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Showing posts sorted by date for query illegal alien. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #1841


                   Victims Of The Illegal Alien Invasion:

Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #1839

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Millions of Illegal Aliens Are Costing Taxpayers Hundreds of Billions. Biden Couldn’t Care Less.

Joe Biden has transformed America’s southern border into a humanitarian catastrophe and a national security nightmare. This bloody, deadly mess is a clear and present danger to this republic.

But this also is a massive fiscal threat. Biden’s obliteration of the border is evaporating federal, state, and local coffers.

Precise figures on anything illegal are, by definition, elusive. Nonetheless, the Federation for American Immigration Reform’s report, “The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States Taxpayers 2023,” estimates that taxpayers bleed $182.1 billion in annual benefits to illegal aliens. That includes $66.4 billion in federal spending and an additional $115.7 billion in state and local outlays to those who have broken into America.

“No sweat!” illegal-alien apologists argue. “They work hard, pay taxes, and pull their own weight.”

If only.

“Taxes paid by illegal aliens only cover around 17.2% of the costs they create for American citizens,” FAIR calculates. That includes $16.2 billion in federal taxes and $15.2 billion in state and local levies. These $31.4 billion still stick U.S. citizens with 82.8% of the illegal immigrants’ $150.7 billion annual tab.

Extrapolating that figure suggests that—since Biden took control three years ago Saturday—these foreign invaders have siphoned some $452 billion from the U.S. Treasury, statehouses, and city halls across America.


  • Welfare: $11.6 billion
  • Medical: $23.1 billion
  • Law enforcement/justice: $25.1 billion
  • Education: $6.6 billion

State and local
  • Welfare: $2 billion
  • Medical: $18.6 billion
  • Law enforcement/justice: $21.8 billion
  • Education: $73.3 billion

Every penny of this largesse is avoidable. Sealing the southern frontier and requiring that immigrants present visas would halt this relentless onslaught. The fact that illegal-alien encounters have soared 336% under Biden vs. President Donald Trump pins this evil on No-Borders Biden and the DEI Democrats.

“The impact of these policies is causing social upheaval, setting states against other states, big cities against surrounding communities, overwhelming school districts and social service providers, as economic migrants from all across the globe pour across our borders,” said FAIR President Dan Stein.

This foreign menace plagues U.S. cities and states:

  • Due to the 37,000 illegal aliens who have swamped Denver since December, Democratic Mayor Mike Johnston said Wednesday that his city faces “a fiscal crisis unlike anything we have seen in the last 25 years.” He expects illegals to cost Denver $180 million this year. Denver Health hospital is in critical condition because 8,000 illegals have paid nothing for their 20,000 visits.Gov. 
  • Greg Abbott, R-Texas, told Fox Business Network anchor Stuart Varney on Jan. 4: “Since Joe Biden has taken office, Texas taxpayers have borne the brunt of about $10 billion in costs for Texas to do the federal government’s job to try to secure the border.”
  • Some 160,000 illegal aliens have flooded New York City since spring 2022. So, Democratic Mayor Eric Adams announced plans to slash spending across the board 5% for three years each. This reduction in police, fire, sanitation, education, and all else totaled $12.25 billion to keep illegals clothed, fed, housed, and education. Hence, Adams canceled five police academy rookie classes.

Unexpectedly higher revenues let Adams pare those cuts to $10.6 billion. Regardless, New York’s residents anticipate deadlier streets, brighter infernos, dirtier sidewalks, and dimmer students.

Adams detonated a rage bomb on Jan. 9 when he bused 1,900 illegal “guests” from a rain-soaked tent city to Brooklyn’s James Madison High School and banished its students to Zoom classes. This betrayal infuriated Madison’s largely black and...

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Illegal Aliens Getting Immigration Court Dates in 2032

"The migrants can receive a work permit and legally live and work until their case comes up"

The Biden administration claims that they have a speedy plan to resolve the legal status of the massive numbers of illegal alien migrant invaders they’re releasing every day into the country.

The reality, as Assemblyman Lester Chang, one of the few NYC Republican elected officials revealed, is an indefinite extension with a court date that stretches into the next decade.

Maybe the document is a misprint or something photoshopped together, but we’ve already heard reports of migrants getting court dates in 2027 and 2035.
In Brownsville, migrants who arrived in the US Thursday showed The Post their paperwork with designated court dates set as late as 2032 and 2035 in Chicago and Florida.

Now they have been admitted to the county and given a court date, the migrants can receive a work permit and legally live and work in the US until their case comes up.
The open borders regime violates immigration law (much like all the other laws) in two ways: by ignoring it entirely or by creating loopholes that amount to amnesty. Examples of the latter include selective prosecution leading to...

Friday, May 19, 2023


The illegal alien invasion is being run by the Biden administration.

Between Matamoros, Mexico and Brownsville, Texas lies the Rio Grande river. On one side is the Matamoros migrant camp where thousands of illegal invaders prep for the invasion with the aid of American open borders non-profit groups, squatting in their own filth, fighting, shaking each other down and starting fires like those that killed 40 male migrants. Across is America.

At 160 feet wide and only 2 feet deep, the invaders have little trouble making their way across. Despite the slur ‘wetback’, little actual swimming is usually required. Past proposals to widen and deepen the river so it’s a tenth of a mile and twenty feet deep would have been fairly expensive, but was shut down by open borders advocates who claim the invaders might drown.

In one week in April, some 15,000 illegal invaders traversed the river. The media regularly features dramatic photos of migrants crossing the Rio Grande and offers sympathetic portrayals of the invaders such as the New York Times story: “Desperate Migrants on the Border: ‘I Should Just Swim Across.” The coverage often describes these invasions as “sudden” or “unexpected”.

But there’s nothing sudden or unexpected about them. They’re the work of the Coyote-in-Chief.

The Center for Immigration Studies recently revealed that it was told by Mexican immigration officers that the river crossings were secretly coordinated with the Department of Homeland Security on Whatsapp so as to be able to expedite the release of the invaders into America.

CIS’s Todd Bensman described how, “Once the Americans felt they could take in more, they message the Mexicans that ‘they are ready to receive them.'” And then “the officers signal to the waiting crowd to go forward and, once they figure enough are in the water, they cut off the rest and push and cajole them back into line until the Americans signal they’re ready again.”

What appeared to be the epitome of illegal migration was actually being run by the government. The new ‘wetbacks’, much like the rest of the open border, was the policy of the White House.

Why keep the coordination secret? To maintain the fiction that the border is being policed.

Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas claimed that the “border is not open” after authorizing the mass release of illegal invaders without even the polite fiction of giving them a court date and a tracking app on their phone. DHS claimed that it had to release the migrants because at over 10,000 invaders a day, it didn’t even have the resources to do any kind of processing, but also claimed that the illegals being released had been “carefully vetted”.

The Biden administration claims with a straight face that it doesn’t have the resources to give migrants a court date or put a tracking app on their phone, let alone actually deal with their fake asylum claims, but that it does have the resources to have “carefully vetted” them. And that ought to tell you all you need to know about its standards for careful vetting.

When a Florida judge ordered DHS to stop just dumping illegals, Mayorkas denounced the ruling as “very harmful”. The harm it’s causing is to the Biden open borders agenda.

Parole or ‘Alternatives to Detention’ was already an illegal abuse of authority that turned border security into one massive coyote program. Mayorkas is protesting that requiring any standards for releasing illegals into the country is harmful. Speaking at the border, he offered a policy alternative that encompasses the larger agenda of the Coyote-in-Chief.

At the end of April, DHS announced that it would be working to open “regional processing centers” with the State Department to “significantly expand lawful pathways for protection” while targeting smugglers for enforcement. “The great thieves lead away the little thief,” Diogenes observed. On the border, the great coyotes are leading away the little coyotes.

While the little coyotes just want to make a few thousand dollars, the big coyotes want to fundamentally transform America. And so rather than securing the border, the Biden administration, Kamala, Blinken, Mayorkas, and all the big coyotes, are proposing to stop the uncontrolled border mass invasion by organizing it into a controlled mass invasion through the immigration system. But as we can see from the swimmers crossing the Rio Grande, what appears to be an uncontrolled mass invasion is actually a closely controlled invasion.

“Heads you get illegal migration, tails you also get illegal migration,” has always been the open borders scam. Amnesty, work permits and expanded refugee arrivals were all pitched as compromise alternatives that would control illegal immigration. While Republicans imagine that the invasion overwhelming not only Brownsville, but Chicago, New York City and D.C. will mobilize enforcement action, the Biden administration is using it for its own...

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Americans to Spend Billions on Biden’s Obamacare for DACA Illegal Aliens

American taxpayers are likely to subsidize billions of dollars in Affordable Care Act benefits for illegal aliens enrolled in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program under a plan by President Joe Biden.

On Thursday, President Joe Biden announced a plan to open the Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare, and Medicaid rolls to hundreds of thousands of DACA illegal aliens.

While DACA, created by former President Obama through executive action, has helped shield close to a million illegal aliens from deportation through the years, the Migration Policy Institute states that about 600,000 are currently enrolled in the program.

Previously, Center for Immigration Studies researchers estimated that the cost of opening Obamacare and Medicaid rolls to illegal aliens would cost American taxpayers about $4,600 per illegal alien.

At this rate, Biden’s Obamacare and Medicaid for DACA illegal aliens has the potential to cost American taxpayers roughly $2.8 billion every year.

In February 2021, Breitbart News detailed the Biden administration’s efforts to open federally subsidized healthcare benefits to illegal aliens.

The initiative is considered a top priority of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra. In the Obama years, for example, Becerra was among a number of House Democrats pushing to open Obamacare to illegal aliens. As California Attorney General, Becerra watched as the state opened healthcare benefits to illegal aliens.

Most recently, in California, Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) has made the state the first and only in the nation to provide free, taxpayer-funded healthcare benefits to all illegal alien residents. The plan, set to start in 2024, will cost Californians about $2.4 billion annually.

Already, American taxpayers are forced to subsidize at least $18.5 billion of annual medical costs for illegal aliens living in the United States, according to estimates by...

Friday, March 10, 2023

Study: Illegal Immigration Is Costing Taxpayers a STAGGERING Amount of Money

Illegal immigration is costing taxpayers $151 billion every year — a 30% increase since 2017.

“The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States Taxpayers 2023,” a report by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), concludes that taxpayers spend $182 billion annually on illegal immigrants. That number is partially offset by illegal aliens paying $31 billion in taxes. FAIR estimates that tax revenue is collected from 15.5 million illegal aliens — far more than the government’s 11.3 million estimated illegal alien numbers, which are based on population surveys.

The cost to taxpayers supporting 11-15 million people who refused to go through the legal process of crossing the border and applying for a green card that would allow them to work in the U.S. isn’t really the point. It’s the loss of sovereignty. Every other nation on earth is allowed to determine who gets in and who stays out. Why America has to be different in this regard is a mystery.

Fox News:
While illegal immigrants are not eligible for the majority of federal welfare programs, the study also takes into account services, such as education and food assistance programs, provided to the U.S.-born children of illegal immigrants and also programs that they may be eligible for at the state level.

The largest cost that FAIR identifies is K-12 education, which the group estimates costs a total of $78 billion a year. Health care – including uncompensated hospital expenditures, Medicaid fraud and Medicaid for U.S. born children – is estimated to cost $42.7 billion a year. Costs related to criminal justice at the federal, state and local levels, which includes federal immigration enforcement, are estimated at approximately $47 billion a year.
“As America struggles to meet countless societal needs while facing the realities of our staggering $31 trillion national debt, the costs of providing for millions of people who have no legal right to be in the United States continues to grow at an alarming rate,” FAIR President Dan Stein said in a statement.

Adding $151 billion to a $31 trillion national debt is immaterial. It’s the drain on resources — criminal justice, healthcare, and education — that matters. This is especially true since the costs of illegal immigration varies from state to state.

California spends $31 billion on illegals — far and away the most of any state. The cost to Texas is $12 billion, largely because the state doesn’t dole out benefits to illegals that encourage more of the same.

The authors note that it is difficult to get a clear picture of the illegal immigrant population, given many sources rely on self-reported data and many such immigrants are reluctant to reveal information to avoid discovery by authorities. The report also faults a lack of transparency from government agencies when it comes to data on the subject. As a result, estimates of not only costs but also how many illegal immigrants are in the U.S. overall, have varied wildly depending on the group. Groups that have called for looser immigration restrictions have challenged FAIR’s previous studies.

The report comes as the U.S. is still being wracked by a historic migrant crisis that saw more than 1.7 million migrant encounters in FY 2021 and more than 2.3 million in FY 2022. FY 2023 has so far eclipsed the numbers from the prior year, although the Biden administration has linked a sharp drop in numbers between December and January to policies it rolled out in early January.

The Biden administration — much to the chagrin of...

Monday, February 6, 2023

“Unaccompanied Child” Allowed in by Biden Strangled American Girl

The MS-13 gang member strangled 20-year-old Kayla Hamilton to death months after being released into the United States.

This is just one of the many horrifying consequences of Biden’s open borders policy.

Police in Maryland said they’ve arrested a 17-year-old “undocumented non-citizen”, and suspected MS-13 gang member, for the murder of an autistic 20-year-old woman.

According to Aberdeen police, the boy was arrested for allegedly strangling Kayla Hamilton to death back on July 27, 2022.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement confirmed he was also listed in that country as a member of Malva Salvatrucha, known as MS-13.
The story actually gets worse.

The Center for Immigration Studies can report that an illegal alien, MS-13 gang member-turned murder suspect recently arrested in Maryland was allowed into the country by the Biden administration as an Unaccompanied Alien Child (UAC) early last year. The 17-year-old UAC allegedly strangled 20-year-old Kayla Hamilton to death in July 2022, only months after being released into the United States.


The murdered girl’s mother is angry.

“He was arrested at the border. They let his aunt come and pick him up and take him back to Fredericksburg Maryland. He shouldn’t be here,” said Tammy Nobles.

Biden and his pro-illegal faction have a lot of American blood on...

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Salvadoran Gang Member Charged with Murder Entered U.S. as Unaccompanied Minor

The teenage gang member recently arrested for the murder of a Maryland woman came to the U.S. under a special program that welcomes illegal immigrants under the age of 18 and provides them with a multitude of taxpayer benefits. The government refers to them as Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) and hundreds of thousands have entered the country in the last few years. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is charged with caring for them and the agency spends millions of dollars annually to house, medically treat, entertain, and school UAC who come mainly from Central America. Under U.S. law illegal immigrant minors are almost always allowed to remain in the country and are quickly disbursed to a government-funded shelter upon arrival at the border. In fiscal year 2022, a record 149,000 UAC were apprehended by federal agents, according to Customs and Border Protection (CBP) figures.

Underage migrants without an adult usually possess a ticket into the U.S. via the Mexican border and this disturbing case illustrates the profound consequences of such a reckless program. Over the summer a 20-year-old woman was raped and murdered by a member of the notoriously violent Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) street gang, according to a Baltimore news report. DNA evidence collected at the crime scene led police to a 17-year-old from El Salvador and detectives confirm the perpetrator is an illegal immigrant and a member of MS-13. This week the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), the Washington D.C. think tank devoted to the research of U.S. immigration policy, revealed that the illegal immigrant gangbanger was allowed into the country by the Biden administration as a UAC. He committed the heinous crime “only months after being released into the United States,” CIS confirms. The group is calling for an investigation into the government’s release of the dangerous individual.

The overwhelming majority of UAC are not really children but rather young adults in their teens and some have criminal histories. Government figures show that approximately 72% of UAC in custody are over 14 years of age and 66% are male. Nearly half (47%) of the underage migrants come from Guatemala, 32% from Honduras,13% from El Salvador and 8% from other countries. As of January 20, 2023, there are about 6,862 UAC in government care. The goal is to identify a sponsor in the U.S. and release the minor as soon as possible. The Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), which operates under HHS, claims it vets sponsors thoroughly and conducts criminal checks before releasing UAC to their custody. It is unclear who the agency released this young gang member to or what the vetting process uncovered. What is certain is that the agency makes “all efforts” to release UAC “as quickly as...

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

The Biden Administration’s Border ‘Parole’ Plan Takes Illegal Immigration To A Whole New Level

The Biden administration doesn’t need a parole policy. It needs a border enforcement policy.

President Biden has finally found a solution to address the surge in illegal crossings at the southern border: tell the tens of thousands of aliens unlawfully entering the United States from Mexico that they can come to America “legally” if they instead fly to a port-of-entry in the interior of the country.

Seriously, for all the Biden administration’s spin, that’s his plan — and it is illegal.

Of course, when Biden announced his administration’s newest policy on Thursday in advance of his midterm inaugural trip to the southern border on Sunday, the press release heralded the plan as a “new border enforcement action.” But as National Review’s Andrew McCarthy exposed in his weekend column, it’s a scam.

The scam, though, is layers thick, both legally and politically. And to reach the core truth — that Biden refuses to faithfully execute his duties as the president of the United States by defending our sovereign border — one must first unpeel the specifics of the newest plan buried in the Department of Homeland Security’s official notice of the changes, while also analyzing the relevant immigration law.
The Plan

Today’s edition of the Federal Register, which serves as “the Daily Journal of the United States Government,” contains the details of DHS’s supposed “new border enforcement action,” in four separate “notices,” titled respectively: “Implementation of a Parole Process for Cubans,” “Implementation of a Parole Process for Haitians,” “Implementation of a Parole Process for Nicaraguans,” and “Implementation of Changes to the Parole Process for Venezuelans.”

Each notice summarizes the Biden administration’s supposed “solution” to the flooding of the southern border, which in short consists of allowing, on a monthly basis, a total of 30,000 aliens to enter the United States “legally” if they are Cuban, Haitian, Nicaraguan, or Venezuelan nationals. To qualify, aliens must have a “U.S.-based supporter,” which could be “non-governmental entities or community-based organizations,” and must “provide for their own commercial travel to an air [port-of-entry] and final U.S. destination.” National security and public safety vetting are also required, as well as any additional public health requirements, such as vaccinations.

But how is it that illegal-alien border crossers can become lawful noncitizens by just jumping through a few hoops and flying to the interior of the country, rather than sneaking over the southern border?

They can’t. And in crafting its latest immigration plan, the Biden administration is again acting lawlessly.

Biden’s Lawlessness

The Biden administration maintains it has the authority to allow aliens from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela to enter the United States legally under section 212(d)(5)(A) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, or INA. That section provides the secretary of homeland security the authority to “parole” noncitizens “into the United States temporarily under such reasonable conditions as [the secretary] may prescribe only on a case-by-case basis for urgent humanitarian reasons or...

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

El Salvador’s Most Wanted was Illegal Alien Living in Virginia

Open borders have consequences.

Open borders have consequences: they feed votes to pro-illegal alien pols while creating havens for criminals. A recent update by ICE is a reminder of how bad the open borders crime crisis is.
Deportation officers from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) Washington, D.C. field office arrested a Salvadoran fugitive, who is listed as one of El Salvador’s top 100 most wanted criminals. ERO Washington D.C. apprehended Herberth Bonilla-Garcia, 40, during a targeted operation in Manassas, Virginia Dec. 1.

Bonilla-Garcia previously entered the U.S. at least twice on an unknown date, at an unknown location without, and without having been admitted or paroled by a designated immigration official. He was previously removed from the U.S. in both 2006 and 2012.
So much for those removals. When there’s no border security, removals are meaningless. Anyone with the funds and resources to try again can get back into America.

This cat-and-mouse chase with foreign criminals is aided and abetted by pro-crime sanctuary cities and states.
ERO Los Angeles Officers apprehended Luciano Trejo-Dominguez, 31, during a targeted enforcement operation in the city of Santa Ana, California. A Newark, New Jersey immigration judge ordered Trejo, one of ICE’s 10 most wanted fugitives, removed on October 5, 2021.

Trejo is also the subject of an arrest warrant issued by the sheriff’s office in Bridgeton, New Jersey, for failure to appear related to an aggravated sexual assault offense involving a victim 13 to 15 years old.

Trejo originally came to ERO’s attention in Aug. 2018, while he was incarcerated for contempt of court in the Cumberland County Jail in Portland, Maine.

ERO encountered Trejo again in 2019 while he was in the Vineland Police Department’s custody for assault. Following his release from the Vineland Police Department’s custody, he was taken into ICE custody. He was later granted an immigration bond and released from ICE custody. An immigration detainer was issued for Trejo again Aug. 13, 2019, following his arrest the previous day by Vineland Police Department for aggravated sexual assault. That detainer was not honored.

Trejo was returned to his home country of Mexico Dec. 9.
Will he be back? Almost as certain as Arnold Schwartzenegger will do another ad incorporating one of his catchphrases. And Americans will go on paying the price for the demographic transformation of...

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Slimy NGOs Sent Tens of Thousands of Illegal Aliens to All 50 States

The Heritage Foundation’s newly published Oversight Project revealed the degree of involvement of American taxpayer-funded non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have had in sending tens of thousands of border crossers and illegal aliens to towns across every state in the Union.

This project highlighted how there were roughly 30,000 unique mobile devices at 35 NGO centers and one Customs and Border Protection (CBP) facility stationed on the southern border.

John Binder of Breitbart News noted that the investigation “confirmed that a host of NGOs are actively facilitating” vast amounts illegal immigration into the United States interior as CBP transfers breath-taking numbers of border crossers and illegal aliens to NGOs, which receive taxpayer funds. Then these NGOs provide transportation services to send illegal alien arrivals to all 50 states.

“Devices that were at these NGO facilities later appeared in all but one congressional district in the United States,” the investigation observed. The investigation added:

The investigation confirms that the Biden border crisis affects all of America and that NGOs are playing a central role in the mass resettlement of illegal aliens in the United States. Worse, this flow of illegal immigration helps enable cartels to bring terrorists, criminals, and deadly drugs like fentanyl into the United States.

Throughout multiple phases of this investigation, the Oversight Project found out that tens of thousands of border crossers and illegal aliens had arrived at NGO centers prior to being transported to all except one congressional district across the US.

One shocking aspect of the Biden regime is that its Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has entrusted NGOs with the role of providing shelter to border crossers and illegal aliens at the border prior to transporting them into the American interior through domestic commercial flights and buses.

As long as politicians, the NGO-industrial complex, and Big Business are committed to open borders, more schemes to bring illegal aliens into the country will become the norm. These people don’t view America as a unique people and place. Instead, they view it as a multicultural shopping mall that must be subject to all sorts of...

Thursday, November 10, 2022

DeSantis’ Anti-Illegal Immigration Stance Not an Impediment in Hispanic-Heavy Florida

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) made waves in September when he flew 48 migrants who had been released by DHS after apprehension at the Southwest border to Martha’s Vineyard, Mass. Although “experts” at the time asserted the incident would cost DeSantis politically, those flights and the governor’s other efforts to crack down on illegal immigration likely bolstered his reelection bid in the Sunshine State, where he cruised to victory on Tuesday.

Martha’s Vineyard. Republican governors in Texas and Arizona had been busing Southwest border migrants to Washington, D.C., for weeks before DeSantis chartered two planes to take about four dozen others — mostly Venezuelan nationals — to the toney Massachusetts beach resort on September 14.

He wasn’t shy about his reasons for doing so. According to ABC News, DeSantis told rally-goers in Wisconsin four days later: “l'll tell you this: The border is now an issue in these elections. ... It's on the ballot, and we got to make the most of it.”

While the governor gained praise from some quarters for his actions, they also gained the attention of federal investigators and the ire of political opponents, who derided the flights as a “stunt”.

DeSantis’ Efforts to Crack Down on Illegal Immigration. Stunt or not, those flights were part-and-parcel of DeSantis’ efforts to crack down on illegal immigration in his state.

He started right out of the gate during his first gubernatorial campaign in 2018, echoing many of then-President Donald Trump’s anti-illegal immigration talking points, running a campaign ad teaching his then-toddler son how to “build the wall”, and depicting his then-primary opponent, former Florida Agricultural Commissioner Adam Putnam (R), as “Amnesty Adam” for endorsing the June 2013 Schumer-Obama Gang of Eight immigration amnesty.

He has been dogged on the issue since taking office. In June 2019, DeSantis signed a bill barring so-called “sanctuary” jurisdictions in his state and requiring such entities to “support and cooperate with federal immigration enforcement”.

In December, the governor introduced a number of proposals to “fight illegal immigration and protect Floridians from the Biden Border Crisis”.

In addition to supporting legislation to strengthen E-Verify enforcement, those proposals included an emergency rule to deny state licenses or license renewals to HHS shelters for unaccompanied alien child (UAC) migrants unless the federal government entered into a “cooperative agreement” under which Florida would be provided with notice before UACs were moved into the state.

In April, DeSantis joined 25 other GOP governors in an “American Governors’ Border Strike Force” to improve intelligence sharing and better position the states to combat drug- and human-smuggling in their jurisdictions.

In June, he used his powers to ask the Florida courts to impanel a grand jury that would examine various immigration-related “crimes and wrongs” residents and local officials there may have engaged in.

The list goes on.

The Election Results. Nonetheless, his pro-border and anti-illegal immigration stance does not appear to have cost DeSantis politically and likely bolstered his support in heavily Hispanic Florida counties.

With 99 percent of the votes counted, DeSantis defeated his Democratic opponent (and former Republican Florida governor) Charlie Crist by more than 19 points, 59.4 percent to 40 percent.

Significantly, DeSantis beat Crist by more than 11 points in Miami-Dade County, where 69 percent of the residents — nearly two million individuals — are Hispanic, many of them Cuban-Americans. As the New York Times explained on November 5, the county was “once a lock for Democrats”, but “not anymore”.

Note that DeSantis lost Miami-Dade in his first gubernatorial run by 21 points, meaning that his win there Tuesday represented a 40-point swing in support.

It’s not just that Cuban enclave, however.

DeSantis also won by more than six points in Osceola County, defeating Crist 52.8 percent to 46.1 percent. Some 56.3 percent of the 400,000-plus residents there identify as Hispanic, and as of 2018, nearly 124,000 of them were Puerto Rican, many of whom fled the island in the wake of the September 2017’s Hurricane Maria. In addition, about 5.6 percent are from South America.

Hardee County, in south-central Florida, has a much smaller population of just over 25,000, and about 44 percent of the residents are Hispanic, with Mexicans as the largest ethnic group. DeSantis captured more than 82 percent of the votes in that county in 2022, compared to just 17 percent for...

Monday, November 7, 2022

Joe Biden Ignores ‘Day of Remembrance for Americans Killed by Illegal Aliens’

Joe Biden ignored the plight of Angel Families on November 1, failing to mark the “National Day of Remembrance for Americans Killed by Illegal Aliens” which was first declared by former President Trump.

In October 2020, then-President Trump made a presidential proclamation to honor American citizens killed by illegal aliens. Like in 2021, Biden again ignored the day and instead focused on campaigning with Florida Democrats Val Demings and Charlie Crist.

Meanwhile, Trump welcomed Angel Mom Sabine Durden Coulter to Mar-a-Lago to speak about illegal immigration and its impact on American families like hers. Durden Coulter’s son, Dominic, was killed in 2012 by illegal alien Juan Zacarias Tzun — a twice-convicted drunk driver whom sanctuary state California officials failed to deport.

Earlier this year, Durden was suspended from Twitter for speaking about illegal immigration.

Biden’s insistence to ignore Angel Families, the loved ones of those killed by illegal aliens, comes as his administration has sought to dismantle the protective network of support imposed by Trump.

In 2017, Trump created the Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Victim Of Immigration Crime Engagement (VOICE) office to help Angel Families navigate their cases while they make their way through criminal court. In 2020, VOICE’s hotline received about 700 calls from victims requesting assistance.

Last year, Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) got rid of the VOICE office to implement the Victims Engagement and Services Line (VESL) to aid illegal aliens. Biden’s VESL hotline will help American victims but also provide services to illegal aliens seeking...

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Illegal Alien killed by Border Patrol after attempting to take gun from agent

An illegal alien that was in custody of U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents was shot and killed Tuesday afternoon after attempting to take the gun of a Border Patrol agent in Ysleta, Texas, according to several Border Patrol officials that spoke to SaraACarter.com.

The area where the incident took place is east of El Paso and part of the El Paso Sector.

“The incident happened while the alien was in custody,” said Brandon Judd, who is a Border Patrol agent and the president of the National Border Patrol Council union that represents more than 18,000 agents. “The alien was in custody and went for one of the agents guns. Two agents fired on the illegal alien. He was killed. The FBI is on scene now conducting the investigation.”

U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials could not be immediately reached for comment.

There were no other details readily available regarding the illegal alien or his...

Monday, September 19, 2022

anctuary County: Three-Time Deported Illegal Alien Arrested for Possibly 21 Sexual Assaults

An illegal alien, deported three times from the United States, has been arrested in the sanctuary county of Fairfax County, Virginia, for possibly 21 sexual assaults, police reveal.

Juan Rodriguez Alfaro, a 42-year-old illegal alien from Honduras, was arrested last week on charges that he carried out multiple sexual assaults on women and girls on a nature trail in Fairfax County.

Police said Alfaro is possibly linked to at least 21 sexual assaults in the area and in some cases, they said he was naked. Before his arrest, in a separate 2021 case, Alfaro was wanted for attempted rape and sexual assault in Suffolk County, New York — another sanctuary jurisdiction.

In that case, Suffolk County police said Alfaro attacked a woman who was jogging and attempted to rape her. Alfaro was allegedly wearing only a tank top at the time.

At the time of the alleged sexual assault in New York, Alfaro had been deported from the U.S. three times, according to officials at the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency.

Like New York state, Fairfax County has sanctuary policies on the books that prevent local law enforcement from turning criminal illegal aliens over to...

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Martha's Vineyard Residents Were Having Total Meltdown, Turning on Each Other and Calling Out Friends


The national media has jumped to the support of the super-rich, left-wing residents of Martha’s Vineyard in the wake of its 50 illegal alien visitors, but it seems that all is not in harmony behind the scenes.

Members of the media have fallen all over themselves to claim that the residents of Martha’s Vineyard stand together like a rock in their angel-like hope that they can find a place amongst them for the illegals dumped by the dastardly “xenophobic” GOP Gov. of Florida, Ron DeSantis.

CNN, for instance, published a story lauding the cooperation of the residents of Martha’s Vineyard and how the community “responded” to the arrival. The story was full of notes on how the community came together.

Local media also lauded the hometown heroes, including the Vineyard Gazette, which published the tale entitled, “Vineyard Community Rallies Relief Efforts to Assist Stranded Migrants.”

Indeed, local authorities on the island that serves as home to the rich and famous tooted their own horn over their efforts to solve that shocking “humanitarian crisis” that beset their quiet island paradise.

That was all before the illegals were all shipped right back off the island, as Texas GOP Sen. Ted Cruz noted:

Still, were those compassionate stars of humanitarianism all so unified in compassion for their visitors?

Maybe not so much.

The liberal residents of Martha’s Vineyard enthusiastically support politicians such as Joe Biden, who espouse open-border policies that are swamping border states like Texas with tens of thousands of illegals weekly. In 2020, 9,763 residents voted for Biden and only 2,610 for Trump.

But the residents were not quite as pleased to have a few of the immigrants in their own backyards.

The behind-the-scenes arguing started almost as soon as GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis sent a plane loaded with 50 illegals to the island on Wednesday.

A Facebook group created for the island’s residents seems to have had a bit of dissent going on behind the scenes as residents bickered and pointed fingers at each other over the arrival of the uninvited guests.

TBDaily News gathered a grouping of some of the top comments as residents argued about the situation:

Friday, July 22, 2022

Kenyan Presidential Candidate Vows to Expose China Deals, Deport Chinese Illegal Alien

Kenyan presidential hopeful William Ruto promised on Wednesday that if elected, he will make all Kenyan government contracts with China public, and move aggressively to deport Chinese nationals working illegally in Kenya.

Ruto, 55, is currently the deputy president of Kenya. He is running for the presidency on an anti-corruption platform that stresses his own hardscrabble youth, during which he sold chickens to make a living and did not own a pair of shoes until he was 15. His party, the Kenya Kwanza Alliance (“Kenya First”), is a somewhat unstable coalition of smaller parties united primarily by their disdain for incumbent President Uhuru Kenyatta.

Ruto has been Kenyatta’s deputy president since 2013, a relationship he now dismisses as a political marriage of convenience. It was actually something of a shotgun wedding, because Kenyatta and Ruto – who backed Kenyatta’s rival Raila Odinga at first – were both under investigation by the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity. Both men were accused of fomenting violence that led to over 1,200 deaths after the bitterly contested 2007 election.

Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta, left, shakes hands with Chinese President Xi Jinping, right, before the meeting at the Great Hall of People in Beijing, China on April 25, 2019. (Kenzaburo Fukuhara/Kyodo News – Pool/Getty Images)

The Kenyatta-Ruto “bromance” achieved its goals, as the two were able to get all of the charges against them thrown out after three years in power. In 2018, Kenyatta reconciled with Odinga and abruptly dumped Ruto, who was accused of insubordination for complaining about it. Ruto remained deputy president for the duration of his constitutionally-guaranteed tenure, knowing full well that he would be tossed out in favor of Odinga in the August 2022 elections.

Ruto decided to run for the top job himself, on a platform of rebuilding the Kenyan economy from the ground up to better serve “hustler nation,” as he refers to young Kenyans who cannot find solid jobs. Kenya’s youth unemployment rate hovers around 40...

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Tijuana Opens Muslim Migrant Shelter to Help U.S. Asylum Seekers as Illegal Immigration Soars

As the U.S. sets a record for illegal immigrant apprehensions along the southern border, a first-of-its- kind shelter opens in Tijuana, Mexico to accommodate a steady flow of Muslim migrants heading north via Latin America. A couple of years ago a San Diego-based group called Latina Muslim Foundation began raising funds to build the shelter “in response to the growing number of Muslim migrants south of the border,” according to a local news report. The 8,000-square-foot facility, which opened over the weekend, can accommodate “up to 150 asylum-seekers,” and will offer Muslim migrants housing, medical care, halal meals and legal services as they wait to enter the U.S. in the famously violent Mexican city that borders California.

Judicial Watch has for years reported on the increasing number of Muslim migrants—including from terrorist nations—entering the U.S. through the Mexican border and the timing of this influx could not be worse, during a record-breaking month for the U.S. Border Patrol. The latest agency figures show that more illegal immigrants—222,656—were apprehended at the southwest border in May than in any other month in history. The previous one-month record was set in March 2000, when the frontline Homeland Security agency reported 223,305 apprehensions. Additionally, federal agents have processed more than 1.5 million illegal immigrants this fiscal year. With three months till the end of the fiscal year, at the current rate the figure is sure to surpass the 2021 record of 1.7 million.

A quarter of the illegal alien encounters reported in May involved repeat offenders previously caught by federal agents this year, the latest government stats reveal. The breakdown shows that Mexicans account for the largest number of illegal border crossers in May, about 77,000, followed by Cubans (25,348), Guatemalans (21,382), Hondurans (19,491), Colombians (19,040), Nicaraguans (18,944), Haitians (10,418), Salvadorans (8,955), Brazilians (5,118), Venezuelans (5,078), Russians (3,394) and Ecuadoreans (3,045). This batch of records does not offer a breakdown that includes Muslims, but it has long been reported that the number is on the rise. Earlier this year an Arab news outlet reported that thousands of Muslims from the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and Africa try to reach the U.S.-Mexico border every month. In the story the head of a religious immigrant organization in Brazil estimates that 20% of all people...

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Illegal Alien Who Killed Kate Steinle Gets a “Gift” to Time Served on The Related Charge

In July of 2015, while walking along San Francisco’s crowded Pier 14 with her dad and a friend, 32-year-old Kate Steinle was shot dead. She pleaded to her father for help as she died in his arms. Jose Inez Garcia-Zarate, who was in the US illegally and had already been deported five times, admitted to accidentally firing the gun.Jose Zarate, Kate Steinle

He’s been serving time in jail for other violations, but even after a jury eventually acquitted Garcia-Zarate of homicide charges in 2017, he still faced a federal firearms charge.

Jose Inez Garcia-Zarate is facing deportation to his native Mexico after California federal judge, Judge Vince Chhabria, sentenced him to the seven years he’s already spent in jail.

The judge boldly blustered, “If you return to this country again and you are back in front of me, I will not spare you. Let this be your last warning: Do not return to this country,”

Terrific! That’ll stop a chronic, law breaking, border jumping offender like this guy for making a 6th attempt….that we know of.

His attorney, Mike Hinckley, told the court on Monday that Garcia-Zarate “feels horrible about what happened, and that he’s very sorry and apologizes.”

Jose should tell that to...

Saturday, May 28, 2022

How Joe Biden and the I.R.S are Performing Criminal Acts

To dismantle our borders and destroy our country.

Discussions of the border problem often touch on the criminal element that violates our unenforced border laws beginning with drug dealers, sex traffickers, and migrant smugglers. But the crime problem is vastly understated in these references which give the impression that it is largely confined to the countries they have left, and has no impact on the country they have invaded. In July 2018, the Government Accountability Office issued a report containing “Criminal Alien Statistics,”[2] which serves to correct this false impression. Among its conclusions, the report states that one in five federal prisoners in the United States is a criminal alien. And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

The G.A.O. report covered the period between 2011 and 2016. During that time frame, approximately 2 million foreigners crossed the border into the United States illegally – which is just about the number of unvetted foreigners whom border officials predict will cross the border illegally this year alone. In that same time frame there were more than 730,000 criminal aliens in U.S. prisons, federal and state, and local jails. Criminals are not usually arrested the first time they commit a crime, and are often released with minimal time served when they are. So while there were 730,000 criminal aliens in U.S. prisons, they accounted for 4.9 million arrests and 7.5 million offenses – which would translate into a 10 times greater number of victims than offenders.

The offenses of these criminals, according to the report, included more than 1 million drug crimes (number of victims unknown); 500,000 assaults; 133,800 sex offenses (number of actual victims who may have been reluctant to report the crimes also unknown); 24,200 kidnappings; 33,300 “homicide-related events:” and “1,500 terrorism-related crimes.”

How many lives were damaged or destroyed by these aliens who entered the country illegally and should never have even been here in the first place, will never be known, and yet the lawless Biden administration which will not enforce existing immigration laws is planning to continue the outrage and pile up the victims at an even greater rate.

And worse. On July 14, 2021, Fox News Channel host Tucker Carlson revealed the Biden Administration had suborned the U.S. military to ship tens of thousands of illegals into cities across the country at taxpayer expense. Laughlin Air Force Base in Texas was used as the platform from which to secretly board illegals and fly them, under dark of night, to locations across the U.S. Many other illegals were being sent to occupy the American interior, also at taxpayer expense, but by bus rather than by jet. In the words of Center for Immigration Studies fellow Todd Bensman, “a conveyor belt of commercial and charter buses … are carrying tens of thousands, sight unseen, from Texas, Arizona, and California borderlands northward, and they are dropping their Haitian, Venezuelan, Cuban, and Central American family units in Florida and New Jersey, Tennessee, Massachusetts, Michigan, North Carolina, Georgia, Kentucky, and to large cities in Texas such as Dallas and Houston.”

The fact that the Biden administration chose the middle of the night to ship illegals secretly is a clear indication that the White House was quite aware it was conducting an illegal operation. Its goal, as Tucker Carlson claimed was “changing the electoral map” of the United States and enacting “demographic transformation in our country, without our consent, and in violation of our laws.” Former Trump White House advisor Stephen Miller explained on the same show: “[W]hat is happening now is unprecedented…. This is not about an administration that is unable to protect the border. This is about an administration that in a very purposeful, planned, deliberate, painstaking fashion has turned our Border Patrol and I.C.E. [Immigration & Customs Enforcement] agencies into resettlement agencies…. This is a planned resettlement. The largest of its kind, I would suggest, perhaps in the history of the world in terms of the number of illegal border crossers being resettled into the interior of our country in violation of plain law.”

In a similar vein, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis reported in early November 2021 that, over the course of the preceding summer, dozens of flights had transported groups of illegals from America’s southern border to Jacksonville, Florida in the middle of the night. “Over 70 air charter flights [on] jetliner airliners coming from the southwest border have landed at Jacksonville International Airport,” said Larry Keefe, DeSantis’s public safety spokesman. “On average, there’s 36 passengers on each of these flights,” added Keefe. “And that has been going on over the course of the summer through September…. Who is facilitating this travel? How are they getting here? Who are the support people? Who are the sponsors?”

To answer Keefe’s questions, the support people and sponsors of the aforementioned flights were, in many cases, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that have long enjoyed tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. This status permits donors to give money to NGOs while claiming their donations as tax deductions. In many cases, the cost of the midnight flights was paid in full by faith-based and open-border NGOs that had contracted with, and were being paid by, the federal government.

Using tax-exempt foundations to defraud taxpayers into subsidizing an illegal invasion of the United States was only possible because of the collusion of the White House and the I.R.S. in supporting this subversion of the American immigration system. And this was only the big picture lawlessness. The smaller details were also full of improprieties. As...