary cities pose to Americans.

Gutierrez exploded on Center for Immigration Studies’ Jessica Vaughan after she pointed out that he called the death of Kathryn Steinle ” a little thing” during a Telemundo interview — and three mothers attending the hearing walked out in disgust. Laura Wilkerson, Sabine Durden, and Mary Ann Mendoza explicitly stated their anger and disappointment in Gutierrez in stark terms to Breitbart News. Now, these mothers, along with Espinoza, demand that Democrats in Congress censure him for his cold dismissal of Steinle’s death and his bullying of Vaughan.

Espinoza says Gutierrez must be stripped of his membership on the House Judiciary Committee and personally apologize to the families attending the hearing.

The full letter, obtained by Breitbart News, reads:
I write to you in regard to a recent extreme and deliberately insensitive tirade by a member of the United State Congress unleashed in a public hearing against a female expert witness testifying on behalf of American families whose loved ones have been killed by illegal aliens.
On July 23 of this year, in the House Judiciary Committee hearing on Sanctuary City policies, Luis Gutierrez of Illinois spoke these words to Ms. Jessica Vaughn, the expert witness who was invited guest and a surviving family member whose loved one was killed by an illegal alien. View video.
Gutierrez’s public outrage, apparently provoked by a public recitation of his very own racially and politically-motivated speech trivializing the horrific death of a young woman killed by an illegal alien felon, five times deported, has caused...

Monday, February 27, 2017

Previously deported illegal charged with murdering girlfriend, kidnapping in Connecticut

On Friday, an illegal alien who has previously been deported was charged with murdering his girlfriend and kidnapping their 6 year old daughter in Connecticut, this just two days after the governor declared the state a ‘sanctuary state.’

Oscar Obedio Hernandez is an El Salvadorian criminal illegal immigrant who has prior felony convictions for assault and threatening, plus multiple misdemeanor convictions. He was previously deported by Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers in 2013.

Police say the illegal alien stabbed his girlfriend 14 times, killing her, before he also stabbed her female friend, who survived but is in critical condition. After that, he kidnapped their 6-year-old daughter before being captured by police in Philipsburg, Pennsylvania.

FOX 61 reports:

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Mother of woman killed by illegal warns: ‘If Hillary gets in, it will continue to happen’

The family of Sarah Root, a young woman killed by an illegal alien allegedly street racing while drunk, appeared beside Donald Trump at a Des Moines, Iowa rally today and advocated for his election.

While addressing the issue of illegal immigration, Trump invited the Roots onto the stage.

“Thirty weeks ago today we were watching our daughter walk across the stage to get her bachelors (degree) in criminal investigation not to know that 15 hours later, she would be killed by an illegal alien,” Michelle Wilson-Root told the audience at Joni’s 2nd Annual Roast and Ride, hosted by U.S. Sen. Joni Ernst.

The Washington Post reported on the circumstances of the case:

She had been out that night and morning celebrating her graduation from Bellevue University, near Omaha, with friends. As she stopped at a light in her white Oldsmobile Bravada SUV, a Chevy pickup driving at a high rate of speed slammed into her, ramming the SUV and sending it about 800 feet along the road, crushing it so badly that the rear and front of the car had become fused.

Police would later determine that the truck’s driver was street racing and drunk, according to ...

Monday, July 16, 2018

HSI, Border Patrol agents arrest 18 alien smugglers, 117 illegal aliens; seize cash, vehicles, drugs

EL PASO, Texas — Special agents with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) and agents with U.S. Border Patrol arrested 18 alien smugglers and seized cash, vehicles and more than 1,000 lbs. of marijuana last month in a joint effort.

Special agents assigned to HSI El Paso’s human smuggling group and Border Patrol agents, who are part of HSI’s Border Enforcement Security Task Force (BEST), worked together to identify, locate and arrest smugglers operating alien smuggling organizations in southern New Mexico and the El Paso area.

The following two U.S. citizens are among the alien smugglers who were arrested and charged with alien smuggling:• Elias Serrano, 42, with prior convictions for aggravated stalking, kidnapping, possessing a deadly weapon and possessing marijuana with intent to distribute; and • Jesus Briseno, 25, with prior convictions for escape from custody, possessing marijuana, assault/causing injury to family member, and driving while intoxicated.Additionally, agents arrested 117 illegal aliens, which included the following criminal aliens:• a 34-year-old Guatemalan with an outstanding warrant out of Florida for driving under the influence, and also charged with illegally re-entering the U.S. after deportation;• a 30-year-old Mexican with ties to a Mexican drug cartel was arrested for fraud and misuse of visas; and• a 32-year-old Mexican with convictions for child endangerment and driving while intoxicated, was arrested for illegally re-entering the U.S. after deportation.

The month-long enforcement action resulted in the arrest of illegal aliens in three area stash houses from...

Friday, December 7, 2018

BREAKING Obama Caught In Major Criminal Activity With Soros

Former President Obama has been caught red handed in a serious crime.

The 44th president illegally funneled taxpayer funds to help illegal immigrants in violation of the law, a press release from the Immigration Reform Law Institute announced.

An investigation by the Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI) has revealed that the Obama-era U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), in apparent violation of federal immigration law, awarded multiple high-value contracts, worth over $310 million, to a single nonprofit group in 2015 and 2016.

All of these contracts were awarded for the purpose of providing legal representation to unaccompanied alien children (UACs). UACs are defined as aliens under 18 years of age who have no lawful immigration status in the United States and, supposedly, no parent or legal guardian in the United States available to provide care and physical custody. A significant percentage of UACs (the vast majority of whom are from Central America) have ties to MS-13 or other gangs.

The funds went to the Vera Institute of Justice (Vera), a nonprofit group that provides immigrants with access to legal services. (One of Vera’s former directors, Christopher Stone, also served as president of George Soros’ Open Society Foundations from 2012-2017.) The contracts require Vera to provide “direct legal representation” to UACs, recruit and train pro bono attorneys, and facilitate continued legal representation once a UAC is released to a sponsor – frequently an illegal alien. So far, the federal grants have paid for legal representation of UACs in removal proceedings and removal appeals throughout the nation.

Section 292 of The Immigration and Nationality Act specifically forbids such action.

Sec. 292. [8 U.S.C. 1362] In any removal proceedings before an immigration judge and in any appeal proceedings before the Attorney General from any such removal proceedings, the person concerned shall have the privilege of being represented (at no expense to the Government) by such counsel, authorized to practice in such proceedings, as he shall choose.

The Washington Examiner reported.
The Obama administration approved $310 million in free legal advice to young illegal immigrants despite federal law barring charging taxpayers for helping immigrants avoid deportation, according to a new report.

The Immigration Reform Law Institute said that the funding was provided to a top legal defense group to help unaccompanied alien children under the age of 18 land with a sponsor in the U.S.

In 2015 and 2016, contracts reviewed by IRLI showed that several worth $310 million went to one nonprofit legal group, the Vera Institute of Justice. A top director has ties to...

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

This Sheriff Was Sued for Cooperating With ICE. Now, He’s Vindicated.

What should we do with illegal aliens who break local criminal laws?

Most people would agree that, once they’ve served their time, they should be removed from the country rather than sent back into the community where they can commit more crimes.

But the Legal Aid Justice Center of Falls Church, Virginia, disagrees. So when Culpeper County Sheriff Scott Jenkins turned Francisco Guardado Rios over to the Department of Homeland Security, the center filed a class-action lawsuit against the sheriff, claiming his actions violated the Fourth and 14th Amendments to the Constitution.

Thankfully, a federal judge has now thrown out that suit. Here’s how it went down.

In August 2017, Rios was arrested for driving without a license and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. The Culpeper County Jail then received a detainer from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and an administrative arrest warrant for Rios from the Department of Homeland Security, as there was “probable cause to believe Rios was a removable alien.”

The detainer asked the jail to notify ICE at least 48 hours before Rios’ release, and requested that the jail also maintain custody of the alien “for a period NOT TO EXCEED 48 HOURS beyond the time when he/she would otherwise have been released from custody to allow [the Department of Homeland Security] to assume custody.”

Further, the administrative warrant directed immigration officers to arrest Rios and take him into custody “for removal proceedings under the Immigration and Nationality Act.”

Rios was convicted of contributing to the delinquency of a minor. After serving his sentence in the Culpeper County Jail, he was held for an additional two days by Jenkins before being turned over to ICE agents.

Rios claimed that being held in custody after completing his sentence violated his constitutional rights. He alleged that Jenkins had held nearly 100 other illegal aliens past their release dates in 2017 and 2018, based on ICE detainers.

Senior District Judge Glen E. Conrad ruled, however, that Jenkins acted lawfully in cooperating with Homeland Security.

A key factor was the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals’ 2013 ruling in Santos v. Frederick County Board of Commissioners. The court held that state and local authorities can’t arrest or detain an illegal alien based solely on an immigration charge “absent federal direction or authorization.”

The judge noted that Rios was arrested for committing a local crime, not an immigration violation, and that Homeland Security had, indeed, provided the sheriff with specific...

Tuesday, October 23, 2018


How the Left plays the “compassion card” for destructive ends.

Headlines have been written proclaiming that a “caravan of migrants” is heading for the U.S./Mexican border. Sometimes the people who are heading north through Central America are referred to as “refugees” or “immigrants.”

Those terms are designed to downplay the threat that these individuals pose and assuage the fears that this may understandably engender in Americans. Words do matter.

In point of fact, the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) defines an alien simply as being, “Any person, not a citizen or national of the United States.”

There is no insult in the term “alien” or in its definition, but there is clarity. The obvious goal of the radical Left is to obfuscate the truth through Orwellian use of language that has been mis-portrayed as “political correctness.”

Shortly after President Trump was elected I wrote about this intentional misuse of language in my article, The Left’s Orwellian Tactics.

Remarkably, the radical Left had no problem using the term “alien” when they needed a word that began with the letter “A” for the DREAM Act, an acronym for Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors.

While we are on the topic of words, perhaps the term "invasion" should be substituted for "caravan."

Invasion is defined, in part, as an incursion by a large number of people or things into a place or sphere of activity or an unwelcome intrusion into another's domain.

It is therefore important to note that Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution provides:

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence.

Furthermore, the mainstream media has blithely ignored a fact that was reported upon on October 18, 2018 by Judicial Watch:

This eye-opening report began with this sentence:

In a startling revelation, Guatemala’s president announced in the country’s largest newspaper that nearly 100 ISIS terrorists have been apprehended in the impoverished Central American nation.

Now the growing mob of aspiring illegal aliens is heading to the United States, purportedly to seek political asylum here. When interviewed by reporters, some of these people have claimed that they were living in poverty and wanted better opportunities in the United States, while others talked about their fear of violence in their home countries.

They have undoubtedly been encouraged by the leadership of the Democrat Party which treats illegal aliens with reverence while castigating ICE agents who routinely go in harm’s way to investigate and arrest aliens engaged in criminal activities in the U.S. Certainly, demands made by the leaders of the Democrat Party that ICE be disbanded altogether and all interior enforcement of our immigration laws be terminated are music to the ears of these aliens.

Sanctuary cities beckon illegal aliens and the criminals, gang members, fugitives and terrorists among them, encouraging them and inducing them to head for the United States and claim “asylum.”

However, when an individual flees his/her native country seeking asylum, they are supposed to apply for asylum in the first country that they enter. Hondurans entering Guatemala, for example, should apply for asylum in Guatemala. Furthermore, asylum claims are supposed to be...

Friday, November 17, 2017

City’s Illegal Alien Defense Fund Gives $17,500 to Terrorist Front Group

Ohio’s capital city has launched a defense fund for illegal immigrants facing deportation and thousands of taxpayer dollars will go to the local chapter of a terrorist front group that promotes itself as a Muslim civil rights organization. The pot of cash is known as Columbus Families Together Fund and the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), a national organization that serves as the U.S. front for the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas, will be among the recipients.

CAIR was founded in 1994 by three Middle Eastern extremists (Omar Ahmad, Nihad Awad, and Rafeeq Jaber) who ran the American propaganda wing of Hamas, known then as the Islamic Association for Palestine. In 2008 CAIR was a co-conspirator in a federal terror-finance case involving the Hamas front group Holy Land Foundation. Read more in a Judicial Watch special report that focuses on Muslim charities. Top FBI counter terrorism chiefs have described CAIR as an entity that not only promotes terrorism, but also finances it. One group has dedicated itself to documenting CAIR’s extensive terrorist ties which include a top official sentenced to 20 years in prison for participating in a network of militant jihadists, another convicted of bank fraud for financing a major terrorist group, a board member who was a co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and a fundraiser identified by the U.S. Treasury Department for financing Al Qaeda.

Allocating public funds to assist illegal aliens with their legal problems is bad enough, but giving some of the cash to a group like CAIR is like pouring salt on the wound. The effort started when Donald Trump got elected president. Columbus City Councilwoman Elizabeth Brown vowed to help illegal immigrants fight deportation and posted this on her social media account on January 30: “In Columbus, we stand with immigrants! This morning I announced Council’s commitment to a legal defense fund to support our refugees and immigrants as they face an onslaught of new hurdles to keep their families together. I’m excited to get to work. Who wants to help?”

Last week the Columbus City Council made it official, establishing the new legal defense fund with a $185,000 infusion to help provide legal services to the area’s illegal aliens and their families. The money will go to various nonprofits that will also “educate detained immigrants on their rights under immigration law,” according to a local newspaper report. A nonprofit called Advocates for Basic Legal Equality Inc. will get the largest chunk of city money, the article reveals, but other groups will also benefit. Priority will go to Columbus-area illegal aliens facing deportation in Cleveland Immigration Court and preference will be given to cases involving children. CAIR will receive $17,500 to provide “legal services that help keep families together in the central Ohio immigrant and refugee communities.” This includes “know your rights” education sessions in Columbus that will cover encounters with federal immigration agents. Brown, the councilwoman behind the effort said “we’re sending a signal here tonight. We value our immigrants. We welcome you. We know that the demonization of immigrants throws them into the shadows and makes a class of silent victims. We won’t allow it.”

City leaders feel an obligation to protect immigrant and refugee families in Central Ohio from the financial and emotional devastation that results from aggressive immigration enforcement, according to a document describing the Columbus Families Together Fund. “The wellbeing of our immigrant communities is intertwined with the city’s overall wellbeing,” the document states. “Ultimately, Columbus is a safer, more just, and more...

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

This Map Shows The True Cost of Illegal Alien Migration, By State

A map posted by HowMuch.net breaks down the economic toll of illegal immigrants state by state, and their findings are extremely troubling.

Using information gathered from the Federation for American Immigration Reform, How Much’s map shows how much money illegal immigrants cost American taxpayers on a state-by-state basis.

California is most devastated by the heavy toll, with a whopping $23 billion in that state alone.

States closer to the Mexican border are most affected, but several states throughout the country still pay billions to support illegal immigrants through education, welfare, law enforcement, and medical care.

The map doesn’t include federal costs.

According to the Washington Examiner, when federal costs are included, illegal immigrants cost $135 billion a year.

Liberals like to justify their opposition to the deportation of illegal immigrants due to their estimations of initial costs for actually enforcing our...

Saturday, June 30, 2018


The “Angel Moms” of two American sons killed by illegal aliens told The Daily Caller how they felt about the media coverage of migrant parents separated from their children at the border.
The mothers told TheDC that there was huge hypocrisy in the mainstream media focusing on migrant parents instead of American parents who were permanently separated from their children after those children were killed by illegal aliens.

“There is hypocrisy in many ways. The total disregard for American families ripped apart because of illegal criminals, the total lack of concern for children in the U.S. being raped in North Carolina by illegals at disgusting numbers (some months over 400 child rapes by illegals), no concern [for] homeless American children or Veterans who would do anything to have what’s provided [to] these children. Yet, our politicians call it inhumane treatment. Would they rather these kids coming across our borders stay with the adults who aren’ttheir biological parents but have kidnapped them to get across the border as a ‘family unit?'” Mary Ann Mendoza told TheDC.
Mendoza’s story is absolutely heartbreaking.

Her son, Sgt. Brandon Mendoza, was killed by an illegal alien who was drunk driving and hit him head-on.
On her website, the Sgt. Brandon Mendoza Memorial Foundation, she writes:
“My name is Mary Ann Mendoza and my life course has been changed forever.

My son, Sgt Brandon Mendoza, was killed on May 12, 2014 in a violent head on collision. He was killed by a 3 times the legal limit drunk and high on meth ILLEGAL CRIMINAL! He had driven 35 MILES the wrong way on four different freeways before slamming head-on into my son’s car. My son had just finished his shift and was heading home after working to keep Mesa citizens safe and his community crime free when his life was taken so tragically.”

“It’s all about sensational headlines,” she also told this reporter. “They have no real concern for these kids. It’s just another way to...