90 Miles From Tyranny

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Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Everything That Comes Out Of A Democrats Mouth Is Some Kind Of Misdirection..

If Leftists Got Exactly What They Want...


They Would All Lose Weight!

Rabid SJW Assaults Student And Teacher Over MAGA Hat...

EL DORADO (CBS13) — A Union Mine High School student is facing battery charges after an altercation in her classroom over a Donald Trump “Make America Great Again” campaign hat.

Cellphone video shows some of the tension inside this high school classroom.

The teacher is seen trying to subdue fired-up 17-year-old senior Jo-Ann Butler after she became enraged at a classmate for wearing the “Make America Great Again” hat.

RELATED: Lodi Teen Kicked Out Of Class Over NRA Shirt

She grabbed the hat off his head.

“That’s a racist and hateful symbol,” Butler said.

She is now facing two counts of battery, one against...

It Is Time To Ban D.I.L.D.O.S.

Iranians Beginning to Panic, Say Trump’s Playing Mind Games With Them

Iran is getting pretty freaked out about the Trump administration. Now, one of the country’s top officials says that the United States is engaged in mind games by pulling out of the Iran deal and possibly jeopardizing the Islamic Republic’s financial future.

And just think, two years ago they had Barack Obama licking their boots.

In an interview with Reuters on Sunday, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said the United States is engaged in “psychological warfare” with Iran.

“(America’s) focus is on a psychological war against Iran and its business partners,” he said.

But he tried to sound defiant.

“From the time that Trump announced the withdrawal from the nuclear deal, America has not been able to reach its goals,” he added.

However aggressive the country may be, things are not terribly great for Iran right now, as Reuters pointed out.

“Iran’s parliament sacked the minister of economic affairs and finance on Sunday, state media said, amid a sharp fall in the rial currency and a deterioration in the economic situation,” Reuters noted.

“The Iranian economy is dogged by high unemployment and the rial has lost half its value since April. The United States reimposed some sanctions in early August and a second set targeting Iran’s oil industry is due to take effect in November.”

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It isn’t just the Trump administration’s decision to pull out of the Iran deal that’s been ailing Tehran, mind you.

Since December, well before that decision, the mullahs’ regime has been subject to sporadic protests due to the deteriorating economic situation there.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani — mostly a figurehead when it comes to foreign affairs but who wields considerable power internally — has become increasingly hardline when it comes to the United States, although he has previously positioned himself as a pragmatist.

Earlier in the summer, Rouhani seemed to threaten the United States with war.

“Mr. Trump, don’t play with the lion’s tail, this would only lead to...

President Trump Eats Bacon....

More critical issues about bacon:

Bacon - This Blog's Radical Muslim Repellent

The Deep State State vs. The American People

On Tuesday, November 8, 2016 Donald J. Trump, in the largest upset in modern American political history, was elected the 45th President of the United States of America. And every day since then, his administration has been clouded by the wholly-created “scandal” of the “Russian collusion” investigation being conducted by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller appointed by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.
Unequal “Justice”

James Comey, the former Director of the FBI, whose firing by Mr. Trump launched this charade, testified before Congress regarding the hundreds of thousands of Hillary Clinton’s emails found on the Anthony Weiner/Huma Abedin personal laptop computer one month before the 2016 election. His sworn testimony included this jewel;

“I kind of just put it out of my mind,” he said, because he claimed it did not “index” with him that Abedin was loosely connected to Clinton. “I don’t know that I knew that [Weiner] was married to Huma Abedin at the time."
Anyone paying any attention to what was going on politically in this country at this time knew that Huma Abedin was connected at the hip to Hillary Clinton and was also married to Mr. Weiner. And this is the director of the "world's premier investigative organization"? Talk about not passing the smell test!

It would seem that Mr. Comey is either a blatant liar, completely ignorant or both.

Mr. “Higher Loyalty” James Comey’s FBI sat on and whitewashed the treasure trove of Hillary Clinton’s emails found on the Abedin/Weiner laptop at that time. Given this, I think we can safely say that Mr. Comey’s “higher loyalty” was to himself and presumptive Madame President Hillary Clinton.

If Special Counsel Robert Mueller were indeed the man of honor and integrity that we are so often told that he is, his inquisition would not be the “partisan witch hunt” of Mr. Trump’s tweets. If he were honestly following the bread crumbs of “Russian collusion” wherever they might lead, instead of night raiding the home of Paul Manafort, his henchmen would instead have found themselves at the doorstep of Glenn Simpson, the principal of Fusion GPS. And instead of raiding the offices of Michael Cohen, his crime scene investigators would be carting off boxes of evidence from the well-connected Perkins Coie Law Firm where they would probably find enough evidence to put two thirds of our political class behind bars until the rapture.

Kimberly Strassel of the Wall Street Journal provides a much more eloquent telling of this unequal justice:

If there is only “one set of rules,” where is Mr. Mueller’s referral of a case against Hillary for America? Federal law requires campaigns to disclose the recipient and purpose of any payments. The Clinton campaign paid Fusion GPS to compile a dossier against Mr. Trump, a document that became the basis of the Russia narrative Mr. Mueller now investigates. But the campaign funneled the money to law firm Perkins Coie, which in turn paid Fusion. The campaign falsely described the money as...

Why Do We Disrespect Immigrants Who Immigrated According To American Law?


No more unconditional aid to corrupt, terrorism-enabling Palestinian leadership.

The Trump administration will not continue subsidizing the so-called “moderate,” “non-violent” Palestinian Authority (PA) leadership clique in the vain hope that throwing more good money after bad will help bring about real peace or provide genuine help for the Palestinian people. This clique is made up of lying hypocrites, who fund and glorify terrorists while corruptly diverting aid money and donations to their own personal benefit.

Last Friday, a State Department official announced to reporters that it would redirect U.S. financial assistance of more than $200 million originally intended for the Palestinian Authority and projects in the West Bank and Gaza. This cut in bilateral aid is on top of the previously announced cut of nearly $300 million in U.S. financial support for the discredited UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).

The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) denounced the Trump administration’s latest funding cut decision. "The rights of the Palestinian people are not for sale," PLO Executive Committee member Hanan Ashrawi said in a statement. "There is no glory in constantly bullying and punishing a people under occupation” through what she characterized as “economic meanness.”

The more than $200 million of intended U.S. financial aid to the Palestinians was originally included in the current 2018 budget year that ends on September 30. The money was to be used to help pay for the promotion of good governance and for support of health and education services. However, these noble-sounding purposes have little to do with the Palestinian leaders’ real agenda for the funds sent their way. 

The Coalition for Accountability and Integrity chronicled, in its 2017 report on Palestinian corruption, a whole list of examples of corrupt financial practices, including a multimillion dollar vanity project that “is not and never was a priority for Palestinians, given the urgent need to finance vital services such as health and education.” Putting yet more hard-earned American taxpayers’ money into the Palestinian cesspool of corruption will only deepen the cesspool. Even worse, Palestinian government leaders have used some of the money they received to reward Palestinian terrorists and their families. 

The Palestinians spend approximately $350 million a year for their terrorist slush fund, which goes to provide such 'pay to slay' benefits as a monthly stipend and a pension for life that is triple the average salary in...

Build The Wall....

She Died Because Democrats Need Votes...

Build The Wall!

Former Vatican Official Corroborates SHOCKING Allegations Against Pope Francis

Again, Communists And Pedophilia....

A monsignor who worked at the apostolic nunciature to the United States has corroborated an explosive report accusing Pope Francis of rehabilitating Cardinal Theodore McCarrick despite knowing of his record of homosexual abuse of priests and seminarians.

Contacted by the Catholic News Agency (CNA), Monsignor Jean-François Lantheaume, the former first counselor at the apostolic nunciature in Washington D.C., declined to give an interview, but affirmed the veracity of the report by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò.

“Viganò said the truth. That’s all,” he wrote to CNA.

In a written 11-page “testimony” published Saturday, the Vatican’s former ambassador to the United States said that Pope Francis had reinstating Cardinal Theodore McCarrick to a position of prominence despite direct knowledge of McCarrick’s sexual abuse.

Archbishop Viganò alleged that Pope Benedict XVI had imposed “canonical sanctions” on Cardinal McCarrick in 2009-2010 forbidding him from traveling, celebrating Mass in public, or participating in public meetings, but that Pope Francis later lifted these sanctions and made McCarrick a close personal advisor.

Now that “the corruption has reached the very top of the Church’s hierarchy,” he wrote, “my conscience dictates that I reveal those truths regarding the heart-breaking case of the Archbishop Emeritus of Washington, D.C., Theodore McCarrick, which I came to know in the course of [my] duties.”

In his testimony, Viganò makes reference to Monsignor Lantheaume as having told him of the “stormy” meeting between then-nuncio Archbishop Pietro Sambi and Cardinal McCarrick in which Sambi informed McCarrick of the sanctions that had been imposed by Pope Benedict.

“Monsignor Jean-François Lantheaume, then first Counsellor of the Nunciature in Washington and Chargé d’Affaires ad interim after the unexpected death of Nuncio Sambi in Baltimore, told me when I arrived in Washington — and he is ready to testify to it — about a stormy conversation, lasting over an hour, that Nuncio Sambi had with Cardinal McCarrick whom he had summoned to the Nunciature. Monsignor Lantheaume told me that ‘the Nuncio’s voice could be heard all the way out in the corridor.’”

Archbishop Viganò replaced Sambi as nuncio to the United States in 2011, at which time he claims to have been informed of the McCarrick situation by Lantheaume.

Lantheaume has now left the Vatican diplomatic corps and serves in priestly ministry in France, CNA reported.

In his testimony, Viganò stated that he personally informed the pope of McCarrick’s abuse on June 23, 2013 and yet Francis “continued to cover for him.”

“Holy Father, I don’t know if you know Cardinal McCarrick, but if you ask the Congregation for Bishops there is a dossier this thick about him,” Viganò claims to have told the pope. “He corrupted generations of seminarians and priests and Pope Benedict ordered him to withdraw to a life of...