90 Miles From Tyranny

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Tuesday, October 9, 2018


The poster depicts a jihadist donning a suit jacket while concealing a large knife behind his back. He appears behind concert attendees as they focus their attention on the stage, PJ Media reported.

“Wait for our surprises,” the poster threatens. It’s signed “Islamic State.”

The poster was shared by Remah Media Production, an ISIS-linked media group that has a history of sharing ISIS propaganda.

Other releases from Remah include a poster depicting a jihadist before an American city with a caption threatening to “sink America.” Another poster showed multiple jihadists before an American legislative building and the caption “soon you will taste agony.”

The latest poster follows the one-year anniversary of the country music festival massacre outside Mandalay Bay hotel in Las Vegas, which ISIS claimed responsibility for. In the months after the attack, which left 58 dead and hundreds injured, official ISIS media featured pieces in which they referred to Stephen Paddock by name as an associate.

One ISIS newsletter issue showed an infographic depicting a blood-covered Mandalay Bay hotel with the claim that Paddock had converted to Islam six months prior to the attack. Another ISIS newsletter said the massacre “highlights the difficulties faced by U.S. cities to protect their own Crusader citizens from attacks that can take unpredictable forms.”

However, a 187-page investigative report from the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department concluded that the investigation did not yield any indication that Paddock was affiliated with ISIS. “Paddock was not a religious person, did not believe in any higher power, and found religious people to be ridiculous,” the report concluded.

ISIS has used Paddock’s massacre as an example for affiliated terrorists to follow, however.

Although the connection between ISIS and the Las Vegas massacre cannot be confirmed, ISIS also claimed responsibility for the May 2017 bombing at an Ariana Grande concert in the UK’s Manchester Arena. The bombing was Britain’s deadliest in 12 years, resulting in 22 dead and 139 injured.

A statement made through ISIS media claimed, “one of the soldiers of the caliphate placed explosive devices in a gathering of crusaders in the middle of the British city of Manchester,” adding that the attack was a response to “transgression against the lands of the Muslims,” Time Magazine reported at the time.

ISIS has been losing their hold on territory in the Middle East as a result of U.S.-backed coalition forces in...


The U.S. economy is the strongest in the world and it shows no signs of slowing down. On Friday, another incredible economic report was released as the September unemployment rate dropped to 3.7%, the lowest since 1969. Among Hispanics and Latinos, the unemployment rate was only 4.5%, the all-time lowest level in history, while among African Americans, the unemployment rate was 6.0%, near the record low.

Not only are people finding work, but Americans are earning more. Compared to September of 2017, wages increased 2.8%, while the typical work week remained steady at 34.5 hours. While only 134,000 new jobs were created in September, the employment numbers for August were revised upward to 270,000. Thus, over the last year, an average of 201,000 new jobs were created each month.

President’s economic policies

With more jobs being created, fewer people need food stamps. Currently, over 39 million Americans are on food stamps, a decrease of 4 million since the beginning of the Trump presidency.

Americans are feeling good about the economy at exactly the right time with the holiday season approaching. In August, the consumer confidence index hit an 18-year high. With consumer spending accounting for 70% of the overall economic activity, this is an important factor in why the economy is doing so well.

These positive indicators are not just happening by coincidence. Instead, they are the result of the President’s economic policies. Fueled by tax cuts and the lifting of onerous regulations, businesses are hiring Americans in record numbers. The National Federation of Independent Business association reported that the Optimism Index in August soared to an all-time high, eclipsing a record set in 1983 during the Reagan economic boom.

The nation’s gross domestic product soared 4.2% in the last quarter, averaging more than 3% for the year, surpassing the highest total in any year of the Obama presidency.

During the 2016 presidential campaign, President Trump denounced onerous trade agreements as being unfair to the United States. He promptly withdrew our country from the Trans-Pacific Partnership. This week, after months of negotiations, President Trump announced a new trade deal with Mexico and Canada, updating the flawed NAFTA agreement. In response, the stock market hit record highs.

Growth has been focused on the private sector

The new trade deal will also be a major boon for U.S. manufacturers. According to a new survey from the National Association of Manufacturers, 93% of members predict additional growth and over 91% are optimistic about the future. These results are among the very best the organization has recorded in its 20-year history.

Fortunately, the growth has been focused on the private sector. In the federal workforce, the Trump administration has trimmed 16,000 jobs since the beginning of the President’s term in January of 2017. While this is not a major decrease in a federal workforce of almost 3 million, it is certainly a step in the right direction.

Usually, Americans vote their pocketbook during election time. With strong economic growth, it is not surprising that the latest Rasmussen poll showed the President with an approval rating of 51%, his highest level since March of last year.

It is hard to discount these economic success stories, even though the media that is 95% opposed to President Trump, tries to regularly ignore this good news. If the liberal media were objective and would publicize the positive economic reports, the President’s approval rating would be much higher. Instead, the media are constantly reporting on...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #404

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

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