John C. Beale is an American hero. As an EPA senior policy advisor, John Beale was THE most effective employee the EPA has ever had. How many businesses did John Beale destroy? ZERO. How many regulations did John Beale introduce to make Americans less competitive? ZERO. John Beale was sentenced to 2 ½ years in prison for stealing nearly $900,000 in taxpayer funds.The U.S. Government actually put this hero in prison because he wasted less money than any government employee in modern times. This is exactly the wrong lesson to send to government employees.
John Beale worked for the EPA and he never showed up. Imagine how much money we could save if all EPA employees never showed up?
In 2 1/2 years when John Beale gets out of prison, I hope he goes to work for the IRS.
Read more about this hero HERE
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