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Friday, February 28, 2014

New York Man Says His Best Friend Was The Zodiac Killer..

Police have been on an exhaustive hunt for the Zodiac killer for more than 30 years.
They've checked out thousands of suspects and still get many tips every year about the true identity of the killer who terrorized California in the '60s.

And now, a New York man has come forward to say that his friend was the killer.

Randy Kenney told ABC 7 in San Francisco his best friend Louie Myers confessed to the murders and told Kenney not to go to police until after he was dead. Myers died in 2002.

The Zodiac killer is one of the most notorious serial killers in America, in part because he or she has never been caught and brought to justice. Police believe the killer — who inspired the thriller "Zodiac" — is responsible for five murders in northern California between 1966 and 1969. The killer sent letters to newspapers with threats about his next crimes.

The killer seemed to focus on murdering couples, and Kenney says his friend began his deadly spree after a relationship of his soured.

"It was over a girl [Myers] broke up with," Kenney said. "That's what the deal was with the couples."

Myers lived near San Francisco from 1965 to 1971, according to ABC. If the supposed confession is true, he would have been 17 years old when he started to commit the murders.

Watch Kenney's interview with ABC 7 below:

Kenney cited some connections that Myers had to the crimes. He says:

  • Myers attended two high schools in the Bay Area — Vallejo and Hogan. The first two Zodiac victims were a teenage couple. One of the teenagers went to Vellejo high, and the other went to Hogan.
  • Myers worked with another victim. He was a busboy and she was a waitress at the same restaurant.
  • Myers also worked at a military surplus store, and his father worked at a naval shipyard, so he would have had easy access to the type of military-style boot that left a print at another crime scene.
  • Myers was in the Army and was stationed in Germany from 1971 to 1973, and the Zodiac killer did not send any letters during that time.

Kenney said that Myers didn't know the cab driver who was another victim of the Zodiac killer, but that he was just trying to rob him for drug money.

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Watch here, then visit:

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