90 Miles From Tyranny

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Friday, November 8, 2013

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Late Night Funnies...

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Women With Weapons

Exposing Extremist...

Use It Or Lose It...

The Spin Doctors...

There Is Only One Thing That Is Sure In Life: THE I.R.S. .....

Graphic Art: Women With Weapons

More Hot Graphic Art HERE

Some SteamPunk HERE

Hot Anime Girls with Guns HERE

The Mean Mistreater

Mean mistreater, you make me cry,
You lay around, and watch me die.
Mean mistreater, can't you see I'm real?
Are you satisfied, with the way you feel?

The Evil Secret of Google Data Barges REVEALED!

Google's offshore data barges are evil.  Besides providing financial, technical and political support to a tyrannical world leader, Google now intends to contribute to ocean warming by injecting huge amounts of heat into the ocean. It is well known among data techies that the best way to generate heat is to assist the NSA in profiling likely purveyors of evil, like tea party members.  In fact, spying on tea party activists generates 57.896 more BTU's than for instance, spying on occupiers who spend most of their time picking lice from each other's hair.  In other words, spying on tea party activists is simply the most efficient way to generate heat and thus warm the oceans.

So why you ask, does Google want to warm the ocean?  The answer is clear: to blame it on the tea party. Everyone knows the tea party is evil, they support free markets and freedom of choice.  This is intolerable and it must be stopped.  Let the ocean warming begin.

Gump On Corrupt Politics...

Another Bump In The Road...