90 Miles From Tyranny : Search results for illegal alien

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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query illegal alien. Sort by date Show all posts

Sunday, February 25, 2018

‘I’m Going to Shoot All of Ya B*tches:’ DACA Illegal Alien Arrested for School Shooting Threats in New York

An illegal alien shielded from deportation by the President Obama-created Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program was arrested after allegedly threatening a school shooting in upstate New York.

On Friday, Rochester Deputy Mayor Dr. Cedric Alexander and Deputy Chief La’Ron Singletary announced that 21-year-old DACA illegal alien Abigail Hernandez had been arrested by the Rochester Police Department after allegedly threatening East High School with a school shooting, according to 13WHAM.

“I’m coming tomorrow morning and I’m going to shoot all of ya bitches,” Hernandez allegedly wrote on the East High School Facebook page, using a fake social media account.

Hernandez, according to Singletary, was arrested days after she made the threat because it took time for police to find out that she was allegedly running the fake social media account.

As Rochester police arrested the DACA illegal alien at her home for the threat, they obtained a shotgun, but it remains unclear to whom the firearm belongs.

“The quick thinking of school staff and the tenacious work of the investigators of the police department following through on this Facebook post lead to the arrest of Abigail Hernandez and the recovery of a shotgun,” the Rochester Police Department said in a statement.

“Sadly, in wake of the recent Parkland, Florida tragedy, schools across the country have been grappling with social media threats intended to instill fear and anxiety,” East High School Superintendent Shaun Nelms said in a similar statement. Nelms said:
We remain very grateful to the Rochester Police Department for their partnership and for keeping us well informed throughout the entire process. Their presence on campus last week and their guidance on how to best keep staff and students safe during this efficient, successful police investigation reiterate their ongoing support. As always, the safety of students and staff is our top priority.

The DACA illegal alien is being held at the Monroe County Jail on a $15,000 bond and has been charged with making terroristic threats.

DACA gives temporary amnesty to nearly 800,000 illegal aliens who crossed into...

Monday, September 5, 2016

ACLU, NYT, & La Raza All Agree: 75% of Illegal Aliens Are Committing Felonies

On "Fox News Sunday", Chris Wallace asked what Trump would do with all of the law abiding illegal aliens who have not committed any crimes since entering the United States illegally. Wallace's question is based on the myth that most illegal aliens are law abiding, which is simply not the case. The fact is that the vast majority of illegal aliens routinely commit multiple job-related felonies.

"According to who?" you ask. Well, the answer is that the Social Security Administration, ACLU, New York Times, La Raza, LULAC, Democratic pundits Kirsten Powers and Eleanor Clift, the libertarian Reason Foundation, andUSA Today.

They and countless others all acknowledge openly that illegal aliens use fraudulently obtained Social Security numbers, which means that they routinely commit Social Security fraud and forgery — felonies. When the Social Security number used by an illegal alien is a real one belonging to another person (as opposed to a made up number) the illegal alien is committing identity theft, another felony. And when the individual using a fraudulently obtained number completes an I-9 form, she commits perjury, yet another felony. People have been convicted for these crimes.

Therefore, those who say that illegal aliens do not commit crimes either ignorantly or deliberately fail to acknowledge that the use of fraudulently obtained Social Security numbers results in criminal activity or they are flat out lying when they say that illegal aliens have not committed any felonies after either sneaking into the United States or overstaying their visas.

On the rare occasions when someone actually acknowledges that the vast majority of illegal aliens routinely commit felonies, they justify the crimes by saying that those committing the crimes are desperate people who are forced to commit felonies in order to improve their lives. And besides, Social Security payments made by illegal aliens using fraudulently obtained Social Security numbers support the Social Security system, which is a good thing.

However, the fact is that there are millions of victims of these illegal alien, job-related felonies. When an illegal alien uses a Social Security number belonging to...

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

How To Deport 11 Million Illegal Aliens And Not Spend A Penny

Illegal aliens are here in the good ole USA because of beneficial policies and lack of enforcement of existing law. If we simply enforce the law and enact some minor policy changes, the people who are here illegally will self deport.

These simple rules will make illegal aliens self deport:

  1. Correctly interpret the 14th Amendment so that an illegal alien mother is subject to the jurisdiction of her native country, as is her baby. No anchor babies.
  2. End all welfare benefits and food stamps to illegal aliens.
  3. Fine any company that hires illegal aliens $1000.00 per day per illegal alien.
  4. Require proof of citizenship to attend public schools or Universities.
  5. Make it illegal to give a scholarship to an illegal alien, or children of illegals.
  6. No driver's licenses for illegal aliens.
  7. Any illegal alien caught committing a crime will be deported and disallowed from ever entering the US for life.

Once these measures are enacted and illegal aliens leave voluntarily at their own cost, we enact a 50 year ban on all immigration. The ban will give time for existing legal immigrants to assimilate into American culture, speak our language and identify as Americans.

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Illegal Alien killed by Border Patrol after attempting to take gun from agent

An illegal alien that was in custody of U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents was shot and killed Tuesday afternoon after attempting to take the gun of a Border Patrol agent in Ysleta, Texas, according to several Border Patrol officials that spoke to SaraACarter.com.

The area where the incident took place is east of El Paso and part of the El Paso Sector.

“The incident happened while the alien was in custody,” said Brandon Judd, who is a Border Patrol agent and the president of the National Border Patrol Council union that represents more than 18,000 agents. “The alien was in custody and went for one of the agents guns. Two agents fired on the illegal alien. He was killed. The FBI is on scene now conducting the investigation.”

U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials could not be immediately reached for comment.

There were no other details readily available regarding the illegal alien or his...

Friday, November 19, 2021

Murder Trial Begins for Accused Illegal Alien Serial Killer with Survivor Detailing Attempted Murder: The MSM Yawns...

The murder trial against 48-year-old illegal alien Billy Chemirmir began with a 91-year-old woman detailing how she was nearly murdered and robbed by Chemirmir, the prosecution alleges.

As Breitbart News has reported for years, Chemirmir, an illegal alien from Kenya, is accused of murdering 24 elderly Americans in Texas from April 2016 to 2018. Dallas County, Texas, prosecutors have started the first of two trials against Chemirmir, where they are seeking a life sentence.

Chermirmir’s 24 alleged victims include:
83-year-old Leah Corken
82-year-old Juanita Purdy
88-year-old Mary Brooks
84-year-old Minnie Campbell
82-year-old Ann Conklin
75-year-old Rosemary Curtis
85-year-old Norma French
92-year-old Doris Gleason
81-year-old Lu Thi Harris
81-year-old Carolyn MacPhee
81-year-old Miriam Nelson
91-year-old Phyllis Payne
94-year-old Phoebe Perry
80-year-old Martha Williams
82-year-old Joyce Abramowitz
87-year-old Glenna Day
89-year-old Solomon Spring
90-year-old Doris Wasserman
86-year-old Margaret White
79-year-old Diana Delahunty
93-year-old Mamie Dell Miya
86-year-old Catherine Probst Sinclair
90-year-old Marilyn Bixler
An 81-year-old “Jane Doe”

On the first day of the trial, where prosecutors are hoping to get a conviction against Chemirmir for allegedly murdering Harris and Brooks, the jury was shown the deposition tapes of 91-year-old Mary Bartel. Bartel’s deposition occurred sometime after Chemirmir’s arrest. She has since passed away.

In the tapes, Bartel, a devout Catholic whose husband passed away in 2015, seemingly alleges that Chemirmir broke his way into her apartment on March 19, 2018 — a day before he allegedly murdered Harris by smothering her with a pillow and robbing her of her jewelry and belongings.

Bartel claims Chemirmir entered her apartment, wearing green gloves, and told her to get on her bed before smothering her with a pillow in an attempt to kill her.

“The door was opening inward and my eyes were just fixated on these green rubber gloves that I saw. I knew instantly … my life was in grave danger,” Bartel said. “I tried to push the door shut but my perpetrator was 45 and I’m 91 so I didn’t have any success in pushing the door shut.”

“He said, ‘Don’t fight me. Lie on the bed.’ I did as he said because I knew I couldn’t overpower him, physically. He just smashed a pillow down hard over my face and my chest, and I just couldn’t breathe,” Bartel said. “I tried to move my left hand under the pillow to get to my medical alert button. … It was totally impossible for me to even because the pillow was slammed over me so hard over my head and chest.”

“After three minutes or however long … that he was just using all of his weight to keep me from breathing at all, I passed out,” Bartel continued.

Mary Bartel, who has since passed away, says in her deposition that Chemirmir attempted to murder her and stole her belongings. (Photo via Dallas County District Court)

Bartel was found in her apartment and eventually regained consciousness as paramedics rushed her to a nearby hospital. She noticed a diamond ring that her husband had given her 50 years ago was gone from her hand. Her engagement and wedding rings were both missing as well.

When she returned to her apartment days later, she noticed four additional pieces of jewelry missing: a gold locket from the Vatican library with her husband’s photo inside, two gold crucifixes, and a silver-plated Swarovski bracelet.

As detectives were called to the witness stand, they described Chemirmir’s arrest in May 2019. At the time of his arrest, police found tons of jewelry and cash in Chemirmir’s possession, including a jewelry box seemingly from Harris’s home with identifying documents inside.

Chemirmir was also carrying his expired visa inside his Kenyan passport.

Evidence from the Chemirmir trial shows jewelry found on the illegal alien at the time of his arrest. (Photo via Dallas County District Court)

Chemirmir’s expired United States visa. (Photo via Dallas County District Court)

Soon after Chemirmir’s arrest, Breitbart News exclusively reported that Chemirmir first arrived in the U.S. on a B-2 tourist visa in July 2003. Though Chemirmir was supposed to only temporarily be in the U.S., he overstayed his visa and became an illegal alien who was eligible for deportation.

Rather than being deported, Chemirmir was able to use a loophole in the nation’s legal immigration system, allowing him to obtain a...

Monday, July 22, 2019

At Least 14 Illegal Aliens Amongst 22 MS-13 Gang Members Charged with Murderous Machete Attacks

At least 14 of the 22 MS-13 gang members charged with murdering victims with machetes came to the United States as illegal aliens, Breitbart News can confirm.

Last week, 22 Los Angeles-based members of the violent El Salvadorian MS-13 gang were arrested and charged with a string of gruesome murders that included cases where victims were allegedly hacked with machetes to death and had their hearts cut out from their chests.

Records obtained by Breitbart News confirms that of the 22 MS-13 gang members charged with the vicious murders, at least 14 came to the U.S. as illegal aliens. Thirteen of the illegal alien gang members came from El Salvador and one arrived from Honduras.

In multiple cases, the illegal aliens were ordered to be removed, petitioned to bring relatives to the U.S., were granted or denied work permits, attempted to get asylum, and claimed to be the victims of crimes.

Four of the 22 gang members were born in the U.S. and granted birthright citizenship, while another four have unconfirmed immigration statuses and are presumed illegal aliens until proven otherwise.

The case sheds light on how the MS-13 gang has been highly effective in smuggling its members and potential recruits across the U.S.-Mexico border and avoiding deportation by claiming asylum or petitioning for special immigrant visas.

In some scenarios, illegal alien MS-13 gang members are even released by sanctuary cities. In May, officials with the sanctuary city of Prince George County, Maryland, defended releasing two illegal alien MS-13 gang members who are charged with allegedly murdering a 14-year-old girl, as Breitbart News reported.

The MS-13 gang is primarily made up of illegal aliens, Unaccompanied Alien Children (UACs), and newly arrived immigrants living in the U.S. Today, the gang operates largely in...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Exclusive–Angel Mom ‘Permanently Separated’ from Son, Illegal Killer to Be Freed by Sanctuary California

Angel Mom Agnes Gibboney says the sanctuary state of California is set to re-traumatize herself and her family by freeing her son’s murderer, an illegal alien, from prison without turning him over to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency for deportation.

Gibboney — whose 29-year-old son Ronald Da Silva was killed by an illegal alien in 2002 in El Monte, California — is pleading with California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) to make sure that her son’s killer is turned over to ICE for deportation rather than being freed into the U.S.

The illegal alien killer had been previously deported from the U.S. and a year before murdering Silva was arrested for assault and domestic violence but was never deported.

In an exclusive with SiriusXM Patriot’s Breitbart News Tonight, Gibboney said the fact that her son’s killer is likely to be freed by California is unfair to legal immigrants and American citizens like her.


“He is due to be released and my fear is because of [California’s] sanctuary state policy,” Gibboney said. “ICE is not going to be notified and he is not going to be picked up and he’s going to be released back into the community.”

“It’s really frustrating and I can honestly say that the initial loss of my son was incredibly traumatizing and this is the second traumatization that my local government is creating in my life,” Gibboney continued. “You know when I think about the illegal aliens saying that they’re going to sue our president or sue our government because they are distressed because they are in fear of getting caught by ICE, get out of here. So if they’re going to sue, what should I sue for?”

“My family has been damaged in the worst way possible,” Gibboney said. “We are permanently separated from my son. They get to visit, they get to see their families. This individual will get to see his family. I will never get to see my son again.”

Ronald de Silva, an American citizen, was murdered by an illegal alien in 2002 who is now set to be released by the sanctuary state of California this month. (Facebook)
Gibboney told Breitbart News that her son’s killer has classified himself as “transient” and thus if released into California will make it even more difficult for ICE agents to track him down for arrest and deportation.

“It’s mind-boggling. As a legal immigrant, where are the safety and protections for myself, for my family? I have to watch over my back every minute if this guy comes...

Friday, March 22, 2019


Juan Manuel Flores Del Toro an illegal alien in this country since the Obama days (2014) has killed Washington state Deputy Ryan Thompson. Mr. Thompson was only 42 years old. Ryan Thompson was called out to a road rage incident, instigated by the illegal alien Del Toro who was driving erratically in the Badger Pocket area of Kittitas County. Juan Manuel Flores Del Toro the illegal alien got out of his car and shot Deputy Ryan Thompson who later died from gun shot injuries at Kittitas Valley Hospital. All of this made possible by Washington State’s and especially Seattle’s sanctuary polices. Illegal aliens over Americans yet again.

Deputies chased the suspect into the city of Kittitas. Investigators said when the vehicle stopped, the suspect got out and exchanged gunfire with deputy Thompson and a Kittitas police officer.
The deputy was shot and died from injuries at Kittitas Valley Hospital.
The Kittitas officer was also shot and was...

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Brother of 22-Year-Old Killed by Illegal Alien: He Was ‘One Hell of a Young Man’

The older brother of 22-year-old Pierce Corcoran of Knoxville, Tennessee — who was allegedly killed by an illegal alien days before New Year’s Eve — is mourning the loss of his loved one, calling him “one hell of a young man.”

As Breitbart News reported, Pierce Corcoran — an aspiring personal trainer — was killed in a head-on car crash allegedly caused by 44-year-old illegal alien Franco Cambrany Francisco-Eduardo days before New Year’s Eve.

The illegal alien, police said, was driving without a license and without proper registration for his vehicle. He has been charged with negligent homicide and driving without a license.

In a post on the Corcoran family’s memorial site for Pierce, his older brother Connor mourns the loss of the brotherhood he had before the deadly crash.

Connor writes of Pierce:

I was blessed to have a brother like Pierce. Through all the challenges between each other, and against the world, we were always there to prepare each other for anything and create better versions of ourselves. From the day he was born, I had a friend and a rival that nothing could have ever prepared me for. [Emphasis added]

I was just an ignorant, competitive young kid that couldn’t understand why he had such a fascination with everything I was interested in, and until many years later, it never occurred to me that he was always trying to impress me and get me to see him for the man he was so quickly becoming. And let me say that Pierce became one hell of a young man. Through all the challenges I issued him as an older brother, Pierce became the man he wanted to be despite my challenges and through them, and still considered me an equal even though he surpassed me in so many ways years ago. I was blessed to have a brother like Pierce. [Emphasis added]
He was kind, generous, virtuous, faithful, and fun loving. More so than anyone I know. As much as he looked up to me, I look up to him now. I’m proud to say he was my brother. [Emphasis added]

Pierce’s parents, Wendy and DJ Corcoran, have told the media that their son’s life could have been spared if illegal immigration was taken seriously and federal immigration law was adequately enforced.

“Absolutely, [the government is] to blame. You cannot come here and not … I mean we are re-victimized by the system and we’ve just learned that,” Wendy told Fox News. “We’ve seen other people deal with this and felt for them … much more tragic in some ways. And it’s just, it’s injust. Our son’s life meant something and our government makes us feel as if it didn’t. That somebody that had no right to be here matters....

Friday, February 28, 2020

California: Twice-Deported Illegal Alien Arrested for Triple Homicide

A twice-deported illegal alien, accused of murdering three men in the sanctuary state of California, has been arrested by law enforcement officials.

Jose Luis Torres Garcia, a 33-year-old illegal alien from Mexico, was identified this week by Riverside County Sheriff’s Office in Southern California for allegedly murdering three men execution-style, as Breitbart News reported. The victims include 50-year-old Jaime Covarrubias Espindola, 38-year-old Jose Maria Aguilar-Espejel, and 28-year-old Rodrigo Aguilar-Esepjel.

Garcia had been on the run, fleeing to Cheyenne, Wyoming, but was arrested by local authorities there when he was pulled over for a traffic stop. During his arrest, police found 15 pounds of marijuana in his vehicle.

According to law enforcement, Garcia already has an active warrant for his arrest for allegedly drunk driving and a warrant for drug crimes before the murders. Though the illegal alien was previously deported from the U.S. twice, he returned to California at an unknown time following his last deportation.

Law enforcement officials were worried that Garcia may have...

Friday, July 2, 2021

Illegal Alien Out of Jail on Bail Accused of Beheading Man, Playing ‘Soccer with His Head’

An illegal alien out of jail on bail in New Mexico is now accused of beheading a man and then kicking the man’s head around like a soccer ball, Breitbart News has learned.

Joel Arciniega-Saenz, a 25-year-old illegal alien, was indicted by a grand jury this week after being arrested for allegedly murdering 51-year-old James Garcia in Dona Ana County, New Mexico, the day after Father’s Day.

According to court records obtained by KTSM 9 News, Arciniega-Saenz is accused of decapitating Garcia before mutilating the rest of his body and kicking his head around like a soccer ball. At the time of the murder, Arciniega-Saenz was out on bail, according to Las Cruces Sun-News.

When arrested after Garcia’s mutilated body was found 10 yards from his head, Arciniega-Saenz allegedly confessed to the murder, telling investigators that he was seeking revenge because he believed Garcia had raped his wife four years prior.

At the park where Garcia’s body was found, Arciniega-Saenz allegedly confessed to confronting the man before stabbing him with a switchblade, decapitating him, and then playing “soccer with his head,” according to an affidavit.

Arciniega-Saenz allegedly told investigators he kicked Garcia’s decapitated head at about 14 vehicles nearby.

CBS 4 News reported that Arciniega-Saenz had an extensive criminal record. In 2017, he was accused of first-degree murder but a year later, the charges were dropped. In May, Arciniega-Saenz was arrested when he was caught throwing rocks at businesses.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) seemingly confirmed to Breitbart News that Arciniega-Saenz is an illegal alien in the United States with an ICE detainer on him, requesting that local authorities do not release him from...

Friday, December 10, 2021

DeSantis Will Issue Emergency Order Barring State Licenses for Florida Facilities that House Illegal Alien Children from Biden Border Crisis

Florida GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis will take a major step on Friday morning to stop the influx of illegal aliens claiming to be unaccompanied children into his state thanks to Democrat President Joe Biden’s secret nighttime flights, Breitbart News has learned exclusively from the governor’s team.

DeSantis’s administration, through the Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF), will issue what is called an “emergency order” blocking the issuance or renewal of state licenses to DCF facilities throughout the state of Florida if any of those facilities are currently housing illegal migrant children — or illegal migrants claiming to be children — that the Biden administration flew into Florida.

DeSantis will appear in Jacksonville on Friday morning at a press conference to announce the new order as well, and the governor’s office conveyed to Breitbart News just how significant of a development this policy represents.

“The mission of the Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) is to protect the health, safety, and well-being of Floridians, especially children,” DeSantis spokeswoman Christina Pushaw told Breitbart News on Thursday evening. “To this end, DCF licenses facilities that house children whose families are unable to care for them. As a state agency, DCF serves the people of Florida. Diverting resources away from kids in need in Florida, to illegal aliens being smuggled here by the Biden Administration for clandestine resettlement, does not serve the people of our state. Under the new emergency rule, the federal government’s resettlement of illegal aliens (unaccompanied minors) from outside Florida does not constitute ‘evidence of need’ as required for issuance or renewal of a state license for a child-care facility. Therefore, no licenses shall be issued or renewed with respect to any child-care agency that provides services to illegal aliens transported to Florida from outside our state.”

This emergency order is the next step after an executive order DeSantis signed at the end of September outlining steps he was taking to protect Floridians from illegal migration and the effects of it. In section 8 of that executive order, DeSantis ordered DCF to begin investigating this matter and to develop plans on how to stop what Biden is doing. Now, DCF is rolling this new rule out just after one of the migrants Biden brought in who claimed to be a child but was actually an adult allegedly murdered a Florida man. He allegedly stabbed the man to death after Biden’s team placed the 24-year-old migrant, who claimed he was 17, with a father of four in Jacksonville.

What’s more, these licensed DCF facilities in question are supposed to care for displaced Florida children who do not have parents or legal guardians, but Biden’s open border policies have perverted their purpose to be used to house and care for unaccompanied, underage illegal alien children. So, now, such facilities will not be able to operate under this emergency order if they are housing illegal alien children that Biden sent...

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Previously Deported Illegal Alien Pleads Guilty to Brutally Murdering 10-Year-Old Girl

A previously deported illegal alien has pleaded guilty to strangling and drowning his ten-year-old cousin after attempting to sexually assault her in 2016 in Cherokee County, Texas.

Gustavo Zavala-Garcia, an illegal alien from Mexico, pleaded guilty on Thursday to murdering Kayla Gomez-Orozco, his cousin by marriage, in 2016 after the girl went missing, CBS Austin reports.

Court records released after the murder reveal gruesome details where Zavala-Garcia kidnapped Gomez-Orozco from a church service and attempted to sexually assault her. According to prosecutors, the illegal alien struck the girl in the head with a blunt object, then strangled and drowned her.

Gomez-Orozco’s body was found days later in a water well at the home where Zavala-Garcia had been living.

As Breitbart News reported, Zavala-Garcia crossed the U.S.-Mexico border illegally sometime after 2014, when he was first deported for violent crime charges, having been arrested twice for assault that year.

Zavala-Garcia will serve a...

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Mother of Son Killed by Drunk Illegal Alien: ‘Trump is the Change This Country Needs’

A mother of a son killed by a drunk illegal alien told Breitbart Texas, “Donald Trump is the change this country needs. We have been limping around with the good ‘ole boys in Washington, D.C. and now we have the chance to bring new blood in. This is our opportunity to elect someone who can make the changes we need, someone who really cares about Americans.”

Mary Ann Mendoza lost her son, Mesa Police Sergeant Brandon Mendoza, to an intoxicated criminal illegal alien. The 32-year-old police officer from Mesa, Arizona, was killed when the drunk illegal alien drove down the wrong way on a highway.

Breitbart Texas talked to Mendoza after Republican presumptive presidential nominee Donald Trump read part of a letter she wrote to him during his speech. Mendoza said she had no idea that he was going to read the letter and was surprised when a friend called her to tell her about it. She was recording his speech but was not watching the coverage at the time. Mendoza said she “was very honored that he would...

Friday, June 5, 2015

Illegal Alien Crime and Violence by the Numbers: We’re All Victims

At first glance, the statistics are jolting. According to the United Nations, 97 percent of the illegal immigrants who enter the U.S. clandestinely do so across the almost 2,000-mile border between the U.S. and Mexico, but only 20 percent of those who cross the border illegally are caught.[1]

The New York Times reports that about 4.5 million illegal aliens in the U.S. drive on a regular basis, many without licenses or insurance, or even the ability to read road signs written in English.[2]  (Meanwhile, the California legislature has just voted to give driver’s licenses to illegal aliens.) Yahoo.com writer J.C. Grant notes, “There is a statistically significant correlation between state per capita illegal immigration rates and car thefts. This correlation is particularly strong: the odds are less than two in one million that the correlation is a chance occurrence.”[3]

If just car thievery were the main concern, it would be an important problem to address. However, the Office of Immigration Statistics reported that of the 188,382 deportations of illegal aliens in 2011, 23 percent had committed criminal traffic offenses (primarily driving under the influence). Congressman Steve King (R-IA) estimates that illegal alien drunk drivers kill 13 Americans every day — that’s a death toll of 4,745 per year.[4]

The 23 percent criminal traffic offenders figure is only part of the overall picture. According to the Center for Immigration Studies, another 23 percent, more than 43,000 illegal aliens, were convicted of drug offenses. The violent crime category of assault, robbery, sexual assault, and family offenses comes to 12 percent. The non-violent crime grouping of larceny, fraud, and burglary totaled seven percent, and on the list goes — equaling 100 percent of illegal aliens who have been through the criminal justice system and inflicted thousands to millions in cost per alien on the system, for issues having nothing to do with their illegal entry into the country.[5] 577_Allen1

In an interview with this author, Pinal County, Arizona Sheriff Paul Babeu stated, “Pinal County has followed the trend of the majority of counties across the United States, so we have seen most of our major crime statistics drop during the past few years. The one area we have not seen drop — which has seen dramatic increases in fact — is crimes tied to illegal immigration. Our high-speed vehicle pursuits have rapidly increased each year from 142 in 2007 to 340 such incidents in 2010. Marijuana seizures have spiked from a low in 2008 of about 19,600 pounds to over 45,500 pounds in 2010. My deputies are telling me more and more that they are apprehending guns and high tech communication equipment from cartel...

Saturday, December 28, 2019

An Illegal Alien Murdered Woman, Shot Her Son Days Before Christmas

An illegal alien has been arrested after allegedly murdering a woman in Cobb County, Georgia, and shooting her teenage son days before Christmas.

Juan Antonio Gonzalez, a 32-year-old illegal alien, allegedly led Cobb County officers on a car chase after he fled the home of 38-year-old Oralia Melo Meza and her 16-year-old son. According to police, Gonzalez shot and killed Meza before shooting her son in the arm, leaving him with a non-life threatening injury, on December 21.

Police said when they arrived at Meza’s home following a 911 call about a domestic dispute, Gonzalez pulled out of the driveway and fired at Cobb County officers. At one point, the illegal alien hit on the officers’ cars and led them on a car chase for about six miles.

Gonzalez was taken into custody only after he crashed his car into another vehicle on the road.

For now, Gonzalez has been hit with one count of murder, two counts of aggravated assault, one count of aggravated assault on a law enforcement officer, one count of possession of...

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Illegal Aliens Released by BP Commit Home Invasion Robberies, Store Burglaries in U.S. Town

Violence sparked by the illegal immigrant crisis along the U.S.-Mexico border has spilled over into a sleepy little town unaccustomed to the devastating impact large influxes have on bigger cities near major crossings. A series of crimes committed by illegal aliens and human smugglers (coyotes) has left the usually tranquil Arizona town of Sonoita, population of about 800, in shock. Veteran ranchers and business owners in the area interviewed by Judicial Watch say that in the last few days there have been two home invasion robberies and two local stores were burglarized by a group of illegal immigrants who had just been released into their community by the U.S. Border Patrol in the predawn hours.

Additionally, armed illegal immigrants were stopped by authorities just south of Sonoita on private property, according to local sources. “Keep in mind that our area is rural, and the large majority of illegal immigrants are crossing in Nogales, Naco, and Douglas in Santa Cruz and Cochise County,” said one area rancher. Another said the sparsely populated region, located about two dozen miles from the Mexican border, is a large grazing area that is “not accustomed to this type of invasion of illegal activity.” The ranchers, all lifetime Sonoita-area residents, asked not to be identified because the situation is getting increasingly heated. Judicial Watch reached out to the Santa Cruz County Sheriff, which has jurisdiction in the area, for more detailed information about the crimes. However, the agency never responded. Local sources with firsthand knowledge of the recent crime spree say one of the homeowners recently robbed was beaten quite badly by the illegal alien perpetrators. The other was the family home of an area pastor’s son, the sources said.

Judicial Watch spoke to the owner of one of the Sonoita stores recently burglarized by illegal immigrants sometime before dawn. The business, Cowgirl Flare Boutique, sits at the intersection of Arizona State Route 82 and 83 in the middle of town. Next to it is a convenience store that also got burglarized by the same group. “The Border Patrol processed and released two men and a woman for human smuggling at around 4:30 a.m. and my store is very close to the Sonoita Border Patrol station,” said Stephanie Hubbell, who opened Cowgirl Flare Boutique nearly a decade ago. “They broke in and took all the money in the cash register and several pairs of men’s jeans and shirts.” The illegal immigrants also smoked crack cocaine in her store, Hubbell said, and used the pages of a book nook stationed outside her business to start a fire. Besides also burglarizing the convenience store next to her, Hubbell said the illegal immigrants stole all the cash donations in a shrine that the owner has in honor of her deceased mother.

The problem is only getting worse, locals say, because federal agents are overwhelmed with the onslaught of migrants and more are being released into communities near the border. A separate group of illegal immigrants processed and released by the Border Patrol was arrested within the last 24 hours, Hubbell said, for criminal behavior in Sonoita. “One was coming off meth and the other three guys were traffickers,” Hubbell said. Hours later, an illegal alien “coming off heroine” was taken into custody, she added. “This is the kind of illegal activity that this is bringing to our area,” the longtime resident and business owner declared. She and other town residents, who did not want their name used, say that during Donald Trump’s presidency there was less criminal activity by illegal immigrants than in the first few months of the Biden administration. “This town was so safe for the last four years,” Hubbell said. “Not now.”

In the last few weeks, several media outlets have reported that federal authorities are indeed releasing large groups of illegal immigrants in the U.S. after “processing” them, many without even being issued a court date. One national news syndicate obtained an internal government document that explains the move is “intended to mitigate operational challenges, including risks to national security, during significant surges of illegal migration.” A Texas congressman recently disclosed that federal officials have released around 2,000 illegal immigrants inside the U.S. without a notice to appear in court. The Democrat lawmaker, Henry Cuellar, calls it...

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Trump Releases New Ad: Democrats ‘Complicit in Every Murder Committed by Illegal Immigrants’

Democrats are “complicit” in illegal immigrant violent crime and murder so long as they continue blocking funding for a border wall along the U.S.-Mexico border and hold up negotiations on pro-American immigration reforms, President Trump’s new campaign ad states.

The ad was released a day after Senate Democrats voted to shut down the federal government because the spending bill to keep the government open did not include amnesty for at least 3.5 million illegal aliens, as Breitbart News reported.

Luis Bracamontes, a 37-year-old illegal alien from Mexico who allegedly shot and killed Detective Michael Davis and Deputy Sheriff Danny Oliver in October 2017, is featured in the ad, saying in the courtroom during his murder trial that he wished he “had killed more of the motherf*ckers.”

“I will break out soon and I will kill more, kill whoever gets in front of me,” the illegal alien said as he smiled in the courtroom, Breitbart News reported. “There’s no need for a f*cking trial.”

“It’s pure evil,” the ad says.

The ad goes on to state that Democrats are “complicit” in illegal alien crime so long as they continue supporting open borders policies like sanctuary cities — which harbor criminal illegal aliens and shield them from deportation — while blocking full funding for a wall on the southern border and legal immigration-cutting reforms to raise the wages of American workers.

“President Trump is right. Build the wall. Deport criminals. Stop illegal immigration now. Democrats who stand in our way will be complicit in every murder committed by...

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Illegal Alien Crime Wave in Texas: 611,234 Crimes, 2,993 Murders

The murder of Kathryn Steinle on the Embarcadero in San
Confessed Texas killer Juan Vasquez
Francisco by an illegal alien is the most familiar example of a crime committed by an alien. But an unreleased internal report by the Texas Department of Public Safety reveals that illegal aliens have been involved in thousands of crimes in Texas alone, including nearly 3,000 homicides.

PJ Media obtained an never-before-released copy of a Texas DPS report on human smuggling containing the numbers of crimes committed by illegal aliens in Texas. According to the analysis conducted by the Texas Department of Public Safety, foreign aliens committed 611,234 unique crimes in Texas from 2008 to 2014, including thousands of homicides and sexual assaults.

The report describes an alien crime wave of staggering proportions exacerbated by federal officials unwilling to enforce immigration laws.

The Texas DPS report says well over 100,000 individual criminal aliens have been booked into Texas jails:

From October 2008 to April 2014, Texas identified a total177,588 unique criminal alien defendants booked into Texas county jails. These individuals have been identified through the Secure Communities initiative, in which Texas has participated since October 2008.

There are almost certainly more criminal aliens who haven’t been identified as aliens. The 177,588 criminal aliens...

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Americans Last: Biden Closes Trump's Office for Victims of Illegal Alien Crime, Opens Illegal Alien Support Office Instead

On Friday, as Joe Biden bumbled his way around the G7 Summit, his administration was hard at work dissembling more Trump-era immigration policies.

During his first week in office, President Trump created the Victims of Immigration Crime and Engagement Office (VOICE) within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). For the first time, victims of crimes committed by illegal aliens were given the acknowledgment and support they deserved.

That support has now come to a screeching halt with the closing of VOICE.

According to the AP, VOICE is to be replaced by the newly-created Victims Engagement and Services Line (VESL). VESL’s focus is to provide “methods for people to report abuse and mistreatment in immigration detention centers and a notification system for lawyers and others with a vested interest in immigration cases.”

In other words, instead of VOICE focusing on support for the victims of illegal aliens, VESL, will now support the illegal aliens themselves.

Former Trump senior advisor Stephen Miller tweeted his apparent disgust at the announcement:

With this repugnant refocus, not only has Biden taken away support specific to illegal alien crime victims, but Biden has also removed the...