90 Miles From Tyranny

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Monday, October 22, 2018

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #417

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Judicial Watch: Trump is right about Mass Voter Fraud...DOJ Should Investigate!

Social Justice Warriors VS Logic (Brainwashed Edition) [SJW MELTDOWNS] Watch later Share

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Cold War 2.0 - US vs China and GERMANY

Girls With Guns

Where They Go One, They Go All....

Let's Send Them To Guantanamo...Then Cut Funding To Guantanamo... No AC, No Electricity, MRE's To Eat...

Judge Jeanine: ‘The Military Needs to Be Deployed to Our Southern Border Immediately’

Saturday on Fox News Channel’s “Justice,” host Jeanine Pirro opened her show with an “Opening Statement” aimed at the so-called caravan originating in Central America attempting to cross the U.S.-Mexico border.

Pirro laid out her criteria for allowing anyone within the caravan into the country, which included public safety, what the crosser would have to offer the country and their willingness to pledge their allegiances to the U.S. flag and not the flag of where they had originated.

“The military needs to be deployed our southern border immediately to stop the caravan of thousands of illegals pouring into our nation,” she said. “Right now is a very dangerous time for Americans. Border control is essential to your safety and the safety of your family. The military, the National Guard, ICE, Border Patrol and DHS needs to block this caravan from entering our nation. Now, I’m not saying they are all criminals. What I am asking is, who are they? What I am saying is I want to vet them, screen them. I want to find out hop among them is a criminal, who among them is a gang member like the notorious MS-13 gang members who arrogantly rode into our country during the Obama years and they are in New York and elsewhere brutally and savagely murdering innocent American citizens.”

“I want to know who is a pedophile, who is a sex offender, who thinks they are entitled to beat their wives?” Pirro continued. “I want to know who has an alcohol problem, who has a drug problem, who likes to drive drunk and who has no problem hauling drugs for the cartel? And if you can prove you are not a criminal, I want to know what you have to offer us. What do you bring to this great nation? What are you going contribute? Why should we be proud to count as an America, other than adding to the Democrats voting bloc and continuing the mob mentality that you already exhibited you are proficient at. Now, if you are not a criminal I want you to get to the back of the line behind everyone else who waited for a visa, came here legally, hired a lawyer, learned American history and sworn allegiance to this great nation. And only then am I interested in even talking to you about entering. I, for one, am sick and tired of the sense of entitlement that illegals have to enter this country then immediately...

...And Just Like That...

This Is A Direct Result Of Lunatic Ranting From Leftist Leaders...

Andrew Gillum’s Family Under Investigation For Engaging In Voter Fraud

Less than a year before gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum publicly denounced President Donald Trump’s efforts to investigate the threat of voter fraud, Gillum’s brother, Marcus Gillum, voted in the 2016 general election in Tallahassee, Florida while a resident of Chicago, Illinois.

According to Florida law, you must be a legal resident in Florida to vote in elections. Casting an illegal vote in Florida is a third-degree felony.

Andrew Gillum and his brother Marcus are close. Media reports indicate they have traveled together and attended sporting events together. Also, Marcus Gillum has been caught up in the FBI investigation involving possible corruption in Tallahassee, Florida.

Leon County voting records show Marcus Gillum voted by absentee in the 2012 general election, absentee in the 2014 primary election, and early voted in the 2016 general election.

But the trouble is, months before he cast that 2016 ballot in Florida, Marcus Gillum, in an affidavit for an unrelated court case, swore under oath he was a resident of Chicago.

Also, according to records, Marcus Gillum is still currently registered to vote in Leon County at a home that his brother, gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum, sold over three years ago. The Leon County Property Appraiser indicates that Andrew Gillum sold 5325 St. Ives Lane on February 27th, 2015.

Furthermore, Florida Department of Motor Vehicle records show that Marcus Gillum has not had a valid Florida drivers license since 2011.

Marcus Gillum has not returned repeated calls seeking comment.

This information was presented to Leon County Supervisor of Elections Mark Earley. “Based on this information I will initiate an investigation into potential voter ineligibility,” Earley said.

Earley also added that fraudulent voting is actually very difficult to prevent.

“It could be that (ineligible voters) consider Leon County to be their place of residence,” Earley said. “But the reality is until they notify us that...