90 Miles From Tyranny

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Wednesday, July 11, 2018

The cost of open borders: Spain

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

President Trump Curbs Obama-Era Child Trafficking with DNA Tests

Girls With Guns

Who Has The Most Kills?

The Hillary Clinton Dead Pool

Protecting Yourself From Harm Is YOUR Responsibility...


Stopping Illegal Immigration Stops Child Trafficking...

On Corruption At The Very Top Of Law Enforcement...

Brexit growing in popularity among Britons - Leave EU increases by nearly 15%

The number of Britons who want the UK to leave the EU has jumped since the referendum two years ago, a poll shows.

The annual British Social Attitudes survey revealed that rising numbers of respondents are now firmly convinced by the case for departure.

The study said 36 per cent of interviewees wanted to leave the EU, up from 22 per cent in 2015. The proportion who wanted no change fell to 19 per cent, down from 27 per cent.

Brexit Secretary Raab says Britain will 'step up' Brexit deal

Only 7 per cent – fewer than one in 14 – wanted to increase the powers of Brussels or move toward a European government, the report said.

'Voters in Britain have so far emerged from the Brexit process more critical of Britain's membership of the EU,' the researchers said.

Those whose perceptions, sense of identity and values already predisposed them in 2015 to take a sceptical view of the EU have particularly come to the view that...

A Massive Star At The Center Of Our Solar System Has Been Identified As Causing Warming...

It's really a pretty small star, just massive compared to Earth...

Democrats Endorse Judicial Tyranny

It's very clear that Democrats -- the politicians, not all the people who vote for them -- hate democracy. Democrats don't believe that power is from the people; rather Democrats believe that the elites, which in the minds of Democrats is made up solely of Democrats, should rule the rest of us.

We can see this in the Democrats refusing to accept the results of the 2016 election.

We can see it in the Democrats enthusiasm for the administrative state where unelected, unaccountable, unfireable bureaucrats can create thousands of pages of rules and regulations which average Americans have to follow.

But we see it most clearly in the panic that Democrats are experiencing over the idea that Trump will be nominating someone to the Supreme Court who will decide cases based on what the law says rather than what they think the law should say.

The New York Times editors wrote the following:
This call to arms may sound overly dramatic. It’s not. As hyperpartisanship, gridlock and a general abdication of responsibility have rendered Congress increasingly dysfunctional, the judiciary is taking an ever-greater hand in policy areas ranging from immigration to guns to ballot access to worker rights.

This is a clear indisputable example of the elite Democrat establishment, of which the NYT is a card-carrying member, saying that the Supreme Court should be making policy rather than simply deciding what the laws passed by Congress or the Constitution say.

Essentially the Democrats who run the NYT are saying that because Congress won’t do what they want it to do -- that’s what they mean by "gridlock" -- a group of five rich white lawyers on the Supreme Court should take over the job of running the country.

This is nothing less than a call for revolution and a demand that America become a banana republic ruled not by the people but by...

CNN Breaking News!
