90 Miles From Tyranny : Search results for illegal alien

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Showing posts sorted by date for query illegal alien. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Illegal Alien killed by Border Patrol after attempting to take gun from agent

An illegal alien that was in custody of U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents was shot and killed Tuesday afternoon after attempting to take the gun of a Border Patrol agent in Ysleta, Texas, according to several Border Patrol officials that spoke to SaraACarter.com.

The area where the incident took place is east of El Paso and part of the El Paso Sector.

“The incident happened while the alien was in custody,” said Brandon Judd, who is a Border Patrol agent and the president of the National Border Patrol Council union that represents more than 18,000 agents. “The alien was in custody and went for one of the agents guns. Two agents fired on the illegal alien. He was killed. The FBI is on scene now conducting the investigation.”

U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials could not be immediately reached for comment.

There were no other details readily available regarding the illegal alien or his...

Monday, September 19, 2022

anctuary County: Three-Time Deported Illegal Alien Arrested for Possibly 21 Sexual Assaults

An illegal alien, deported three times from the United States, has been arrested in the sanctuary county of Fairfax County, Virginia, for possibly 21 sexual assaults, police reveal.

Juan Rodriguez Alfaro, a 42-year-old illegal alien from Honduras, was arrested last week on charges that he carried out multiple sexual assaults on women and girls on a nature trail in Fairfax County.

Police said Alfaro is possibly linked to at least 21 sexual assaults in the area and in some cases, they said he was naked. Before his arrest, in a separate 2021 case, Alfaro was wanted for attempted rape and sexual assault in Suffolk County, New York — another sanctuary jurisdiction.

In that case, Suffolk County police said Alfaro attacked a woman who was jogging and attempted to rape her. Alfaro was allegedly wearing only a tank top at the time.

At the time of the alleged sexual assault in New York, Alfaro had been deported from the U.S. three times, according to officials at the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency.

Like New York state, Fairfax County has sanctuary policies on the books that prevent local law enforcement from turning criminal illegal aliens over to...

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Martha's Vineyard Residents Were Having Total Meltdown, Turning on Each Other and Calling Out Friends


The national media has jumped to the support of the super-rich, left-wing residents of Martha’s Vineyard in the wake of its 50 illegal alien visitors, but it seems that all is not in harmony behind the scenes.

Members of the media have fallen all over themselves to claim that the residents of Martha’s Vineyard stand together like a rock in their angel-like hope that they can find a place amongst them for the illegals dumped by the dastardly “xenophobic” GOP Gov. of Florida, Ron DeSantis.

CNN, for instance, published a story lauding the cooperation of the residents of Martha’s Vineyard and how the community “responded” to the arrival. The story was full of notes on how the community came together.

Local media also lauded the hometown heroes, including the Vineyard Gazette, which published the tale entitled, “Vineyard Community Rallies Relief Efforts to Assist Stranded Migrants.”

Indeed, local authorities on the island that serves as home to the rich and famous tooted their own horn over their efforts to solve that shocking “humanitarian crisis” that beset their quiet island paradise.

That was all before the illegals were all shipped right back off the island, as Texas GOP Sen. Ted Cruz noted:

Still, were those compassionate stars of humanitarianism all so unified in compassion for their visitors?

Maybe not so much.

The liberal residents of Martha’s Vineyard enthusiastically support politicians such as Joe Biden, who espouse open-border policies that are swamping border states like Texas with tens of thousands of illegals weekly. In 2020, 9,763 residents voted for Biden and only 2,610 for Trump.

But the residents were not quite as pleased to have a few of the immigrants in their own backyards.

The behind-the-scenes arguing started almost as soon as GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis sent a plane loaded with 50 illegals to the island on Wednesday.

A Facebook group created for the island’s residents seems to have had a bit of dissent going on behind the scenes as residents bickered and pointed fingers at each other over the arrival of the uninvited guests.

TBDaily News gathered a grouping of some of the top comments as residents argued about the situation:

Friday, July 22, 2022

Kenyan Presidential Candidate Vows to Expose China Deals, Deport Chinese Illegal Alien

Kenyan presidential hopeful William Ruto promised on Wednesday that if elected, he will make all Kenyan government contracts with China public, and move aggressively to deport Chinese nationals working illegally in Kenya.

Ruto, 55, is currently the deputy president of Kenya. He is running for the presidency on an anti-corruption platform that stresses his own hardscrabble youth, during which he sold chickens to make a living and did not own a pair of shoes until he was 15. His party, the Kenya Kwanza Alliance (“Kenya First”), is a somewhat unstable coalition of smaller parties united primarily by their disdain for incumbent President Uhuru Kenyatta.

Ruto has been Kenyatta’s deputy president since 2013, a relationship he now dismisses as a political marriage of convenience. It was actually something of a shotgun wedding, because Kenyatta and Ruto – who backed Kenyatta’s rival Raila Odinga at first – were both under investigation by the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity. Both men were accused of fomenting violence that led to over 1,200 deaths after the bitterly contested 2007 election.

Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta, left, shakes hands with Chinese President Xi Jinping, right, before the meeting at the Great Hall of People in Beijing, China on April 25, 2019. (Kenzaburo Fukuhara/Kyodo News – Pool/Getty Images)

The Kenyatta-Ruto “bromance” achieved its goals, as the two were able to get all of the charges against them thrown out after three years in power. In 2018, Kenyatta reconciled with Odinga and abruptly dumped Ruto, who was accused of insubordination for complaining about it. Ruto remained deputy president for the duration of his constitutionally-guaranteed tenure, knowing full well that he would be tossed out in favor of Odinga in the August 2022 elections.

Ruto decided to run for the top job himself, on a platform of rebuilding the Kenyan economy from the ground up to better serve “hustler nation,” as he refers to young Kenyans who cannot find solid jobs. Kenya’s youth unemployment rate hovers around 40...

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Tijuana Opens Muslim Migrant Shelter to Help U.S. Asylum Seekers as Illegal Immigration Soars

As the U.S. sets a record for illegal immigrant apprehensions along the southern border, a first-of-its- kind shelter opens in Tijuana, Mexico to accommodate a steady flow of Muslim migrants heading north via Latin America. A couple of years ago a San Diego-based group called Latina Muslim Foundation began raising funds to build the shelter “in response to the growing number of Muslim migrants south of the border,” according to a local news report. The 8,000-square-foot facility, which opened over the weekend, can accommodate “up to 150 asylum-seekers,” and will offer Muslim migrants housing, medical care, halal meals and legal services as they wait to enter the U.S. in the famously violent Mexican city that borders California.

Judicial Watch has for years reported on the increasing number of Muslim migrants—including from terrorist nations—entering the U.S. through the Mexican border and the timing of this influx could not be worse, during a record-breaking month for the U.S. Border Patrol. The latest agency figures show that more illegal immigrants—222,656—were apprehended at the southwest border in May than in any other month in history. The previous one-month record was set in March 2000, when the frontline Homeland Security agency reported 223,305 apprehensions. Additionally, federal agents have processed more than 1.5 million illegal immigrants this fiscal year. With three months till the end of the fiscal year, at the current rate the figure is sure to surpass the 2021 record of 1.7 million.

A quarter of the illegal alien encounters reported in May involved repeat offenders previously caught by federal agents this year, the latest government stats reveal. The breakdown shows that Mexicans account for the largest number of illegal border crossers in May, about 77,000, followed by Cubans (25,348), Guatemalans (21,382), Hondurans (19,491), Colombians (19,040), Nicaraguans (18,944), Haitians (10,418), Salvadorans (8,955), Brazilians (5,118), Venezuelans (5,078), Russians (3,394) and Ecuadoreans (3,045). This batch of records does not offer a breakdown that includes Muslims, but it has long been reported that the number is on the rise. Earlier this year an Arab news outlet reported that thousands of Muslims from the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and Africa try to reach the U.S.-Mexico border every month. In the story the head of a religious immigrant organization in Brazil estimates that 20% of all people...

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Illegal Alien Who Killed Kate Steinle Gets a “Gift” to Time Served on The Related Charge

In July of 2015, while walking along San Francisco’s crowded Pier 14 with her dad and a friend, 32-year-old Kate Steinle was shot dead. She pleaded to her father for help as she died in his arms. Jose Inez Garcia-Zarate, who was in the US illegally and had already been deported five times, admitted to accidentally firing the gun.Jose Zarate, Kate Steinle

He’s been serving time in jail for other violations, but even after a jury eventually acquitted Garcia-Zarate of homicide charges in 2017, he still faced a federal firearms charge.

Jose Inez Garcia-Zarate is facing deportation to his native Mexico after California federal judge, Judge Vince Chhabria, sentenced him to the seven years he’s already spent in jail.

The judge boldly blustered, “If you return to this country again and you are back in front of me, I will not spare you. Let this be your last warning: Do not return to this country,”

Terrific! That’ll stop a chronic, law breaking, border jumping offender like this guy for making a 6th attempt….that we know of.

His attorney, Mike Hinckley, told the court on Monday that Garcia-Zarate “feels horrible about what happened, and that he’s very sorry and apologizes.”

Jose should tell that to...

Saturday, May 28, 2022

How Joe Biden and the I.R.S are Performing Criminal Acts

To dismantle our borders and destroy our country.

Discussions of the border problem often touch on the criminal element that violates our unenforced border laws beginning with drug dealers, sex traffickers, and migrant smugglers. But the crime problem is vastly understated in these references which give the impression that it is largely confined to the countries they have left, and has no impact on the country they have invaded. In July 2018, the Government Accountability Office issued a report containing “Criminal Alien Statistics,”[2] which serves to correct this false impression. Among its conclusions, the report states that one in five federal prisoners in the United States is a criminal alien. And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

The G.A.O. report covered the period between 2011 and 2016. During that time frame, approximately 2 million foreigners crossed the border into the United States illegally – which is just about the number of unvetted foreigners whom border officials predict will cross the border illegally this year alone. In that same time frame there were more than 730,000 criminal aliens in U.S. prisons, federal and state, and local jails. Criminals are not usually arrested the first time they commit a crime, and are often released with minimal time served when they are. So while there were 730,000 criminal aliens in U.S. prisons, they accounted for 4.9 million arrests and 7.5 million offenses – which would translate into a 10 times greater number of victims than offenders.

The offenses of these criminals, according to the report, included more than 1 million drug crimes (number of victims unknown); 500,000 assaults; 133,800 sex offenses (number of actual victims who may have been reluctant to report the crimes also unknown); 24,200 kidnappings; 33,300 “homicide-related events:” and “1,500 terrorism-related crimes.”

How many lives were damaged or destroyed by these aliens who entered the country illegally and should never have even been here in the first place, will never be known, and yet the lawless Biden administration which will not enforce existing immigration laws is planning to continue the outrage and pile up the victims at an even greater rate.

And worse. On July 14, 2021, Fox News Channel host Tucker Carlson revealed the Biden Administration had suborned the U.S. military to ship tens of thousands of illegals into cities across the country at taxpayer expense. Laughlin Air Force Base in Texas was used as the platform from which to secretly board illegals and fly them, under dark of night, to locations across the U.S. Many other illegals were being sent to occupy the American interior, also at taxpayer expense, but by bus rather than by jet. In the words of Center for Immigration Studies fellow Todd Bensman, “a conveyor belt of commercial and charter buses … are carrying tens of thousands, sight unseen, from Texas, Arizona, and California borderlands northward, and they are dropping their Haitian, Venezuelan, Cuban, and Central American family units in Florida and New Jersey, Tennessee, Massachusetts, Michigan, North Carolina, Georgia, Kentucky, and to large cities in Texas such as Dallas and Houston.”

The fact that the Biden administration chose the middle of the night to ship illegals secretly is a clear indication that the White House was quite aware it was conducting an illegal operation. Its goal, as Tucker Carlson claimed was “changing the electoral map” of the United States and enacting “demographic transformation in our country, without our consent, and in violation of our laws.” Former Trump White House advisor Stephen Miller explained on the same show: “[W]hat is happening now is unprecedented…. This is not about an administration that is unable to protect the border. This is about an administration that in a very purposeful, planned, deliberate, painstaking fashion has turned our Border Patrol and I.C.E. [Immigration & Customs Enforcement] agencies into resettlement agencies…. This is a planned resettlement. The largest of its kind, I would suggest, perhaps in the history of the world in terms of the number of illegal border crossers being resettled into the interior of our country in violation of plain law.”

In a similar vein, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis reported in early November 2021 that, over the course of the preceding summer, dozens of flights had transported groups of illegals from America’s southern border to Jacksonville, Florida in the middle of the night. “Over 70 air charter flights [on] jetliner airliners coming from the southwest border have landed at Jacksonville International Airport,” said Larry Keefe, DeSantis’s public safety spokesman. “On average, there’s 36 passengers on each of these flights,” added Keefe. “And that has been going on over the course of the summer through September…. Who is facilitating this travel? How are they getting here? Who are the support people? Who are the sponsors?”

To answer Keefe’s questions, the support people and sponsors of the aforementioned flights were, in many cases, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that have long enjoyed tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. This status permits donors to give money to NGOs while claiming their donations as tax deductions. In many cases, the cost of the midnight flights was paid in full by faith-based and open-border NGOs that had contracted with, and were being paid by, the federal government.

Using tax-exempt foundations to defraud taxpayers into subsidizing an illegal invasion of the United States was only possible because of the collusion of the White House and the I.R.S. in supporting this subversion of the American immigration system. And this was only the big picture lawlessness. The smaller details were also full of improprieties. As...

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Illegal Alien Charged with Killing Man in Drunk Driving Crash on Mother’s Day

An illegal alien has been accused of killing a man during a drunk driving crash in Wichita, Kansas on Mother’s Day.

Alanso Garcia-Amaya, a 33-year-old illegal alien, was arrested and charged with driving under the influence involuntary manslaughter last week for allegedly killing 42-year-old Don Kirk in a drunk driving crash.

According to police, Garcia-Amaya was drunk driving when he crashed into an SUV. Kirk was pulled over on the side of the road and standing behind his vehicle in front of the SUV following a collision involving the two vehicles.

The crash pinned Kirk between the two vehicles, leaving him dead on the scene.

Now, the Angel Family is grieving the loss of their loved one.

“I just couldn’t believe it … he went out of his way for that. He’s so fun, loving, he’s happy. He’d give you anything, anything he had,” Kirk’s sister Marva Sinclair told KSNW.

Kirk’s aunt, Helen Armstrong, described Kirk as a “goofball” who loved to make his family and friends laugh.

“He was always sending me pictures and texting me all the time. I talked to him three or four times a day,” Armstrong said.

Garcia-Amaya has been...

Thursday, May 5, 2022

'Alien always wins rule:' Biden invents new way to keep illegals in country with circular process

Texas lawsuit exposes regulatory change limiting judges' power to deport, creating numerous loopholes for aliens.

Facing mounting losses in the courts over its immigration policies, the Biden administration has invented a new tactic for keeping as many illegal aliens in the country as possible: Create a circular bureaucratic process loop indefinitely delaying deportation.

The newest tactic was exposed last week in a lawsuit filed by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton challenging obscure regulatory changes by the Homeland Security Department that shifted the power to deport away from immigration judges to civilian bureaucrats while allowing aliens multiple means of delaying and appealing.

"The Interim Rule sets forth all kinds of exceptions from the procedures and timelines in the new regulations, generally always inuring to the alien's benefit," Paxton wrote in his lawsuit.

"In summary, the Interim Rule transfers significant authority from immigration judges to asylum officers, grants those asylum officers significant additional authority, limits immigration-judge review to denials of applications, and upends the entire adjudicatory system to the benefit of aliens," the suit added.

Texas v. Biden (Asylum Rule Complaint) (as-filed 04.28.2022).pdf

The vast majority of asylum cases that reach an immigration judge are rejected, about 71% of the time under President Trump, though it fell to 63% in the first year of the Biden presidency. And most aliens are then subjected to expedited removal.

What the Biden administration did is create interim rules that significantly bypass the immigration judges, allowing civilian bureaucrats working for the Customs and Immigration Service to take new actions that delay or circumvent expedited removal.

The Texas lawsuit noted several of the changes, including that "individuals subject to expedited removal and found to have a credible fear of persecution or torture would have their claims for asylum, withholding of removal ... or Convention Against Torture ... protection initially adjudicated by USCIS following a nonadversarial interview before an asylum officer."

Aliens who lose at the immigration court level now can appeal and and get reconsidered by the CIS bureaucracy under most favorable conditions, the Texas suit noted. And aliens who lose at both the court and CIS level and facing "expedited removal proceedings would be eligible for consideration for parole."

John Zadrozny, a former White House immigration adviser to President Trump, told Just the News the new rules have simply created a circular bureaucratic process with little end in sight, meaning most aliens who enter it can stay in...

Sunday, April 24, 2022

ICE to release 600,000 illegal aliens by September...

ICE is getting ready to release as many as 600,000 illegal aliens into communities before the end of September, the agency told a federal judge, giving an early estimate of the chaos the administration is predicting after it ends the Title 42 pandemic border shutdown.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement revealed the figure in a court filing dealing with how it plans to handle illegal alien children who arrive as part of the surge.

Deane Dougherty, ICE’s juvenile coordinator, wrote in the filing that the Homeland Security Department expects a “historic border surge, with projections forecasted to triple current arrivals.”

The coordinator said ICE expects to catch and release more than 3,000 illegal immigrants from the border every day, up from 774 a day in March.

“Given these forecasts and the recently announced decision to end Title 42 next month, ICE must shift its focus and prepare to manage its resources for a population of up to 600,000 by the end of the fiscal year,” the coordinator said.

The fiscal year runs through Sept. 30, meaning ICE expects to release more than 100,000 people a month between now and then.

Homeland Security has predicted it will catch as many as 18,000 people a day crossing the border. Many of those are likely to...

Friday, April 8, 2022

Illegal Alien Charged with Killing Elderly Man, Injuring Three Others in Florida

An illegal alien has been charged with killing a 72-year-old man and injuring three others in a drunk driving crash in Walton County, Florida, Breitbart News has exclusively learned.

Jose Virgilio Carcamo Elvir, a 42-year-old illegal alien, was charged with one count of DUI manslaughter, three counts of DUI causing serious bodily injury, driving with an expired license, and driving with open alcohol containers.

The Walton County Sheriff’s Office confirmed that Elvir is an illegal alien living in the United States and that the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency has placed a detainer on him so that, if he is released, they will take over custody.

According to a report issued by Florida Highway Patrol, exclusively obtained by Breitbart News, Elvir was driving drunk in Walton County on April 3 when he crashed into the back of another vehicle and caused an eight-vehicle crash as a result.

Perry Adrian Cole, a 72-year-old resident of Palmetto Bay, Florida, was involved in the crash and rushed to Sacred Heart Medical Center in Santa Rosa, Florida, where he was later pronounced dead as a result of his injuries.

“Just weeks after a Haitian criminal alien brutally murdered a Florida husband and wife in Daytona Beach, another innocent Floridian lost his life at the hands of an illegal alien in Walton County,” Gov. Ron DeSantis’s (R) office wrote in an exclusive statement to...

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Illegal Alien Murders 4 in Jurisdiction of Sheriff Sued for Reporting Alien Criminals to ICE

Months after a California sheriff got sued for reporting undocumented criminals to federal authorities, an illegal immigrant with a criminal history murdered four people in the veteran law enforcement official’s jurisdiction just days after being released from jail. The brutal crimes occurred in Sacramento, California where Sheriff Scott Jones was recently sued by a leftist civil rights group for transferring illegal alien offenders to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for removal rather than release them back into the community under state sanctuary laws known as the TRUTH Act and the California Values Act. The first one, which went into effect in 2017, requires that local police give criminals in the U.S. illegally a written notice of their transfer to ICE. The second, which was enacted a year later, forbids all California law enforcement agencies from using funds or employees to “investigate, interrogate, detain or arrest persons for immigration enforcement purposes.” The measure is also known as SB 54.

The Golden State’s outrageous sanctuary laws protected 39-year-old Mexican national David Mora-Rojas from deportation after at least two encounters with the law. In April 2021, the mother of his three children obtained a restraining order against him after a domestic violence incident, according to the Sacremento County Sheriff’s Office, which confirms that the order specifically states Mora-Rojas cannot own or possess firearms or ammunition. On February 23, 2022, Mora-Rojas was arrested Merced County about 115 miles south of Sacramento for driving under the influence, assaulting a police officer, and assaulting medical staff. ICE served a detainer on the jail, but state sanctuary laws prohibited Merced officials from holding Mora-Rojas or communicating with ICE about his release, so the illegal immigrant walked out of jail on a $15,000 bond.

Five days later Mora-Rojas shot his three daughters and a court-ordered chaperone at a Sacramento church before shooting himself. The girls were nine, 10 and 13 years old. Mora-Rojas used an Armalite Rifle (AR) style gun with no serial number or manufacturer makings, according to the Sacramento Sheriff’s Office, which describes it as a Privately Made Firearm (PMF). The rifle had an extended 30-round magazine inserted and 17 casings were found at the scene. The horrific crimes occurred on February 28 at around 5 p.m. at the Church in Sacramento which is located in a residential neighborhood. The church issued a statement expressing shock and sadness, “resulting in the deaths of five of our members,” which seems to include the shooter. One Sacramento news report says court documents paint a disturbing picture of verbal and physical abuse inflicted by Mora-Rojas on the mother of his three kids, yet he was allowed to remain in the country illegally.

In the tragedy’s aftermath, Sheriff Jones is publicly expressing outrage. The 33-year law enforcement veteran is currently serving his third term as the top cop in the central California county of around 1.6 million that includes the state’s capitol. In a social media post Jones writes that “there is only ONE thing that allowed this horrific tragedy to occur with certainty: the deplorable state of our national immigration policies, and California’s Sanctuary State Laws.” Jones warns that liberals and activists will try to spin the narrative, dredge up sympathy for the monster that killed the victims and focus on the horrors of ghost guns. “When I was invited to the White House by President Trump in 2018 to discuss immigration failures in our country, I described California’s Sanctuary State law as creating ‘spectacular failures’ all over this state,” Jones writes. “I was criticized in The [Sacramento] Bee and elsewhere for that statement, but I defy them now to color this tragic event any other way.”

In November Jones was sued by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) for transferring illegal immigrants convicted of state crimes to...

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Biden to Crack Down on Arrests of Illegal Aliens in American Communities

President Joe Biden’s top Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officials are set to issue a new memo that is likely to further cripple Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents’ ability to arrest illegal aliens.

A class-action lawsuit, initially brought by a number of open borders groups, demanded recourse for illegal aliens who were arrested by ICE agents as part of “collateral arrests” in traffic stops and often without a judicial warrant.

As a result, a settlement was approved this month by the District Court for the Northern District of Illinois that will hamper ICE agents’ ability to arrest illegal aliens, particularly in the Midwest.

Biden’s DHS is ordered to issue a new nationwide policy that requires ICE agents to consider a variety of factors before arresting illegal aliens in traffic stops and without a warrant. Particularly, ICE agents will only be allowed to make traffic stop arrests if they have reasonable suspicion to believe that illegal aliens are in the vehicle.

ICE officials will also be required to document the legal basis for each traffic stop arrest of an illegal alien and agents will have to undergo new training measures to comply with the policies.

Across Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Missouri, Kansas, and Kentucky, the settlement allows illegal aliens who were arrested by ICE agents via a traffic stop or without a warrant to seek recourse by being released from federal custody.

The policy is certain to further cripple interior immigration enforcement.

Already, Biden has successfully cut arrests and deportations of illegal aliens thanks to his so-called “sanctuary country” orders that ban ICE from arresting and deporting most of the nation’s 11 to 22 million illegal aliens.

For instance, in the first eight months of Biden’s presidency, DHS deported just...

Thursday, December 16, 2021

DeSantis Freezes Licenses for Florida Daycare Facilities Paid by the Biden Admin to House Illegal Immigrants

In a press conference on Dec. 10, DeSantis announced new rules affecting daycare facilities around the state that would prohibit the issuance or renewal of any license to facilities that house unaccompanied alien minors for resettlement in Florida without a cooperative agreement between state and federal governments. DeSantis proposed this action in response to the Biden administration’s practice of paying daycare providers $500 to $1,400 per day to care for illegal immigrant children who arrived unaccompanied to the United States.

The revised language in the DCF Emergency rule enacts a directive that DeSantis laid out in an Executive Order from Sept. 28, 2021, designed to protect Floridians from the dangerous impacts of the Biden border crisis.

Under the new emergency rule, the federal government’s resettlement of illegal aliens (unaccompanied minors) from outside Florida does not constitute evidence of need as required for issuance or renewal of a state license for a child-care facility. This means that no licenses will be issued or renewed with respect to any child-care agency that provides services to illegal aliens transported to Florida from outside the state.

The press secretary for Governor DeSantis, Christina Pushaw, told PJ Media in an email:
The Biden Administration is incentivizing our state-licensed childcare facilities to provide for unaccompanied minors – instead of providing care for Florida kids in need. The federal government pays $500-$1400 per bed, per day to operators who take unaccompanied minors. The state simply cannot compete with this rate; Florida uses a more cost-effective method to determine rates for group home providers. The state’s payment is also tied directly to benefit the child, so providers are only paid when services are provided (whereas the federal government pays the same rate per bed, whether or not all those beds are being used). Florida’s average daily rate is $158 for each child served.
Pushaw called the federal government’s payment structure and less restrictive standards “unnecessary and unfair competition” that harms the children of Florida.

“Diverting resources away from kids in need in Florida,” Pushaw said, “to illegal aliens being smuggled here by the Biden Administration for clandestine resettlement does not serve the people of our state.”

DeSantis made the remarks at a press conference with a wider emphasis on what Florida can do to fight back against Biden’s border crisis and legislative proposals he’s made for...

Friday, December 10, 2021

DeSantis Will Issue Emergency Order Barring State Licenses for Florida Facilities that House Illegal Alien Children from Biden Border Crisis

Florida GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis will take a major step on Friday morning to stop the influx of illegal aliens claiming to be unaccompanied children into his state thanks to Democrat President Joe Biden’s secret nighttime flights, Breitbart News has learned exclusively from the governor’s team.

DeSantis’s administration, through the Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF), will issue what is called an “emergency order” blocking the issuance or renewal of state licenses to DCF facilities throughout the state of Florida if any of those facilities are currently housing illegal migrant children — or illegal migrants claiming to be children — that the Biden administration flew into Florida.

DeSantis will appear in Jacksonville on Friday morning at a press conference to announce the new order as well, and the governor’s office conveyed to Breitbart News just how significant of a development this policy represents.

“The mission of the Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) is to protect the health, safety, and well-being of Floridians, especially children,” DeSantis spokeswoman Christina Pushaw told Breitbart News on Thursday evening. “To this end, DCF licenses facilities that house children whose families are unable to care for them. As a state agency, DCF serves the people of Florida. Diverting resources away from kids in need in Florida, to illegal aliens being smuggled here by the Biden Administration for clandestine resettlement, does not serve the people of our state. Under the new emergency rule, the federal government’s resettlement of illegal aliens (unaccompanied minors) from outside Florida does not constitute ‘evidence of need’ as required for issuance or renewal of a state license for a child-care facility. Therefore, no licenses shall be issued or renewed with respect to any child-care agency that provides services to illegal aliens transported to Florida from outside our state.”

This emergency order is the next step after an executive order DeSantis signed at the end of September outlining steps he was taking to protect Floridians from illegal migration and the effects of it. In section 8 of that executive order, DeSantis ordered DCF to begin investigating this matter and to develop plans on how to stop what Biden is doing. Now, DCF is rolling this new rule out just after one of the migrants Biden brought in who claimed to be a child but was actually an adult allegedly murdered a Florida man. He allegedly stabbed the man to death after Biden’s team placed the 24-year-old migrant, who claimed he was 17, with a father of four in Jacksonville.

What’s more, these licensed DCF facilities in question are supposed to care for displaced Florida children who do not have parents or legal guardians, but Biden’s open border policies have perverted their purpose to be used to house and care for unaccompanied, underage illegal alien children. So, now, such facilities will not be able to operate under this emergency order if they are housing illegal alien children that Biden sent...

Friday, November 19, 2021

The Biden Administration Just Forced Every American Town To Host Dangerous Illegal Aliens

The Biden administration recently turned nearly every community in America into an illegal alien sanctuary.

Under a new policy, federal immigration law enforcement is now largely prohibited from arresting criminal aliens in your neighborhood if you live near a playground, a recreation center, a school, a place of worship or religious study, a location that offers vaccinations (such as a pharmacy), a community-based organization, any location that hosts weddings (such as a civic center, hotel, or park), any location with a school bus stop, any place “where children gather,” and many more places that are common to most towns.

What used to be safe spaces for law-abiding Americans and vulnerable members of society have been transformed into safe spaces for violent offenders with no right to be in the United States.

The scope is virtually limitless and prohibits all of the authorities of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), such as “arrests, civil apprehensions, searches, inspections, seizures, service of charging documents or subpoenas, interviews, and immigration enforcement surveillance.”

Officers are prohibited from doing their job anywhere “near” a so-called “protected area,” an imprecise standard that Alejandro Mayorkas, the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), admits has “no bright-line definition.” Mayorkas, who outlined the new policy last month, claims that putting a sanctuary in every community is a “noble” way to “advance our country’s well-being” and ensure that illegal aliens have access to “essential services” and can engage in “essential activities.”

ICE already had a sensitive locations policy that largely prohibited enforcement in religious institutions, at weddings, at hospitals, and at marked school bus stops when children are present, for example. The Biden administration’s new “protected areas” policy is meant to look similar, but it’s an overbroad, nationwide sanctuary policy in disguise and applies to locations that aren’t even open.

Because it “applies at all times and is not limited by hours or days of operation,” this means that ICE officers are now prohibited from making arrests or even conducting surveillance near any location where a wedding might occur even if a wedding isn’t occurring, or near any location that has an unmarked school bus stop in the middle of summer when school is out, or near a recreation center that’s closed for the winter, for example. When you plot out on a map the locations that are now no-go zones for federal law enforcement, it becomes clear that the real intent of this policy is to transform huge portions of our communities into safe havens for criminal aliens.

Biden’s DHS explains that the limitations don’t apply where there’s an “imminent” risk of harm or a “hot pursuit,” but those are rare circumstances. It means that officers are prohibited from arresting a known child abuser on the same street as a playground unless they observe the alien starting to victimize someone. Of course, officers are prohibited from conducting surveillance near playgrounds anyhow, so officers likely wouldn’t be present to stop...

Murder Trial Begins for Accused Illegal Alien Serial Killer with Survivor Detailing Attempted Murder: The MSM Yawns...

The murder trial against 48-year-old illegal alien Billy Chemirmir began with a 91-year-old woman detailing how she was nearly murdered and robbed by Chemirmir, the prosecution alleges.

As Breitbart News has reported for years, Chemirmir, an illegal alien from Kenya, is accused of murdering 24 elderly Americans in Texas from April 2016 to 2018. Dallas County, Texas, prosecutors have started the first of two trials against Chemirmir, where they are seeking a life sentence.

Chermirmir’s 24 alleged victims include:
83-year-old Leah Corken
82-year-old Juanita Purdy
88-year-old Mary Brooks
84-year-old Minnie Campbell
82-year-old Ann Conklin
75-year-old Rosemary Curtis
85-year-old Norma French
92-year-old Doris Gleason
81-year-old Lu Thi Harris
81-year-old Carolyn MacPhee
81-year-old Miriam Nelson
91-year-old Phyllis Payne
94-year-old Phoebe Perry
80-year-old Martha Williams
82-year-old Joyce Abramowitz
87-year-old Glenna Day
89-year-old Solomon Spring
90-year-old Doris Wasserman
86-year-old Margaret White
79-year-old Diana Delahunty
93-year-old Mamie Dell Miya
86-year-old Catherine Probst Sinclair
90-year-old Marilyn Bixler
An 81-year-old “Jane Doe”

On the first day of the trial, where prosecutors are hoping to get a conviction against Chemirmir for allegedly murdering Harris and Brooks, the jury was shown the deposition tapes of 91-year-old Mary Bartel. Bartel’s deposition occurred sometime after Chemirmir’s arrest. She has since passed away.

In the tapes, Bartel, a devout Catholic whose husband passed away in 2015, seemingly alleges that Chemirmir broke his way into her apartment on March 19, 2018 — a day before he allegedly murdered Harris by smothering her with a pillow and robbing her of her jewelry and belongings.

Bartel claims Chemirmir entered her apartment, wearing green gloves, and told her to get on her bed before smothering her with a pillow in an attempt to kill her.

“The door was opening inward and my eyes were just fixated on these green rubber gloves that I saw. I knew instantly … my life was in grave danger,” Bartel said. “I tried to push the door shut but my perpetrator was 45 and I’m 91 so I didn’t have any success in pushing the door shut.”

“He said, ‘Don’t fight me. Lie on the bed.’ I did as he said because I knew I couldn’t overpower him, physically. He just smashed a pillow down hard over my face and my chest, and I just couldn’t breathe,” Bartel said. “I tried to move my left hand under the pillow to get to my medical alert button. … It was totally impossible for me to even because the pillow was slammed over me so hard over my head and chest.”

“After three minutes or however long … that he was just using all of his weight to keep me from breathing at all, I passed out,” Bartel continued.

Mary Bartel, who has since passed away, says in her deposition that Chemirmir attempted to murder her and stole her belongings. (Photo via Dallas County District Court)

Bartel was found in her apartment and eventually regained consciousness as paramedics rushed her to a nearby hospital. She noticed a diamond ring that her husband had given her 50 years ago was gone from her hand. Her engagement and wedding rings were both missing as well.

When she returned to her apartment days later, she noticed four additional pieces of jewelry missing: a gold locket from the Vatican library with her husband’s photo inside, two gold crucifixes, and a silver-plated Swarovski bracelet.

As detectives were called to the witness stand, they described Chemirmir’s arrest in May 2019. At the time of his arrest, police found tons of jewelry and cash in Chemirmir’s possession, including a jewelry box seemingly from Harris’s home with identifying documents inside.

Chemirmir was also carrying his expired visa inside his Kenyan passport.

Evidence from the Chemirmir trial shows jewelry found on the illegal alien at the time of his arrest. (Photo via Dallas County District Court)

Chemirmir’s expired United States visa. (Photo via Dallas County District Court)

Soon after Chemirmir’s arrest, Breitbart News exclusively reported that Chemirmir first arrived in the U.S. on a B-2 tourist visa in July 2003. Though Chemirmir was supposed to only temporarily be in the U.S., he overstayed his visa and became an illegal alien who was eligible for deportation.

Rather than being deported, Chemirmir was able to use a loophole in the nation’s legal immigration system, allowing him to obtain a...

Friday, November 12, 2021

DeSantis Nails Biden, Says POTUS Has Blood on His Hands After Admin Flew Illegal Alien Murderer to FL

Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida blamed the murder of a man last month in Jacksonville, allegedly by an illegal migrant, on President Joe Biden and his immigration policies on Wednesday night during an interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity.

DeSantis slammed Biden and federal officials for reportedly using late-night flights to bring migrants to the city on at least 70 occasions throughout the last several months, which he said occurred with no warning from the administration.

One of those migrants, 24-year-old Yery Medina Ulloa, is accused of stabbing a man to death in Jacksonville.

Francisco Javier Cuellar, 46, a father of four, was dead in early October, and police say Medina Ulloa stabbed him to death during a dispute. The suspect was found on Oct. 7 covered in blood, WJXT-TV reported.

Police say Ulloa, who entered the country from Honduras, had told immigration officials in Texas he was only 17 and that his name was Reynel Alexander Hernandez, The Florida Times-Union reported last week.

State officials say the accused killer was among those the Biden administration relocated to Florida, flying him to Jacksonville in August, WJXT reported.

According to DeSantis, the president has blood on his hands in the murder case.

“Unfortunately, there was a tragic situation,” he told...

Monday, November 8, 2021

70 Flights of Illegal Aliens Hit Florida 'in the Dark of Night'

Oops, he did it again.

Except there was no “oops.” Not this time. Not the first time. Not any time. The Biden administration has again been caught shipping planeloads of illegal aliens around the country — this time to Florida.

As reported by Washington Examiner on Sunday, the office of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis confirmed more than 70 flights of illegal aliens from the southern border to Jacksonville have landed “in the dark of night” in recent months. Moreover, the Biden administration has kept Florida officials in the dark, as well.

“On average, there’s 36 passengers on each of these flights. And that has been going on over the course of the summer through September,” said Larry Keefe, DeSantis’s public safety czar.

As Washington Examiner noted, this is the first time Florida officials have disclosed the number of confirmed illegal alien flights arriving in the state since the summer. DeSantis’s office has “scrambled in recent weeks to uncover who is facilitating the mystery flights landing in northern Florida daily.”

Moreover, as has been the case with other Biden “mystery flights,” the administration has refused to disclose to state or local officials any information about...

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

My Government Owes So Off To Work I Go...

If You Bankrupt Everyone, They Will Own Nothing And Every Illegal Alien Will Be Happy?