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Monday, November 5, 2018

Final Florida Republican Voter's Guide For Tomorrow!

Vote Republican Straight Down The Line!

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Crime Or Safety?  VOTE TOMORROW!

Catwalk Cop Cars’ added in the NY-NJ Holland Tunnel

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Another Kavanaugh accuser admits to fabricating rape story

One of Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh’s accusers admitted this week that she made up her lurid tale of a backseat car rape, saying it “was a tactic” to try to derail the judge’s confirmation to the Supreme Court.

Sen. Charles E. Grassley, chairman of the Judiciary Committee revealed the fraud in a letter to the FBI and Justice Department Friday, asking them to prosecute Judy Munro-Leighton for lying to and obstructing Congress.

Mr. Grassley said Ms. Munro-Leighton is a left-wing activist who hijacked another “Jane Doe” anonymous report about a backseat rape and claimed it as her own story, calling it a “vicious assault.”

“I am Jane Doe from Oceanside CA — Kavanaugh raped me,” Ms. Munro-Leighton wrote in an Oct. 3 email claiming to have been a victim of the judge.

Mr. Grassley’s investigators tried to reach her for a month but were unsuccessful until this week, when they spoke to her by phone and she confessed that she was not the original Jane Doe, and “did that as a way to...

Your Guide To Leftist Political Violence:

What's at Stake when Bangladeshis Arrive at the U.S. Southwest Border, in a Migrant Caravan or Not

These Bangladeshi ISIS members were arrested in Singapore for planning to carry out bomb attacks
Out of President Donald Trump's suggestion that "unknown Middle Easterners" might be traveling with the Honduran migrant caravans came disclosures about other nationalities who were traveling either with the caravans or on the same U.S.-border-bound routes.

Univision reported that Bangladeshis were spotted moving northward in the migrant caravan alongside Central Americans. Because they hail from South Asia and not from the Middle East, their presence in the column was quickly brushed off as not technically supportive of the president's much-scorned claim that "unknown Middle Easterners" added an extra touch of risk to the migrant caravan.

But Bangladeshis add the same touch of risk all on their own, whether or not they're traveling in a big column or in small, smuggler-led groups. This is because their country is so highly trammeled with ISIS and al-Qaeda sympathizers, brooding members of a radical Islamist party now out of power, homegrown jihadists of various strands, mosques where extremism is preached, and returning foreign terrorist fighters with combat experience in Syria.

In 2010, one of two Bangladeshi migrants traveling together who reached the Mexico-Arizona border admitted to membership in a U.S.-designated terrorist group back home. He was deported while his partner applied for asylum and absconded without ever showing up for the hearing, according to a leaked Texas Department of Public Safety report.

The Muslim-majority country is regarded as so rife with Islamic extremists and violent ideology that its government has mounted a "zero tolerance" campaign to prevent it from becoming a terrorist safe haven, with U.S. backing. Certainly, that's good reason for uninterested Bangladeshis to leave for greener hills, even though the country's economy is booming.

On the other hand, for a receiving country like the United States, there's a serious risk in simply not knowingif hard core Islamist militants might be among the more than 650 Bangladeshis that Border Patrol Chief Jason Owens of the Laredo, Texas, sector told Fox News were apprehended in his area alone during 2017, or another 280 in the first part of 2018. Or any of the ones the Border Patrol rescued on October 30swimming the Rio Grande to Texas.

Remember, too, that terrorism is not just about murdering people, damaging property and sowing fear inside the United States. It is just as illegal and unpalatable to raise money in the United States to fund those activities in a home country.

Terrorism Presence in Bangladesh

Homeland security workers always feel a professional — and moral — obligation to find out who people really are when they're arriving at the Southwest border from countries like Bangladesh. Intelligence types who work, for instance, in the National Counterterrorism Center, Customs and Border Protection Office of Intelligence, the National Targeting Center, and DHS's Intelligence and Analysis want to know first what's going on in the home country, terrorism-wise. And it's not been looking good these days in Bangladesh, according to the U.S. State Department's most recent Country Reports on Terrorism, considering these takeaways from the September 2018 report:

How Is That Wall Coming Along?

If We Win On Tuesday, The Wall Will Be Fully Funded And Built.

Louis Farrakhan Chants ‘Death to America’ in Iran

Barack Obama And Calypso Louie
Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan led a chant of “Death to America!” on a solidarity visit to Iran this weekend, according to Iranian news sources. He also led a chant of “Death to Israel!”

Farrakhan visited Iran ahead of the renewal of U.S. sanctions against the regime at midnight on November 5. The renewed sanctions are the result of the American withdrawal from the agreement negotiated by the Obama administration, which purported to prevent Iran’s development of nuclear weapons but merely delated it.

The Algemeiner, a Jewish community newspaper based in the U.S., reported on Farrakhan’s visit, citing reports in the Iranian media.

The “semi-official state news agency” Mehr reported:
Louis Farrakhan made the remarks in a meeting with the Secretary of Iran’s Expediency Council Mohsen Rezaei in Tehran on Sunday, during which he also called the United States a big liar.
Farrakhan expressed happiness with his visit to Iran, saying the goal of his visit is to demonstrate real friendship with Iran.
Meanwhile, he said that the Americans have always been plotting against Iran and are seeking to create an internal enemy in Iran.
“I understand how the enemies have plotted against the Iranian people and I would like to stay alongside you to stop their plots,” he asserted.
Mehr also reported that Farrakhan criticized the U.S. alliance with Saudi Arabia and the U.S.-led war on the Ghadafi regime in Libya in 2011.

The Algemeiner also cited the IRIB news outlet, whose report is available through Google Translate. According to IRIB, Farrakhan delivered remarks to students at the University of Tehran:
Pointing to women’s freedoms in the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Muslim Muslim leader said: “In the Islamic Revolution of Iran, men are alongside women and women are free to reach the ultimate level of their talent.”

He said that the United States and Israel are one of the most feared countries in the Islamic Republic of Iran, and if we do not resist them, we will leave nothing but death and destruction for our children.
The Muslim leader of the United States, in the end, stressed: Make a promise of self-striving to strengthen the interest of Muslims.
He then spoke the phrase “Death to America” ​​in Farsi, and a number of students also accompanied him.
Video of Farrakhan’s appearance circulated on social media:

Here is video of @LouisFarrakhan in Iran saying “Death to Israel!” in Farsi with a smile on his face.
The Jerusalem Post also cited Farrakhan as comparing President Donald Trump to Satan during his Iran visit.

In 2005, the Congressional Black Caucus met with Farrakhan — whose racist and antisemitic views have been well known for decades. At that meeting, then-Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) interacted with Farrakhan and posed for a photograph with...

Will You Be Doomed To Live Under The Rule Of Fools?

Plato Wants You To Vote....

Student arrested, charged with battery after confrontation with College Republicans

  • Florida State University police arrested and charged a student who allegedly assaulted at least one College Republican at a tabling event.
  • The student, Shelby Anne Shoup, threw her drink on at least one College Republican member and kicked over a sign.

Police at a Florida university have arrested a student who allegedly assaulted at least one College Republican, according to a Friday announcement.

Florida State University police arrested FSU student Shelby Anne Shoup after the release of a viral video in which Shoup threw her drink at a College Republican and kicked over a Ron DeSantis campaign sign. 

“I hope you all realize that you are normalizing and enabling Nazis,” she said. “And you can film me, I don’t give a shit." Tweet This

The College Republicans tabled Tuesday to educate students about the importance of voting in the midterm elections when Shoup confronted them.

“You are supporting Nazis,” the student said. “Do you know that?”

“You’re supporting communism?” a bystander asked Shoup, pointing to a pin worn by the student, which appears to depict a sickle and hammer.

“Yeah, I fucking am,” Shoup responded. “Fuck you, man.”

“Don’t pour your coffee on me,” the bystander said.

“Fuck you, I will,” Shoup said, tossing the contents of her drink, which she subsequently claimed was chocolate milk, onto the bystander. “Fuck all of you.”

“I hope you all realize that you are normalizing and enabling Nazis. And you can film me, I don’t give a shit. Listen here: eleven of my people are fucking dead this weekend," she continued, referencing the Pittsburgh synagogue massacre.

"Two black people are dead in Kentucky because of fucking nationalist murderers that this normalizes," she added, referencing the Louisville Kroger store shooting.

Shoup kicked a sign promoting Fla. Republican gubernatorial candidate Ron DeSantis while leaving the scene.

FSU College Republicans Vice Membership Chair Daisy Judge commented on the incident to Campus Reform.

“While handing out Trump stickers to two students, I was brashly approached by two students insinuating that we were racists for...

ABC News Gives Dire Warning About Dem Plans If They Take House

ABC News has finally admitted what the Democrats will do if they win the House on Tuesday and it should serve as a rallying cry for Republicans to get out and vote.

George Stephanopoulos interviewed ABC Senior Congressional Correspondent Mary Bruce and asked her what would happen if Democrats wrest the House from Republicans.

Her answer is frightening.

“I want to talk now about the day after the election. I want to bring in our Chief Congressional Correspondent Mary Bruce for more on this. We don’t know what is going to happen Tuesday night, Mary, but Democrats hopeful they’ll take control of the House,” Stephanopoulos said.

“Talk about their plans if that happens,” he said.

Well, George, if Democrats do take the House, they are going to put the Trump administration under an intense microscope. They are likely to launch investigations into everything from conflicts of interests to the president’s tax returns and of course the issue of Russian collusion.
Democrats feel that this administration has been able to act unchecked, and that is likely to come to a screeching halt.
But there is a political risk here for Democrats. They’re going to have to show that they can legislate, not just investigate. So, first up, expect them to pass something to address the issue of corruption in government. Democrats are well aware that Americans are fed up with Washington. And they’re going to want to send a message that there’s a new sheriff here in town.

But if Republicans hold the House it would be another story entirely.
If Republicans hold the House then, George, you’re going to see more of the same. Congress will continue to act in the way that they have.

But there is no big push, no big rush of legislation at the ready; no immigration bill, no big tax plan standing in the wing here. While Republicans are running on these issues, there is no big legislative push right now, here to back all of that up.
There would also be a major fight to...