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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query illegal alien. Sort by date Show all posts

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Donald Trump On A Velociraptor With A Machine Gun...

I love the way Trump handles the pompous assholes in the press, he manhandled Illegal Alien Activist Jorge Ramos. Ramos was unwilling to wait his turn, to wait in line, just like the Illegal Alien law breakers are unwilling to apply and wait their turn that he illegally advocates for.

If you break the laws of this country and you are illegal, there should only be one course of action for you, deportation back to your country of origin and permanent denial of entry back into the U.S.

Saturday, July 12, 2014


MCALLEN, Texas—Illegal aliens are being allowed to fly on commercial airliners without valid
identification, according to the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC). “The aliens who are getting released on their own recognizance are being allowed to board and travel commercial airliners by simply showing their Notice to Appear forms,” NBPC’s Local 2455 Spokesman, Hector Garza, told Breitbart Texas.

“This is not the CBP [Customs and Border Protection] or another federal agency renting or leasing an aircraft, these are the same planes that the American public uses for domestic travel,” said Garza. “This just adds insult to injury. Not only are we releasing unknown illegal aliens onto American streets, but we are allowing them to travel commercially using paperwork that could easily be reproduced or manipulated on any home computer. The Notice to Appear form has no photo, anyone can make one and manipulate one. They do not have any security features, no watermark, nothing. They are simply printed on standard copy paper based on the information the illegal alien says is the truth.”

Spokesman Garza continued, “We do not know who these people are, we often have to solely rely on who they say they are, where they say they came from, and the history they say they have. We know nothing about most of them, ICE releases them into the American public, and now they are boarding aircraft at will with a simple paper document that anyone can easily alter or reproduce themselves.”

The shocking assertions by Garza were further validated by the national body of the NBPC. Breitbart Texas obtained an exclusive statement from the NBPC.

“The National Border Patrol Council adamantly opposes the decision of DHS to release the illegal aliens who have been transported from the Rio Grande Valley Border Patrol Sector to other locations for processing. The lack of consequences has furthered this crisis and will only continue to do so. The fact that TSA is accepting the I-862 (Notice to Appear) as a form of identification and allowing illegal aliens to travel commercially shows just how little regard the federal government has for its own immigration laws.”

Breitbart Texas also spoke with Shawn Moran, the vice president of the NBPC and he stated, “Why waste money and effort transporting people from the RGV if we are only going to release them with no real way to track them? Why are we allowing them to ...

Friday, January 10, 2020

In 2019 Over 90% of Illegal Aliens Arrested in U.S. Had Criminal Convictions Or Pending Charges

More than 90% of illegal immigrants arrested by federal agents in the United States last year had criminal convictions or pending criminal charges, including 56,000 assaults and thousands of sex crimes, robberies, homicides and kidnappings. Many had “extensive criminal histories with multiple convictions,” according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) year-end report. The 123,128 illegal aliens arrested by the agency’s Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) in 2019 had 489,063 criminal convictions and pending charges, representing an average of four crimes per alien, highlighting the “recidivist nature” of the arrested aliens, the agency writes, noting that sanctuary cities nationwide greatly impeded its public safety efforts.

The Dallas ICE field office, which covers north Texas and Oklahoma, led the way with 16,900 arrests in fiscal year 2019. The overwhelming majority,12,578, were convicted of crimes and 3,499 had pending criminal charges. The Atlanta field office, which is responsible for enforcing immigration law in Georgia as well as South and North Carolina, ranked second with 13,247 arrests, 8,009 of them convicted for state crimes. Another 3,943 illegal aliens had pending criminal charges. Atlanta field office leadership has repeatedly blasted local law enforcement officials within its jurisdiction for releasing droves of illegal immigrant criminals back onto the streets after being jailed for serious state crimes, accusing the sanctuary jurisdictions of creating a “serious public safety threat.”

In North Carolina alone, hundreds of violent criminals were released by local authorities last year to honor measures that offer illegal immigrants sanctuary. Among them were illegal aliens charged with serious violations such as homicide, kidnapping, arson and sex offenses. Mecklenburg County, the state’s largest, was among the biggest offenders, releasing numerous violent criminals rather than...

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

7 Points Trump Should Make in Oval Office Address About Border

President Donald Trump will deliver his first address from the Oval Office on Tuesday evening at 9 p.m. ET. He will explain why the country needs a physical barrier at the U.S-Mexico border, and why he is refusing to consider bills to end the partial federal government shutdown unless they provide the funding he is seeking.

Breitbart News readers and listeners have been looking forward to such an address for weeks.

Here are seven things Trump must say.

1. The border issue is about national security, the first priority of government. Americans are used to fights over immigration policy. This is different. The nation faces a crisis at its southern border. The drug cartels are taking advantage of our open border to smuggle drugs, weapons, and people. They are also waging a bloody civil war that bleeds over into our country. Everything else the government does is secondary to protecting the country. There is literally no point to opening the government until politicians are prepared to take care of its first priority.

2. The first victims of the Mexican cartels are the migrants and the countries from which they come. Cartels are brutal. They slaughter innocent civilians. They rape the women and girls they are trafficking to criminals in the U.S. The drugs they sneak into the U.S. kill thousands of Americans each year. And the developing countries that migrants leave behind become poorer. Democrats who, like Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT), say“[t]here is no national emergency on our southern border,” are encouraging the cartels. There is nothing humane about an open border.

3. The border crisis has nothing to do with legal immigration, which we embrace. Corporal Ronil Singh, a Newman, California police officer — and legal immigrant — was murdered the day after Christmas by an alleged illegal alien. Many Americans want less immigration — a debate for another day. Regardless, Americans respect legal immigrants. We should reform our immigration laws, including those that allow foreigners to claim amnesty as soon as they touch American soil. Corporal Singh gave his life to defend the rule of law. That is what is at stake.

4. Illegal immigration hurts all Americans, but especially legal immigrants, minorities, and the poor. With better border enforcement, black and Hispanic unemployment is the lowest ever, and wages are rising for all Americans. Those gains are threatened by illegal aliens who compete with U.S. citizens and legal immigrants for jobs. Illegal immigration also hurts public health care and education, as illegal aliens place additional burdens on services that are already struggling. We can have a generous welfare state, or open borders, but not both.

5. Democrats are hypocrites. Many Democrats — including Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) — have voted for a barrier at the border in the past. Border walls, and fences, are not “immoral,” as Speaker Nancy Pelosi keeps saying. Nor are they racist. They work — which is why the European Union builds them, why our ally Israel builds them, and why even...

Monday, December 17, 2018

3 Illegal Aliens Indicted In Conspiracy To Kill Whistleblower

SAVANNAH, GA – Three men, all illegal alien residents of the United States, have been indicted for plotting the murder of a whistleblower who exposed a scheme to fraudulently employ other illegals.

Brothers Pablo Rangel-Rubio, 49, and Juan Rangel-Rubio, 42, both residents of Rincon, Ga., and Higinio Perez-Bravo, 49, of Savannah, were charged in a federal indictment unsealed today in U.S. District Court in Savannah, announced Southern District of Georgia U.S. Attorney Bobby L. Christine.

Pablo Rangel-Rubio and Juan Rangel-Rubio are charged with Conspiracy to Retaliate Against a Witness; Conspiracy to Kill a Witness; Conspiracy to Conceal, Harbor and Shield Illegal Aliens; and Money Laundering Conspiracy. Pablo Rangel-Rubio and Perez-Bravo are charged with Conspiracy to Commit Murder for Hire. Pablo Rangel-Rubio also is charged with three counts of Money Laundering Transactions Over $10,000.

The investigation began with the Aug. 19, 2017 death of Eliud Montoya, 41, who was found shot to death near his home in Garden City, Ga.. Two days before his death, Montoya, a naturalized United States citizen employed by a Savannah-area tree service, had filed a formal complaint with the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission alleging that Pablo Rangel-Rubio ran a scheme to employ illegal aliens at the tree service, profiting from the company while also skimming pay from the illegal workers. Four months earlier, Montoya also had reported the scheme to...

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Mollie Tibbetts Case Shows Cost of Not Enforcing Immigration Laws

President Donald Trump: You heard about today with the illegal alien coming in, very sadly, from Mexico, and you saw what happened to that incredible, beautiful young woman. It should have never happened. Illegally in our country. We’ve had a huge impact, but the laws are so bad. The immigration laws are such a disgrace.

Katrina Trinko: That was President Trump Tuesday night at a rally, speaking about Mollie Tibbetts, the missing college student whose case has gained nationwide coverage. On Tuesday, it was announced that Cristhian Bahena Rivera, a 24-year-old who is reportedly an illegal immigrant, was being charged for first-degree murder in the Tibbetts case.

Joining us to discuss is Hans von Spakovsky, a senior legal fellow at The Heritage Foundation. Hans, this case has brought renewed attention to the issue of illegal immigration and crime. Does the U.S. need to change policy to deal with this issue?

von Spakovsky: The answer is yes. What’s so sad about what happened to Mollie Tibbetts is that she’s one of many Americans who have lost their lives because of our lack of enforcement of our immigration laws.

I’ll give you a quick example of what I mean. In February of this year, the Texas Department of Public Safety released a study. What they did is they took a look at all of the aliens who were in state and county jails all over Texas from 2011 through 2018. Two-thirds of them are here illegally. They found that those individuals had been charged with 650,000 criminal offenses, including 600 murders.

There are literally hundreds of victims who would be alive today in Texas if those illegal aliens had been stopped at the border or, when they were caught inside the United States, had been quickly deported.

Sanctuary cities who provide sanctuaries for illegal aliens, including those who are arrested and put in local jails, are just creating sanctuaries for criminals.
Daniel Davis: We don’t often hear about those cases where folks are killed by those who are here illegally. We knew about Kate Steinle and some others that made some headlines. Looking at this case, tell us what we know about the guy who killed Mollie Tibbetts.

von Spakovsky: Well, supposedly, he hadn’t been arrested before. His local employer claims that they checked the E-Verify system and that he cleared. We’ll have to see if that’s really true or whether that’s simply a claim that they’re making. It’s hard for me to believe that there weren’t a lot of ...

Friday, January 18, 2019

Seven Horrific Crimes by Illegal Immigrants that Networks BURIED

Broadcast networks really don’t want to talk about illegal immigrant crime.

Last month, NewsBusters commended ABC, CBS, and NBC for spending a combined 28 minutes in their evening news broadcasts on the murder of Newman, California police Corporal Ronil Singh by an illegal alien. However, that coverage was a rare exception to broadcast television’s overall lousy track record of burying crimes committed by individuals living in the U.S. illegally.

Crimes perpetrated by illegal aliens deserve attention because, by their very nature, all of them theoretically could have been prevented with sufficient enforcement of existing laws. Even if the crime rate among illegal aliens were a fraction of that among the native population, those few offenses still committed would be otherwise avoidable if the culprits had been either deported or prevented from entering in the first place.

MRC analysts examined Nexis transcripts of all network evening news coverage from 2018 and compiled the following list of some of the most heinous crimes committed by unlawful residents over the past year. None of these stories received even a second of evening news coverage – with the exception of the Colorado Spring Wildfire, which the networks briefly covered without mentioning the accused’s immigration status.

Authorities: "Violent Crime Spree"

On December 16 2018, Gustavo Garcia allegedly gunned down 51-year-old Rocky Jones at a Visalia, California gas station, in what authorities described as part of a “violent crime spree.” Garcia, whom authorities also believe was responsible for a string of other shootings in the area, was previously ordered deported in 2014. His criminal record dates back to 2002.

Senior Citizen Dismembered, Beheaded

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Confirmed: California is protecting over 5,000 illegal alien criminals by refusing to hand them over to ICE

Reiterating its proud status as a sanctuary state for criminals, California is back in the news for harboring and protecting illegal aliens that otherwise would be lawfully detained and deported – as they should be – by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Reports indicate that over the past 27 months, California has refused to honor a whopping 5,600 ICE detainers – these being the holds that ICE agents file to local jails and police to request the turnover of illegal aliens for arrest and deportation.

Of these 5,600 refused ICE detainers, more than 3,400 of them involved illegal aliens classified as “level 1” and “level 2” offenders, meaning these individuals were found guilty of committing serious crimes like kidnapping, sexual assault, robbery, aggravated assault, fraud, illegal drug activity, and homicide.

About 250 of the ICE detainers that weren’t honored had been filed in both Napa and Sonoma Counties, two areas of California that already had so-called “sanctuary city” policies in place before California more recently issued its statewide sanctuary policy.

In speaking with Breitbart News Tonight during an exclusive interview that aired on SiriusXM’s “Patriot” channel, Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI) Executive Director, Dale Wilcox, explained why sanctuary policies like this put law-abiding Americans, both in California and throughout the rest of the country, at serious risk.

“They’re dangerous policies that cost Americans lives,” he stated. “What will it take for these anti-borders politicians to wake up and put the safety and security of their citizens, their legal residents, before the interests of...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Democrats want their border crisis back and are actually plotting to get it

It may sound like wishful partisanship at first glance to argue that Democrats want the U.S. border to keep surging with hundreds of thousands of unvetted illegal aliens, but that's what a Border Patrol leader is warning, not some partisan hack.

President Trump's immigration policies are steadily curbing the flow of illegal immigrants [sic] across our southern border — but some Democrats are determined to keep the humanitarian catastrophe going for as long as possible for political gain and at America's expense.

Based on the Democrats' upcoming bag of legislative and legal tricks that Brandon Judd, president of the National Border Patrol Council, the chief labor union representing the agency, described, it's pretty obvious that they miss the border crisis and want a new one.

Some Democrats were already seething over a series of recent court rulings that upheld President Trump's border initiatives, and now that the success of those initiatives has become apparent, they're anxious to hamstring our enforcement efforts and reverse our recent progress. According to Politico, some House Democrats are looking for "payback" for Trump's immigration tactic, raising concerns that open-borders hardliners in the Democratic caucus might try to block funding for immigration enforcement agencies, such as the Border Patrol and ICE.

"There is a greater and greater sense in the Democratic Party that any support of the administration's policies is giving cover to moral wrongdoing," Democrat Rep. Ro Khanna explained.

Remarkably, the 2020 Democrat presidential candidates are even more radical on immigration than their colleagues in Congress. For these extremists, obstructing President Trump's border security agenda is small potatoes — their explicit objective is to "decriminalize" illegal immigration, turning America into a country with, in effect, no borders at all.

As if that weren't radical enough, on the second day of their presidential primary debate in June, every Democrat on the stage openly admitted that they would support providing "free" (i.e., taxpayer-funded) health care to every single illegal alien in the country.

So aside from trying to thwart President Trump from enforcing the law and end incentives for illegal immigration in courts, along with open-borders political stances, they're now going for the jugular, making moves to cut off all funding for the border patrol, an essential mission of government practiced by every nation in the world, in every era in history. It's as if they are attempting to erase the U.S., the very source of...

Friday, December 2, 2016


The Washington Times reports White House Domestic Policy Council Director Cecilia Munoz told amnesty advocates that President Obama will not pardon illegal aliens prior to leaving office. She said a pardon does not apply to immigration cases and is not a permanent solution.

Days after the election, illegal-alien advocates started pressuring Obama to pardon all illegal aliens before he leaves office. Congressional Democrats issued their plea shortly thereafter for the 740,000 participants in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

But in a podcast today Munoz said, “It’s ultimately not [the way to protect illegal aliens] for a couple reasons. One is that pardon authority is generally designed for criminal...

Thursday, November 10, 2022

DeSantis’ Anti-Illegal Immigration Stance Not an Impediment in Hispanic-Heavy Florida

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) made waves in September when he flew 48 migrants who had been released by DHS after apprehension at the Southwest border to Martha’s Vineyard, Mass. Although “experts” at the time asserted the incident would cost DeSantis politically, those flights and the governor’s other efforts to crack down on illegal immigration likely bolstered his reelection bid in the Sunshine State, where he cruised to victory on Tuesday.

Martha’s Vineyard. Republican governors in Texas and Arizona had been busing Southwest border migrants to Washington, D.C., for weeks before DeSantis chartered two planes to take about four dozen others — mostly Venezuelan nationals — to the toney Massachusetts beach resort on September 14.

He wasn’t shy about his reasons for doing so. According to ABC News, DeSantis told rally-goers in Wisconsin four days later: “l'll tell you this: The border is now an issue in these elections. ... It's on the ballot, and we got to make the most of it.”

While the governor gained praise from some quarters for his actions, they also gained the attention of federal investigators and the ire of political opponents, who derided the flights as a “stunt”.

DeSantis’ Efforts to Crack Down on Illegal Immigration. Stunt or not, those flights were part-and-parcel of DeSantis’ efforts to crack down on illegal immigration in his state.

He started right out of the gate during his first gubernatorial campaign in 2018, echoing many of then-President Donald Trump’s anti-illegal immigration talking points, running a campaign ad teaching his then-toddler son how to “build the wall”, and depicting his then-primary opponent, former Florida Agricultural Commissioner Adam Putnam (R), as “Amnesty Adam” for endorsing the June 2013 Schumer-Obama Gang of Eight immigration amnesty.

He has been dogged on the issue since taking office. In June 2019, DeSantis signed a bill barring so-called “sanctuary” jurisdictions in his state and requiring such entities to “support and cooperate with federal immigration enforcement”.

In December, the governor introduced a number of proposals to “fight illegal immigration and protect Floridians from the Biden Border Crisis”.

In addition to supporting legislation to strengthen E-Verify enforcement, those proposals included an emergency rule to deny state licenses or license renewals to HHS shelters for unaccompanied alien child (UAC) migrants unless the federal government entered into a “cooperative agreement” under which Florida would be provided with notice before UACs were moved into the state.

In April, DeSantis joined 25 other GOP governors in an “American Governors’ Border Strike Force” to improve intelligence sharing and better position the states to combat drug- and human-smuggling in their jurisdictions.

In June, he used his powers to ask the Florida courts to impanel a grand jury that would examine various immigration-related “crimes and wrongs” residents and local officials there may have engaged in.

The list goes on.

The Election Results. Nonetheless, his pro-border and anti-illegal immigration stance does not appear to have cost DeSantis politically and likely bolstered his support in heavily Hispanic Florida counties.

With 99 percent of the votes counted, DeSantis defeated his Democratic opponent (and former Republican Florida governor) Charlie Crist by more than 19 points, 59.4 percent to 40 percent.

Significantly, DeSantis beat Crist by more than 11 points in Miami-Dade County, where 69 percent of the residents — nearly two million individuals — are Hispanic, many of them Cuban-Americans. As the New York Times explained on November 5, the county was “once a lock for Democrats”, but “not anymore”.

Note that DeSantis lost Miami-Dade in his first gubernatorial run by 21 points, meaning that his win there Tuesday represented a 40-point swing in support.

It’s not just that Cuban enclave, however.

DeSantis also won by more than six points in Osceola County, defeating Crist 52.8 percent to 46.1 percent. Some 56.3 percent of the 400,000-plus residents there identify as Hispanic, and as of 2018, nearly 124,000 of them were Puerto Rican, many of whom fled the island in the wake of the September 2017’s Hurricane Maria. In addition, about 5.6 percent are from South America.

Hardee County, in south-central Florida, has a much smaller population of just over 25,000, and about 44 percent of the residents are Hispanic, with Mexicans as the largest ethnic group. DeSantis captured more than 82 percent of the votes in that county in 2022, compared to just 17 percent for...

Friday, November 3, 2017


U.S. Customs and Border Protection press release…

Tucson Sector Border Patrol agents from the Three Points station apprehended a Guatemalan national Tuesday morning for illegally entering the United States and later discovered he was convicted for assault and sexual assault in Connecticut.
related: Illegal Alien Beat And Raped A 93 Year Old Beloved Grandmother Who Later Dies, Family Devastated
While processing Guilebaldo Ramos-Mendez, 34, agents conducted a records check and learned he was convicted in New Haven for first and third degree assault, as well as sexual...

Friday, November 2, 2018

Sanctuary State Oregon Murders Another Woman: Released Illegal Alien Despite ICE Detainer, Then He Murdered His Wife...

The Oregon man who allegedly killed his wife in late October is an illegal alien who was released from county jail seven months ago, despite an active detention request from immigration authorities, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned.

Martin Gallo-Gallardo, 45, is charged with murder in the death of Coral Rodriguez-Lorenzo, 38, whose body was discovered Oct. 28 in Clackamas County, Oregon.

The following day, detectives brought in Gallo-Gallardo for questioning, during which he confessed to killing Rodriguez-Lorenzo, according to the Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office.

Immigration authorities first discovered that Gallo-Gallardo, a Mexican national, was living in the U.S. illegally in March, when he was arrested in Multnomah County, Oregon, on felony domestic violence charges. Following the arrest, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) lodged a civil immigration detainer on Gallo-Gallardo with the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office, but he was freed on bail after two days in jail.

ICE confirmed Gallo-Gallardo’s immigration status and arrest history in a statement to Salem, Oregon-based crime researcher David Olen Cross, who shared it Thursday with TheDCNF.

“Martin Gallo-Gallardo is a citizen of Mexico who unlawfully entered the United States. [ICE] placed an immigration detainer on...

Friday, July 26, 2013

Illegal Alien Beat And Raped A 93 Year Old Beloved Grandmother Who Later Dies, Family Devastated

Prosecutors said Illegal Alien Sergio Martinez-Perez beat and sexually assaulted 93-year-old Louise Sollowin in her home Sunday. Sollowin died Wednesday.

-- Video: Family reacts to assault

Martinez-Perez is charged with first-degree murder. Charges were dropped for first-degree sexual assault and first-degree assault and burglary.

A judge denied him bond on Friday.

Autopsy results showed that Sollowin's cause of death was blunt force trauma.

Sollowin's family remembers her as a strong woman with many stories and talents.

“She loved her family and her family loved her,” said Teresa Hartzell, the victim’s granddaughter. “She was all about family.”

“(She was) a wonderful seamstress. We all got pajamas from her for Christmas, all the grandkids. She made her children’s clothes,” Hartzell said.

Sollowin's daughter found her suffering in her home Sunday morning.

Read more: http://www.ketv.com/news/local-news/update-93-year-old-woman-dies-after-attack-sexual-assault-in-home/-/9674510/21142340/-/11l8tiqz/-/index.html#ixzz2aCXoG3sq

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Police: North Carolina Toddler Killed Riding in Ambulance Hit by Drunk Illegal Alien

A North Carolina toddler was killed while riding in an ambulance after an illegal alien allegedly smashed his car into the emergency vehicle on February 11.

Jose Martin Duran Romero, 27, allegedly crashed his car into the side of an ambulance in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, early on Sunday. Inside was a three-year-old boy and his mother, Lyndsay Ann Oakes, who were being transported to a local hospital for an undisclosed medical emergency, according to the Daily Mail.

The child was killed. His mother received non-life-threatening injuries that were later treated at the hospital. The driver of the ambulance and a paramedic also suffered minor injuries from the crash.

Winston-Salem Police reported administering a breathalyzer test to Romero two hours after the crash. Officials said the suspect registered more than two times the legal limit for driving under the influence.

Police also say that Romero and his passenger, 33-year-old Andres Leon, tried to flee the scene after the accident. But a witness at the scene held one of the allegedly drunken men while the other was quickly tracked down by police.

According to court documents, a witness said Romero had “bloodshot, glassy eyes, slurred speech” and looked “grossly impaired.”

Police said that Romero was so drunk that he couldn’t even sign his name on...

Friday, March 5, 2021

Illegal Alien Jorge Rios Charged With Rape And Murder Of Jogger In Jersey Park...

Jorge Rios, Illegal Alien, Rapist, Murderer

A New Jersey man has been arrested in connection with the sexual assault and murder of a woman found dead in a park lake last month, prosecutors said.

Jorge Rios faces charges of felony murder, kidnapping and aggravated assault for the death of Carolina Cano, 45.

Cano's body was found shortly after 7:30 a.m. on March 24 in a lake at Lincoln Park in Jersey City, New Jersey. Her cause of death was strangulation and drowning and was ruled a homicide, the Hudson County Prosecutor's Office said in a press release.

Her roommate told NBC New York that Cano left their Jersey City home around 5:30 a.m. to go jogging and never returned.

"She was like family because I've known her since she was a little girl," the roommate, who was not identified, said.

Cano's family lives in Peru, according to the roommate. Cano came to the United States alone and worked as a nanny.

"She was a working woman, a good woman," her roommate said. "She didn’t bother anyone. She was a woman that was always with God, that’s how she lived. She was really a beautiful woman. She had a very beautiful heart."

Rios, 33, was arrested Sunday by the Hudson County Prosecutor's Office Homicide Task Force and is being held at...

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Illegal Alien Here For One Month, Has Already Raped a 10-Year-Old Girl

Russellville, AL – On Friday, Franklin County sheriff’s deputies arrested Ramiro Lux Ajualip, 27, after he reportedly raped and brutalized a 10-year-old girl. He gained access to the child, as the girl’s family allowed him to stay in their home.

Ajualip, who is in the country illegally, has only been in the United States for four weeks, according to investigators.

Russellville Police Chief Chris Hargett said Ajualip raped and sodomized the little girl on Feb. 27, while her parents were away, WHNT reported..

The victim waited a few days to tell her parents, as the illegal alien threatened her with further violence if she told anyone.
When the girl came forward with details of the ordeal, she was taken locally for medical treatment, but was eventually transferred to Birmingham Children’s Hospital.
Ajualip has been charged with...

Friday, April 29, 2016

Judge Sentences Illegal Alien, Murderer Released by Feds to Life Without Parole

Mexican illegal alien Juan Emmanuel Razo will spend life in prison, after his sentencing by Ohio judge John P. O’Donnell.

Razo attempted to rape his niece, murdered 60-year-old Margaret “Peggy” Kostelnik, and shot a mother walking with her children in the park “just to see her fall.”

“You don’t have the right to legally be here. You didn’t have the right to legally be here in July 2015 when you committed these offenses,” O’Donnell said as he imposed a life without parole sentence.

Prosecutors said he told the officers who arrested him after his rampage: “Just because I killed that woman doesn’t make me a bad person.”

He had raped ...

Thursday, April 20, 2017


GREENE COUNTY, MO (KOLR) – Two men, one who is an undocumented resident living in the United States illegally, have been charged with kidnapping, rape, and sexual abuse after a missing 22-year-old woman with autism was found in Greene County.

25-year-old Luis Arnold Lopez-Lara, an illegal alien, and 23-year-old Helmer Alexander Erazo were charged with two counts of rape, one count of sexual abuse, and two counts of kidnapping. Two other men involved also have pending charges.

According to court documents, the 22-year-old autistic woman walked away from her home the morning April 15 because she was...