90 Miles From Tyranny

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Thursday, August 28, 2014

Dumb F*ck On A Duck.

Honorable Men..

United, They Are Strong..

Graphic Art - Women With Weapons

More Graphic Art HERE
There Are More Sexy Girls With Guns HERE

The Dream vs. The Scheme..

Smith And Wesson - Don't Leave Home Without It...

The UK's Disgraceful News Organization "The Guardian" Whitewashes Islamic Sexual Grooming Ring That Abused 1400 Children

You can read the entire article from "The Guardian" and not know this was another Muslim crime.

Rotherham abuse: report finds 1,400 children were victims
  • Abuse took place between 1997 and 2013
  • Report found failings in political leadership
  • Council leader Roger Stone stands down
One paragraph in the article states:

The report said: "By far the majority of perpetrators were described as Asian by victims." But, she said, councillors seemed to think is was a one-off problem they hoped would go away and "several staff described their nervousness about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought racist".

Asians. What does that make you think? I think of chinese or maybe Indians. But in the politically correct reporting in the UK this is the term they use for Muslims.

It was the Irish Statesman, Edmund Burke, who said:

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."  

The Guardian is complicit in the triumph of evil. By not identifying the perpetrators, The Guardian is an active participant in the evil that occured and allows this evil to lie in the shadows safe and ready to strike anew.

The Guardian bathes in the blood and tears of these victims of Islam and are as guilty as any of the perpetrators of these hideous, evil crimes against humanity. The Guardian is a willing and active participant on the bloodied altar of political correctness, the media sickness and the intellectual gangrene that has set in to the profligate liberal mindset intent on leaving behind the bloody entrails of factual dialogue and intellectual intercourse.

The Guardian should be ashamed of itself. If you have a strong stomach, you can read this filth below:

Morning Mistress

The Marquise Hudspeth case (video from all 3 angles)

Things Are Not Always As They Seem...

Hot Pick Of The Late Night - Legs Forever...

Vintage Smut

More Vintage Smut HERE

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Women With Bows And Arrows