90 Miles From Tyranny

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Thursday, August 9, 2018

Political Correctness Is Fascism Pretending To Be Manners...

More George Carlin

Our Edukation System....Working As Planned...

Is This Proof The Clinton Foundation Is About To Get Busted?

James Woods On The UnDemocratic Tactics Of Leftists...

Let's Just Have The Same Immigration Policies As Mexico....

Hillary Clinton Is Like O.J. Simpson....

Giuliani: This Case Isn't Going To Fizzle, It's Going To Blow Up On Mueller

Rudy Giuliani, attorney for President Trump, appeared on Hannity Wednesday night to explain why the legal team rejected special counsel Robert Mueller's term for an interview.

Giuliani said the "real story" is that the case isn't going to fizzle, "it's going to blow up on them," referring to the Mueller team.

"The reality is, the real story is not that this case isn’t going to fizzle," he said to host Sean Hannity. "It's going to blow up on them. The real question is, what we talked about before, there's a lot more to what they did that nobody knows about yet."

"A lot more to the obstruction of justice, to the collusion, to the fake dossier," Giuliani added.

"I know some of it," Hannity revealed.

Giuliani said the only collusion involved in this case is the intel community using the Steele dossier to obtain "several fraudulent FISA wires."

"Can it get any worse? I mean, what do we need to know that this is a totally illegitimate investigation based on a report, a dossier that was paid for by Hillary Clinton and...

Proof That Men Are Becoming Feminized...

Leftist Men Anyways...

Sanctuary City Philadelphia Is Complicit In Child Rape..

The Department of Justice is prosecuting a previously deported illegal alien from Honduras for illegal re-entry while he is in prison for raping a small child after release by the city of Philadelphia.

Illegal alien Juan Ramon Vasquez was previously deported in May 2009 and resurfaced on the radar of U.S. authorities in May 2014 after an arrest in Philadelphia. ICE agents were unable to detain Vasquez and re-deport him, however, because he was released by the city, which has a sanctuary policy for illegal aliens.

Vasquez committed the rape of the child after his release.

“The facts of this case highlight the danger posed by the City of Philadelphia’s decision to disregard ICE detainers and release previously deported aliens from local custody,” said U.S. Attorney McSwain said in a Wednesday statement, adding, “This defendant received a free pass from the City of Philadelphia and its Department of Prisons, headed straight back into our community, and committed a heinous crime he never would have had the chance to commit had the City of Philadelphia complied with...

Sessions Calls Out Southern Poverty Law Center for Using ‘Hate Group’ Label to ‘Bully’ Conservatives

In a speech highlighting “new hostility” against religious believers in the United States, Attorney General Jeff Sessions specifically called out the Southern Poverty Law Center, a liberal group known for labeling organizations it opposes as “hate groups.”

Sessions spoke Wednesday to Alliance Defending Freedom’s Summit on Religious Liberty. Alliance Defending Freedom is a nonprofit religious liberty legal group that most recently defended Colorado baker Jack Phillips in his 7-2 victory in the Supreme Court.

The SPLC, a liberal nonprofit group which tracks groups like the Ku Klux Klan, has labeled ADF a hate group, as well as other conservative-leaning organizations.

“People of faith are facing a new hostility. Really some of it is a bigoted ideology which is founded on animus towards people of faith,” Sessions told the ADF conference. “You’ll notice that they don’t rely on the facts. They don’t make better arguments. They don’t propose higher ideals. They just call people names—like ‘hate group.’ Does that sound familiar?”

Sessions asserted that the SPLC was once a legitimate group in identifying real hate groups. The SPLC has been a partner with the FBI in identifying certain hate groups.

“They have used this designation as a weapon and they have wielded it against conservative organizations that refuse to accept their orthodoxy and choose instead to speak their conscience,” Sessions said of the hate group label. “They use it to bully and intimidate groups like yours which fight for the religious freedom, the civil rights, and the constitutional rights of others.”

He later said to the ADF, “You and I may not agree on everything—but I wanted to come back here tonight partly because I wanted to say this: You are not a hate group.”

Sessions also announced a new review at the Justice Department.

“Let me say this loud and clear: At the Department of Justice, we will not partner with hate groups. Not on my watch,” Sessions said. “I have ordered a review at the Department of Justice to make sure that we do not partner with any groups that discriminate. We will not partner with groups that unfairly defame Americans for...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #343

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

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