90 Miles From Tyranny

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Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Monday, September 8, 2014

Girls With Guns

..So Help Me Golf..

We Are The Thought Criminals

In England, Great Britain, The UK, whatever the name you choose to use; The land where Orwell was born, They allow their children to be raped and their elderly to be beheaded in order to not be thought criminals. Shame on you England. This is your reward for the seeds you have sown. 

Perhaps your legacy will be to have shown what is left of Western Civilization what not to do. England is the land of my father's fathers, A once proud, conquering nation reduced to the slow rot of being consumed from within. I will mourn your passing from deep within my echoed genetic memories of you.

More Orwell HERE

Where Do They Require Valid ID's?

Hypocrite And Fraudster

Takeoff: F-14A Tomcat From USS America In The Indian Ocean

More Awesome Photos HERE

Establishment Republican Sighting...

More Amazing Animated Gifs HERE

Logic Puzzle: The Crash In The Steep Ravine..

A man was driving alone in his car when he spun off the road at high speed. He crashed through a fence and bounced down a steep ravine before the car plunged into a fast flowing river. As the car slowly settled in the river, the man realized that his arm was broken and that he could not release his seat belt and get out of the car. The car sank to the bottom of the river. He was trapped in the car. Rescuers arrived two hours later, yet they found him still in the river, but alive. How come?


How To Know When To Be Scared...

Monday Morning... Drink Extra Coffee..

Morning Mistress