90 Miles From Tyranny

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Tuesday, June 26, 2018

FARMLANDS (2018) Official Documentary

Monday, June 25, 2018

6/25/18: White House Press Briefing

Girls With Guns

Dear Mr. President:

The American People Support You!

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

These Blogs Provide Links To Rule 5 Sites:

The Other McCain has: Rule 5 Sunday: Girls In The Desert
Proof Positive has: Best Of Web Link Around
The Woodsterman has: Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
The Right Way has: Rule 5 Saturday LinkORama
The Pirate's Cove has: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

The Truth About Hillary....

Leftists Have Identified A Pure Source Of Evil In America....

Sure Tastes Good Though!
Annoy A Leftist, Eat At Chick-Fil-A!

This Dog Won't Hunt!


“More than one million immigrants have been deported since President Obama took office,” the 2011 PBS “Frontline” Lost in Detention contended. “Under his administration, deportations and detentions have reached record levels. The get-tough policy has brought complaints of abuse and harsh treatment, including charges that families have been unfairly separated after being caught in the nationwide dragnet.”

As Cecilia Muñoz, White House Director of Intergovernmental Affairs explained, “Even if the immigration law is executed with perfection, there will be parents separated from their children.” As it turns out, that separation policy was intentional, and the Obama administration deployed it to enrich cronies.

“Texas-based Southwest Key Programs has taken in roughly $1 billion in federal contracts since the Obama administration,” Fox News reports, “and is expected to receive about $500 million this year to house and provide services for immigrant children.” Southwest Key holds a total of “more than 5,000 immigrant children, about 10 percent of whom are said to have been separated from their families since May, when the new policy was announced. Its shelters for immigrants minors are in Texas, Arizona and California.”

Southwest Key Programs also operates “the largest licensed shelter for immigrant children in the United States. A 250,000-square-foot facility at a former WalMart superstore in Brownsville, Texas, today houses some 1,500 boys between the ages of 10 and 17 who illegally entered the U.S.”

According to a report by Drew Griffin of CNN, Southwest Key operates 83 detention centers across the country and has pulled in $1.5 billion in federal contracts. Southwest Key boss Juan Sanchez bags a cool $1.47 million a year “which makes him one of the highest paid charity CEOs in the country.” Mark Owen of the IRS told CNN Sanchez’s “extraordinarily high” and Sanchez’s wife grabs a salary of $262,000. The Southwest Key website does not feature management salary information.

KXAN of Austin reports that Southwest Key has received $995 million in federal funds since 2015. Over a three-year period, Southwest Key had “more than 200 violations at its facilities,” including a resident failing to receive proper care for a sexually transmitted disease (STD).

Southwest Key boss Juan Sanchez served on the board of National Council of La Raza (NCLR), where Cecilia Muñoz served as senior vice president and immigration analyst before POTUS 44 tapped her for...

Russia Investigation: A Dead Horse....


How the two deep state intel operations fit together.

“Why the hell are we standing down?"

That was the question that the White House's cybersecurity coordinator was asked after Susan Rice, Obama's national security adviser, issued a stand down order on Russia.

Testimony at the Senate Intelligence Committee hearings on Russian interference in the election once again raised the central paradox of the Russia conspiracy theory. If Russian interference in the election represented the crisis that we are told it did, why did Obama fail to take any meaningful action?

The White House’s own cybersecurity people wanted an aggressive response before being told to stand down. Obama issued a bloodless warning to Russia while his people deliberately crippled our offense.

Democrats and the media blamed the Russian hacking on Trump. But it was Susan Rice who had told the cybersecurity team to “knock it off” and Obama’s people who hadn’t wanted him to be “boxed in” and forced to respond to Russian actions. Was this just the usual appeasement or was there more to it?

Why didn’t Obama and his team want to stop Russian hacking? Because they needed the Russians.

The 2016 election is really the story of two deep state intelligence operations that dovetailed neatly with each other. One was an ongoing Russian operation that took advantage of a weak president to sow chaos in America and Europe. The other was a domestic political operation utilizing counterintelligence resources in the United States and Europe to spy on, undermine and try to bring down Trump.

Contrary to claims made by Obama operatives, the Russian operation was not new. Russian hackers and spies had done enormous damage to America’s intelligence community. But they had succeeded so well because the mission of the intelligence community had shifted from deterring foreign adversaries to suppressing domestic political opponents. And this new mission made the Russians attacks irrelevant.

The Russian attacks on the formerly formidable NSA were so easy to accomplish because it was no longer countering the Russians. Instead Obama viewed it as a police state tool for spying on pro-Israel activists, members of Congress and Trump campaign officials. The NSA’s opposite numbers in Russia, posing as rogue hackers, were no longer hammering rivals, but a twisted and crippled organization.

Obama didn’t want to fight the Russians, but the Russian attacks were very useful because they justified the NSA’s powers, which he was abusing not to go after the Russians, but after American political rivals. And the Russian election hacks played perfectly into his hands by justifying the counterintelligence investigations supposedly aimed at the Russians, but really aimed at...