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Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Gay Frogs Censorship & The Ballad of InfoWars

Girls With Guns

Democrats Never Change...

Enemy Of The People: Enemedia...

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Mueller’s ‘Star Witness’ Rick Gates Falls Apart During Cross-Examination by Manafort Lawyers – Perjures Himself

Paul Manafort’s legal team painted Rick Gates, a former business associate to Manafort as a liar who embezzled millions of dollars to fund his secret life with his mistress in a blistering cross-examination Tuesday.

Rick Gates previously pleaded guilty and agreed to cooperate with Mueller; he was even referred to as the Special Counsel’s ‘star witness.’

On Tuesday, the Special Counsel’s ‘star witness’ Rick Gates fell apart during the cross-examination and perjured himself which is very damning for the prosecution.

Gates appeared nervous on Tuesday, using the phrases “it’s possible” and “I don’t recall” many times as he was grilled by Manafort’s lawyers, reported The Guardian.

Manafort’s lawyers continued to erode Gates’ credibility. At one point Manafort’s lawyer Kevin Downing asked Gates, “After all the lies you’ve told and fraud you’ve committed, you expect this jury to believe you?”

“Yes.” Gates replied.

Tuesday’s court transcripts are in and it shows Rick Gates completely fell apart, lied many times and perjured himself–which of course infuriated Judge Ellis.

A lawyer who obtained Tuesday’s transcripts breaks down the courtroom drama and shows where Rick Gates was caught lying and committed...

World Leader Approval Ratings:

Colleges: A Force for Evil

Many of the nation’s colleges have become a force for evil and a focal point for the destruction of traditional American values. The threat to our future lies in the fact that today’s college students are tomorrow’s teachers, professors, judges, attorneys, legislators, and policymakers.

A recent Brookings Institution poll suggests that nearly half of college students believe hate speech is not protected by the First Amendment. Of course, it is.

Fifty-one percent of students think that it’s acceptable to shout down a speaker with whom they disagree. About 20 percent of students hold that it’s acceptable to use violence to prevent a speaker from speaking. Over 50 percent say colleges should prohibit speech and viewpoints that might offend certain people.

Contempt for the First Amendment and other constitutional guarantees is probably shared by the students’ high school teachers, as well as many college professors.

Brainwashing and indoctrination of young people has produced some predictable results, as shown by a recent Gallup poll. For the past 18 years, Gallup has asked adults how proud they are to be Americans. This year, only 47 percent say they are “extremely proud,” well below the peak of 70 percent in 2003. The least proud to be Americans are nonwhites, young adults, and college graduates.

The proudest Americans are those older than 50 and those who did not graduate from college. The latter might be explained by their limited exposure to America’s academic elite.

Johnetta Benton, a teacher at Hampton Middle School near Atlanta, was recorded telling her sixth-grade students, “America has never been great for minorities.” In a tirade, she told her class: “Because Europeans came from Europe … you are an immigrant. You are an illegal immigrant because you came and just took it. … You are an immigrant. This is not your country.”

To exploit young, immature people this way represents an act of supreme cowardice. The teacher should be fired, but I’m guessing that her colleagues share her sympathies. At the same school, students were given a homework assignment that required them to write a letter asking lawmakers for stricter gun control laws.

One might be tempted to argue that the growing contempt for liberty and the lack of civility stem from the election of Donald Trump. That’s entirely wrong. The lack of civility and indoctrination of...

Leaving Costco Requires More Documentation Than Voting In Chicago...

If You Care About Interference In Our Elections, You'd Care About Voter ID...

Texas Tech Police Believe Campus Carry Has Made School Safer

If you want to get an anti-gunner spun up, just ask them about campus carry. They completely lose their minds over the idea of law-abiding adults being able to carry on a college campus. They just can’t even.

However, proponents of campus carry argue that it makes schools safer. After all, what would have happened at Virginia Tech if an armed student had met the killer during his first stop?

But for most of us, it’s pretty academic. We’re not really on college campuses, so it’s just a discussion topic.

Police on college campuses, however, are there. They’re on campuses each and every day, so they see the reality.

On at least one campus, the police believe campus carry is a good thing and has made their school safer.

Campus carry has been law in Texas for two years now, and Texas Tech police say the law makes the university a safer place.

They say the policy even deters potential active shooters from attempting a mass shooting situation.

“I believe it makes the campus a safer place, to live, learn and educate,” said Amy Ivey, a lieutenant at the Texas Tech Police Department.

Tech police say in a potential active shooter situation, someone might be able to stop it if they are armed.

Now, Texas Tech doesn’t just count on campus carry to make the school safe. They also do active shooter training that also includes going hands-on with a shooter.

That said, there’s something that needs to be talked about that’s not specifically mentioned here, but is implied.

While the Texas Tech police believe campus carry has made their school safer, what they’re not talking about are...

Jim Acosta Is Full Of Shit...

‘An embarrassment, on multiple levels’: Fmr. CNN producer rips Acosta for giving journos a ‘bad name’