90 Miles From Tyranny

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Sunday, March 3, 2013

Release The Cargo....

Learn New Skills

In preparation of things to come...

The Instructions Are In Transit...

The Addict

Just say no America.

Energy Security For Peace And Prosperity

I have had this poster since I lifted it off of my University bulletin board in 1985.  It was such a prescient message then and has remained one all of these years since then.  This is a message that has always remained relevant and today, if we as a nation decide to get the testicular fortitude, the goal of energy independence is within our reach.  Let's get the keystone pipeline moving and refute the lies of the anti-frackers.  Let's do this America, let's roll!

Has The Sky Fallen Yet?

Democratic Luminary: Maxine Waters and Jay Leno Video

Morning Mistress

Neuroscience Meets Magic (video)

Neuroscientists Stephen Macknik and Susana Martinez-Conde observe master gentleman magician/pickpocket Apollo Robbins and explain how he uses the human brain against itself. The direction, and misdirection, of our brain’s attention tendencies are at the core of every great illusion.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Late Night Ladies

Lingerie Ladies