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Friday, October 12, 2018

Women's March leader Linda Sarsour launches racial attack against 'white woman' Susan Collins

Women’s March leader Linda Sarsour on Friday launched a racial attack against Sen. Susan Collins, saying the Maine Republican was guilty of espousing “white supremacy” with her decision to support the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

Ms. Sarsour, a prominent Palestinian-American activist, blasted Ms. Collins on Twitter as a “white woman” and the “mother & grandmother of white women in America who gave us a Donald Trump presidency.”

Ms. Sarsour’s comments came after Ms. Collins announced on the Senate floor that she would vote in favor of confirming Judge Kavanaugh, calling him an “exemplary public servant, judge, teacher, coach, husband and father.”
A white woman Senator is talking about presumption of innocence that is never offered to Black men in America. You are watching white supremacy live on the Senate Floor.
Senator Susan Collins is the mother & grandmother of white women in America who gave us a Donald Trump presidency. The 53%.

She is a disgrace & her legacy will be that she was a traitor to women and marginalized communities. History will not treat her kindly.

Ms. Sarsour, a leader of the anti-Kavanaugh protests, has been hotly criticized for her support of convicted Palestinian terrorist Rasmea Odeh, who was deported in August 2017 for...

I Hope They Catch This Guy....

Cop Blocking Your Way? No Problem...

The Bigotry of the Literati

A superficial observer of present-day ideologies could easily fail to recognize the prevailing bigotry of the molders of public opinion and the machinations which render inaudible the voice of dissenters. There seems to be disagreement with regard to issues considered as important. Communists, socialists and interventionists and the various sects and schools of these parties are fighting each other with such zeal that attention is diverted from the fundamental dogmas with regard to which there is full accord among them. On the other hand, the few independent thinkers who have the courage to question these dogmas are virtually outlawed, and their ideas cannot reach the reading public. The tremendous machine of “progressive” propaganda and indoctrination has well succeeded in enforcing its taboos. The intolerant orthodoxy of the self-styled “unorthodox” schools dominates the scene.

This “unorthodox” dogmatism is a self-contradictory and confused mixture of various doctrines incompatible with one another. It is eclecticism at its worst, a garbled collection of surmises borrowed from fallacies and misconceptions long since exploded. It includes scraps from many socialist authors, both “utopian” and “scientific Marxian,” from the German Historical School, the Fabians, the American Institutionalists, the French Syndicalists, the Technocrats. It repeats errors of Godwin, Carlyle, Ruskin, Bismarck, Sorel, Veblen and a host of less well-known men.

The fundamental dogma of this creed declares that poverty is an outcome of iniquitous social institutions. The original sin that deprived mankind of the blissful life in the Garden of Eden was the establishment of private property and enterprise. Capitalism serves only the selfish interests of rugged exploiters. It dooms the masses of righteous men to progressing impoverishment and degradation. What is needed to make all people prosperous is the taming of the greedy exploiters by the great god called State. The “service” motive must be substituted for the “profit” motive. Fortunately, they say, no intrigues and no brutality on the part of the infernal “economic royalists” can quell the reform movement. The coming of an age of central planning is inevitable.

Then there will be plenty and abundance for all. Those eager to accelerate this great transformation call themselves “progressives” precisely because they pretend that they are working for the realization of what is both desirable and in accordance with the inexorable laws of historical evolution. They disparage as reactionaries all those who...


Anti-Brett Kavanaugh protesters flooded Capitol Hill for weeks before his eventual confirmation to the Supreme Court, walking hallways in protest, holding loud demonstrations and confronting senators in their office buildings.

One such protester named Alethea Torrellas Shapiro had been attempting to harass senators on the Hill for days and regularly used her school-aged children to do so.
I’m At the back of scotus waiting for Kavanaugh with my kids and a bunch of other protesters does anyone know if he’s inside yet?

Shapiro is an activist who calls extremist feminist activist Linda Sarsour her hero and regularly goes on profanity-laced tiradesagainst GOP senators like Chuck Grassley.

After Kavanaugh’s confirmation, Shapiro wrote a public post on Facebook describing how she intended to use her four young children to shame “these horrible atrocious men” in the Senate “now that they confirmed Kavanaugh.” She writes:
Tomorrow I plan on birddogging in the Senate hallways and basement with all 4 of my kids (my daughters are 12, 10 and my boys are 5, 3). I went these horrible atrocious men to see the faces of the future that they are ruining and to know the tremendous pain women and men are feeling now that they confirmed Kavanaugh. So if you have 1-2 lines for me to tell them, or a message what should I say??? I need help! I also want to address their Kavanaugh confirmation so what do I say…

One of the senators Shapiro approached was Sen. Bill Cassidy of Louisiana. Cassidy has made a name for himself shucking off protesters and throwing their arguments back at them.

Shapiro caught Cassidy as he was walking on a brisk pace in a Senate office building. She asked, “Senator Cassidy, can you please apologize to my children for ruining their futures?”

Cassidy’s response clearly stunned her.

The senator turned to the kids, removed his earbuds and said calmly, “Hey, guess what? I know your parents are using you as tools … ”

“No, we’re not using them as tools! We’re not using them as tools!” Shapiro interrupted.

Cassidy concluded, “…But in the future, if somebody makes an allegation against you, and there’s no proof for it, you will be OK. Thank you,” before walking off.
Shapiro could be heard yelling at Cassidy at the end of the video, saying, “What about white men?” and...

The Russia Hoax As Contingency Plan

Remember, back in August, 2016, when Peter Strzok and Lisa Page were obsessively texting one another? One exchange went something like, well, exactly like this:
"[Trump’s] not ever going to become president, right? Right?!" Page texted Strzok.
"No. No he won’t. We’ll stop it," Strzok responded.

Fast forward a couple of years and here we are in October, 2018, just about two years after Trump's electoral triumph, and for reasons best known to themselves Ben Rhodes and Jen Psaki have decided to reveal to New York Magazine that the Russia Hoax was a key part of the Obama Administration's -- and presumably the Clinton campaign's -- contingency plan to, well, steal an election: Obama Had a Secret Plan in Case Trump Rejected 2016 Election Results. We're all adults -- right? -- so there's no need to quibble over the meaning of words like "results." Here's what Rhodes and Psaki are saying:
The Obama White House plan, according to interviews with Rhodes and Jen Psaki, Obama’s communications director, called for congressional Republicans, former presidents, and former Cabinet-level officials including Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice, to try and forestall a political crisis by validating the election result. In the event that Trump tried to dispute a Clinton victory, they would affirm the result as well as the conclusions reached by the U.S. intelligence community that Russian interference in the election sought to favor Trump, and not Clinton. Some Republicans were already aware of Russian interference from intelligence briefings given to leaders from both parties during the chaotic months before the election. “We wanted to handle the Russia information in a way that was as bipartisan as possible,” Rhodes said. 
The existence of the postelection plan has not been previously reported. A July 2017 op-ed by Obama’s chief of staff, Denis McDonough, refers to Obama directing his staff to “prepare possible responses” to claims of Russian interference in the election. 
Psaki said the plan was one of a larger set of “red-teaming” conversations to address how the White House should respond to postelection scenarios that did not have any historical precedent. “There was recognition that we had a Democratic president who was quite popular but also divisive for a portion of the population,” she said. “For them, just having him say the election was legitimate was not going to be enough. We didn’t spend a lot of time theorizing about the worst thing that could happen — this isn’t a science-fiction movie. It was more about the country being incredibly divided and Trump’s supporters being angry. Would there be protesting? I don’t want to say violence, because we didn’t talk about that as I recall.” [emphases added]

Of course, the Obama and Clinton camps never foresaw -- or so they claim -- Trump winning the election.
Stunned crowd at Hillary's election night party

They feared a squeaker, a cliff hanger. Or, two years on, that's their story. So let's try a thought experiment of sorts. By dispensing with some of the coded language or doublespeak we come up with this more succinct version of what Rhodes and Psaki are saying:

The Obama plan called for prominent NeverTrump Republicans to try and forestall a Trump victory or -- God forbid! -- a Trump inauguration by throwing the election to Clinton based on claims -- and, no, I swear I'm not plagiarizing The Onion -- that Russia had interfered on behalf of Trump. This Russia Hoax narrative had already been floated among some NeverTrump Republicans, and they liked this "bipartisan" approach -- they would provide the cover needed for a coup. Planning had already gotten so far that Obama had directed his staff to develop an action plan for the event of a Hillary loss -- the rejection of continued Progressive rule would be "historically unprecedented (in their minds) and thus invalid.
As we know so well, in the event, Trump spoiled it all by posting an electoral landslide. The plotters had failed, in Strzok's words, to "stop it." Or had they? After all, an election is one thing, but the inauguration of a new president doesn't take place for two and a half months afterwards. Time enough to throw a whole smorgasbord of crackpot theories at Trump, and see whether any of it would stick! But the key to it all, right from the start, was the...

Reasons To Resist With Nancy Pelosi...

80 Percent Of Americans Think Political Correctness Is A National Problem

Contrary to a common narrative, majorities of Americans of all ages, income levels, and racial backgrounds strongly oppose political correctnesss.

Eighty percent of Americans say “political correctness is a problem in our country,” according to newly released data from a nationally representative poll drawing upon 8,000 survey respondents, 30 one-hour interviews, and six focus group. Some of this data, compiled with help from YouGov, has been newly released in a report called “Hidden Tribes.”

Objections to political correctness are even stronger among racial minorities and those who have never attended college. High-income college graduates, especially those with advanced degrees, are the Americans most likely to think political correctness is not a problem. These are also the group most likely to label themselves atheists or agnostics, and identify as politically liberal.

Contrary to a common cultural narrative, the poll finds large majorities of Americans of all ages, income levels, and racial backgrounds oppose political correctness, even while 82 percent also think “hate speech” is a problem. This may suggest Americans believe thought and speech censorship is not the best way to address rude and discriminatory behavior.

Opposition to political correctness was higher among Asians (82 percent), Hispanics (87 percent), and American Indians (88 percent) than among white Americans (79 percent). In fact, just about every single demographic studied showed overwhelming objection to political correctness except the Americans the study reporting the poll results identified as “progressive activists.” Progressive activists, the study says, “have an outsized role in political discourse, even though they comprise a small portion of the total population (about 1 in 12 Americans).”
About the 8 Percent of People Who Love PC

“Progressive activists are the only group that strongly backs political correctness: Only 30 percent see it as a problem,” wrote Harvard University lecturer Yascha Mounk in an overview of the poll results at The Atlantic.
Compared with the rest of the (nationally representative) polling sample, progressive activists are much more likely to be rich, highly educated—and white. They are nearly twice as likely as the average to make more than $100,000 a year. They are nearly three times as likely to have a postgraduate degree. And while 12 percent of the overall sample in the study is African American, only 3 percent of progressive activists are...

New Allegations Against The Unnamed Nominee For U.N. Ambassador...

The Individual Boogered In The Third Grade!

Prison service apologises for sending transgender rapist to all-female jail - despite his history of attacks on women - where he sexually assaulted inmates, as he is sent to a MEN's prison for life

  • Karen White carried out attacks while a man but was still put in a women's jail
  • Predator then carried out two sexual assaults on women prisoners 
  • White now sentenced to life and will serve the term in a men's jail 
  • Prison service admits mistakes were made when White was put in with women 
The prison service has apologised after a transgender sex offender was placed in an all-female prison and went on to sexually assault two women inmates.

Karen White was born a man but - despite having a history of sex attacks - was placed in women's prison HMP New Hall after telling authorities of his identification as a woman.

While in the women's prison, 'predator' White sexually assaulted two female inmates.

Prosecutors said White- who appeared in court via video link wearing a patterned blouse and glasses with shoulder-length blond hair- used a 'transgender persona' to gain access to vulnerable females.

The 52-year-old- who was previously convicted in 2001 for indecent assault and gross indecency with a child- has now been ordered to serve a life sentence for the jail sex attacks and two rapes carried out when he was still a man.

The prison service today admitted mistakes were made when White was assigned to the all-female jail.

A spokesman said: 'We apologise sincerely for the mistakes which were made in this case. While we work to manage all prisoners, including those who are transgender, sensitively and in line with the law, we are clear that the safety of all prisoners must be...

Legal Watchdog, Citing Secret Material in Clinton Emails, Presses State Department in Court

In federal court hearings this week, a watchdog legal group keeps the heat on the State Department for answers about the exposure of classified information during Hillary Clinton’s use of unsecure email to conduct official business when she was secretary of state.

A hearing is set Friday in U.S. District Court in the nation’s capital to address a request from Judicial Watch for Clinton, longtime top aide Cheryl Mills, and other current or former State Department officials to testify under oath.

Judicial Watch wants them to address how the department responded to its Freedom of Information Act lawsuit seeking information about the 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya.

“It is frankly unbelievable that the State Department is still protecting Hillary Clinton and her aides from being asked basic questions about her illicit email system,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a prepared statement.

“The courts were misled and obstructed by Hillary Clinton’s email scheme, and we hope to get some more answers about this scandal,” Fitton said.

The court hearing Friday follows on the heels of a separate one Thursday where the watchdog group reported on the estimated number of Clinton documents the State Department continues to withhold.

The Washington-based nonprofit’s initial request under the Freedom of Information Act, filed May 13, 2014, sought copies of “any updates and/or talking points” given to Obama administration national security adviser Susan Rice “by the White House or any federal agency concerning, regarding, or related to the September 11, 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.”

The watchdog also sought all “records or communications concerning, regarding, or relating to talking points or updates on the Benghazi attack” given to Rice by the White House or any federal agency.

Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans died in the attacks on the consulate and a nearby CIA annex in Benghazi.

‘Attempted to Delete’

In a related development, Judicial Watch found more classified information after reviewing 288 pages of newly uncovered Clinton emails.

Three of the emails included in the newly released emails from the State Department reproduce some of the same classified material that appeared in previously released emails.

“These new classified and other emails appear to be among those that Clinton had attempted to delete or had...


The Swedish media thought they had successfully covered up the gang rape of a young Swedish girl inside a flat in Malmberget, situated in the municipality of Gällivare, according to news outlet Fjällsjö news.

Politicians in Sweden blame Swedes for not helping migrants successfully integrate in their community when the public learn of a Muslim gang-rape of a young Swedish girl.

However, an friend of the young girl’s mother learned of the rape and in her anger and shock, posted about it on Facebook:


In another post, she states:


According to SIX people who know the girl’s family, there was a large group of Muslim men involved in the horrific and brutal rape.

As the media did not report on the attack, since it was commit by Muslim migrants, the post on Facebook quickly gained attention. Facebook promptly censored the posts of the family friend, in an attempt to further silence the story.

This was likely instigated by the ‘hot line’ to Facebook that the Social Democrats have arranged with the social media giant to be able to hush stories about migrant crime.

As a result of the attention gained prior to Facebook’s censorship, the police were forced to post on their website of a “serious rape” taking place in the “Gällivare area”.

However, local politicians have blamed ethnic Swedes for not helping the migrants...