90 Miles From Tyranny

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Tuesday, September 4, 2018


McCain with Muslim Brotherhood top dog, Mohamed Morsi.
McCain has already been canonized by an establishment media desperate to destroy President Trump in any way it can, but in Egypt they’re not so worshipful. McCain “was the main supporter for the terrorist Brotherhood. Senator McCain was the one who opened up the Congress to the Brotherhood. He was the one arranging the meetings and appointments and providing them with protection.”

Remember that when Michele Bachmann called for an investigation into Muslim Brotherhood infiltration in the U.S. government, McCain denounced her on the Senate floor as a bigot and an Islamophobe. There was no investigation.

“Egyptian media: John McCain is real Supreme Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood,” Middle East Monitor, September 3, 2018 (thanks to Lookmann):

Egyptian media has accused the late US senator and presidential nominee John McCain of being the ‘Godfather’, ‘leader’, and ‘real Supreme Guide’ of the Muslim Brotherhood organisation.

In remarks, he made during a talk show aired on Sada El-Balad TV, the Egyptian media personality and TV host Ahmed Moussa claimed that McCain, recognised in the US as a national war hero and longtime senator, was, in fact, the ‘real Supreme Guide’ of the Muslim Brotherhood.

“John McCain is the real Supreme Guide of the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood, not Badee and not Akef,” Moussa said.

“Today was John McCain’s funeral, which the leaders of the criminal Brotherhood in America have taken part in,” he continued, “ and they performed the Absentee funeral prayer for John McCain in Qatar, Turkey, USA, and Britain. ”

“[McCain] was the main supporter for the terrorist Brotherhood,” he added. “Senator McCain was the one who opened up the Congress to the Brotherhood. He was the one arranging the meetings and appointments and providing them with protection.”…

Moussa said that McCain was “a stronger ally” to the Muslim Brotherhood than...

DNC Bombshell: Stormy Daniels Lawyer, Michael Avenatti Is A Hillary Clinton Plant

DNC Bombshell: Michael Avenatti Is A Hillary Clinton Plant

Stormy Daniels and her lawyer Michael Avenatti have a secret “special relationship” with both Hillary Clinton and the DNC, according to a new investigation.

The bombshell revelation calls into question everything we’ve been told by the mainstream media.

According to FBI agent Johnathon Moffa, the FBI leaked bogus news stories to mainstream media outlets, then used those published articles as evidence to obtain illegal FISA warrants to spy on Trump and his associates.

It’s called “circular reporting.” The dirty FBI under the direction of James Comey leaks fake news, which, in this case, was parts of the bogus Trump-Russia dossier. They waited as the press published articles, then used those articles as “proof” in their FISA applications, claiming it was the necessary evidence to approve their request and convincing the judge to issue the FISA warrants. See how all that works?

Now, what if, also behind the scenes, you have Stormy Daniels working with the DNC and Hillary Clinton way back in 2016? And, what if their “go-between” was none other than Daniels’ attorney Michael Avanetti, way back before anyone knew his name and before he was officially Daniels’ attorney?

Michael Avenatti is a plant by Hillary Clinton and the DNC, and his handlers are sisters named Alexandra and Andrea Chalupa. The Chalupas are DNC operatives linked to pro-Ukranian groups who also are the team who set-up Paul Manafort. The sisters’ job is to leak fake news to smear President Donald Trump, and Andrea mentioned a “sex tape” and Paul Manfort way back in July 2017.

On July 2, 2017, Andrea Chalupa tweeted, “Same sources told me last years Manafort was under federal investigation and there was a Trump sex tape. I mentioned both on Twitter before news broke.”
Then, we have a picture of Michael Avenatti with Alexandra Chalupa from way back in 2016. Do you see what is going on here? All along, Avenatti was working with the DNC, the Chalupas, and Hillary Clinton — long before anyone knew anything about this porn star Stormy Daniels. Pictured below is Michael Avenatti with Alexandra Chalupa. She is to Avenatti’s right:
Twitter user “Miss Me” sums it up best, posting, “Makes sense when folks understand Alexandra Chalupa wasn’t just Clinton’s princess to plant at DNC to scream ‘Russia,’ she designed multiple Trump opposition plans and now, voila stripper team unite.”

Now, we have the porn lawyer running around at the DNC conference, claiming he’s running for president. Sure, it’s a joke, but who is mentioned helping him? Yep, none other than Alexandra Chalupa.

Bloomberg reports, “Adam Parkhomenko, a former DNC staffer who was the co-founder of Ready for Hillary, which encouraged Clinton to run before 2016, helped connect [Avenatti] with reporters at...


An alleged source for the Steele dossier is seeking $1 million in an online fundraiser to combat “the Deep State” and “fake news consortium.”

Sergei Millian, a Belarusian-American businessman, set up the fundraiser on GoFundMe.

“Most of the pertinent details stay hidden from public view by a well-organized campaign of disinformation, twisting facts, and/or purely inaccurate reporting,” Millian wrote in a vaguely worded pitch that does not mention the dossier.

Millian has been identified as a source for some of the most salacious allegations made in the dossier, which was written by former British spy Christopher Steele and funded by the Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee (DNC). As “Source D” and “Source E” in the dossier, Millian is behind the claim that the Kremlin has blackmail material on President Donald Trump. According to the recent book “Russian Roulette,” Millian unwittingly spoke to a source who was working for Steele as part of his investigation into Trump’s ties to Russia.

Millian, who is chairman of an obscure trade group called the Russian-American Chamber of Commerce, has claimed in the past to have worked for the Trump Organization, the Trump family’s real estate company. He has said in previous interviews that he helped broker real estate deals on behalf of Trump’s company involving Russians.

But some in the Trump orbit have accused Millian of lying about his links to Trump. Former Trump attorney Michael Cohen has called Millian a “phony” who overstated his ties to Trumpworld.

Even Glenn Simpson, the founder of the firm who hired Steele, believed Millian was “a big talker,” according to the recent book, “Russian Roulette.”

“Had Millian made something up or repeated rumors he had heard from others to impress Steele’s collector? Simpson had his doubts. He considered Millian a...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #369

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

How to Make Indian Stores Go to War with Each Other

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Left or Liberal?

Monday, September 3, 2018

Trudeau wants new holiday to shame Canadians

Girls With Guns

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

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